Friday, February 25, 2005


Well, it happend. I finally snapped, went blitzwing and cleaned the majority of the house. I had been able to deal with it for the most part but wednesday night is when I cracked. In what could be described as an out of the ordinary event, a beiruit competition was held on a wednesday. At this event I did end up getting quite drunk but aside from that massive amounts of beer was spilt. On top of that, the wash bowels kept filling with massive amounts of grossness from the floor. Thus I cracked and if I wasn't so hungover and tired yesterday, I would likely have done it yesterday.

Today, after doing the dishes, wiping down the shelves, sweeping and then vacuuming, the house is for the most part clean. McM even pitched and cleaned the bathroom. (though I don't think he swept because the broom never left the kitchen).

The jitsu community here at Queen's will be expieriencing a special treat today. One of the higher level Dan's will be visting the club today. I have had the prilege of training under him on two seperate occasions and must say that it is quite a treat. One those occasions I was a yellow and the second time a green belt. I'm exicted to see what he might have in his hat now that I'm brown and am allowed to do all the cool stuff.

The OC--> Lesbian kisses, hot Kiersten and Summer kissing Seth spiderman style = fan-frekin-tastic. Booya!

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