Saturday, June 14, 2008

Don't know when to say stop

And so today, I finally find myself on the cusp of rest. Rest that I have much needed for a long time now but have been unable to attain due to my desire to never 'lie in our graves' wondering if I had spent my living days well. I was suppose to have taken May off to mentally relax but that never happened. There was a spot at May's conclusion where I had about a week and a half off but found myself mentally occupied with sorting myself financially for the year and incorporating travel plans into that in regards to martial arts training for myself. Then came the week that I traveled home and didn't really sit down much in favour of either training or touching base with estranged faces. Upon my return to Van City, I worked a pretty grueling schedule paired a Calgary trip that has left me quite tuckered.

And so now, one month later, I sit doing absolutely nothing (well still doing stuff, but mostly nothing) and being okay with that as the batteries need a good recharging. Nothing also allows me to hold back financially as I've been working a little/lot ahead of my means and so now I can plan on how I'm going to pay for the things I do.

Sometimes I wish I had just %10 more stamina as that would have made all of this much much easier. At least I can say I lived when I'm alive and its now or never.