Tuesday, May 20, 2008


This past week, I was fortunate enough to have another return visit to Ontario. Overall I had a fantastic time and managed to touch base with a lot of family and old friends. It was one of those trips that your sad to see end because you're having such a good time but had to end at some point. In regards to this, my Mom had asked me a day or two earlier if I was going to be sad when I left home. To this, I replied that I was but the thing was that I was going from one home to another. It was at this juncture that I realized that I had a couple places that I could really call home. There was Brampton home where I'd been born and raised. Then there was K-town where I made some of my closest friends and matured as a Jitsuka. And now there was Vancouver where I'd paved my own path and carved a niche of my own. They were all places where I could set my head, find familiar faces, get a bite to eat and rest my head to sleep with comfort. Real comfort though. The type that resonates in your body when that part of your brain knows its safe and warm.

It's not too often that, we as individuals find a comfort like this in even one location much less more than one. Just one more thing I suppose that I consider myself fortunate for having.

P.S. I just got a new tattoo. Also, I only have four minutes to save the world.

Friday, May 09, 2008

The itinerary for the trip home

This week T-Bone 1.5 returns home to re-visit his roots. The plans so far go as such. Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Trip Home:
Sunday: (Mother's Day) Helping Mom
Monday: Religious Function with Mom; Possible TO training?
Tuesday: Dinner with Nadine and Family
Wednesday: Visit Raesh and Co
Thursday: Dinner with Sally
Friday: Training with Alex Fairweather
Saturday: Hangout with MK and Mosie
Sunday: Back to Van 5pm