Friday, August 17, 2012

A beer enthusiast

A beer enthusiast is what I was called; That's what they use to call me and hence forth I will adopt this title as I write on. Due  an abundantly busy I have not had a good chance to sit down and write until now. Either that or I'm too lazy. Whichever the case, on with the following post!

Parallel 49 Seed Spitter

Location: Alibi Room
Serving Type: Sleeve
Rating: 3/5
Best Suited for: BBQs

After trying this beer at the VCBW beer festival and not finding it as favourable as I'd originally thought, I decided to give it another go. Now, while I did enjoy  this beer a little more the second time around, I still found there was something lacking about this beer. The nose on the beer had hints of sour apple and the taste a complimenting sour melon taste. Still, watermelon is usually a summer treat that always delivers and this beer didn't quite hit that bench mark.

Tariq Khan's English Porter

Location: Alibi Room Cask Ale
Serving Type: Pint
Rating: 5/5
Best Suited for: Social Sit Downs

I do believe this beer is the first perfect score I've given on this blog but this beer deserved it. The nose on this beer was malty and the following taste comprised of a perfect hops, caramel and malt barley. Since this was a cask ale, the body of the beer wasn't overly carbonated which made it quite easy to sip on. What a treat!

Green Flash Trippel

Location: Firefly
Serving Type: 650mL bottle
Rating: 2/5
Best Suited for: A beer tasting

Usually I adore belgian trippels and dubbels. In the refermenting process they seem to gain a higher level of excellence and delicious flavour. So imagine my excitement when this bottle crossed my path from Green Flash brewery out of San Diego. At initial glance this beer poured well with lots of head and a nice smell of bananas and citrus. The taste however failed in comparison to other trippels I've had in the past. Had more of beer and fruit juice taste which was a definite fail in this case.

Rogue Mocha Porter

Location: Firefly
Serving Type: 650mL bottle
Rating: 4/5
Best Suited for: Social Sit Downs

This beer poured nicely with little head and dark brown colour. The flavour on it was quite nice finding a  nice blend of flavour of coffee hints and stout beer. The dark chocolate taste on the end finished the flavour off quite nicely. Fair warning though; this beer does have coffee in it and it your not a coffee drinker, it will keep you buzzing.

Whister Brewing Company Pineapple Express

Location: Firefly
Serving Type: 650mL bottle
Rating: 3/5
Best Suited for: Served cold after activity

After seeing this beer on facebook, I searched beer vendors high and low for this sweet sounding beer. Before heading off for Summer Camp last weekend, I finally managed to get my hands on it and was excited at the prospect of finally trying it. Was it worth the wait? Sadly no. The nose on the beer was that of pineapple and in the undertone of flavour, one could make out the pineapple flavour. Still though, much like the trippel, it left something lacking. In it's defense though, I think it was unfairly judged since it was mildly cool and tasted after some dark ales. One it's own, I might give it a better score.

Russell 6.26 17th Anniversary Scotch Ale

Location: Firefly
Serving Type: 650mL bottle
Rating: 5/5
Best Suited for: Anytime

For the second time in this blog, a beer is given a perfect score. With a bit of oak a vanilla on the nose, this beer went down smoothly with hints of caramel and dried fruit. Highly recommended.