Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Frozen Yogurt

Well, I've caved and finally decided to have some of the frozen yogurt left over from when J-Bun came down this weekend. I suppose it was only a matter of time.

Speaking of the Bun, we had an excellent time this weekend. Made some delicious food, watched a couple movies, a little dawson's creek and some all around quality time.

Two things of note came up during the weekend that are somewhat significant. The first is that I learned, while not together with the Bun, there is another who makes it a point of flirting a little more than I'd like to hear about. Needless to say, I trust my lady, but its still slightly unsettling to hear such things, especially when I know the individual.

The other is that, stemming from the belief of my lady that there is some inherent goodness in me, I let some significant events of the past go and re-established a line of communication with Fish. In the end, I'm glad that I'm moving in this direction as people can't be persecuted forever.

Benjo is down from Calgary this weekend and as such I'll be down in Kingston and Ottawa for some massive training this weekend. Four days straight will make for some awesome times.

Today, after feeling like I'd made more progress in taking radiographs, I was reminded by my clinical instructor that I still have a long way to go. Stupid markers, stupid coning, stupid shielding. Thank goodness for jitsu retreats.

1 comment:

Julie said...

mmmmmmmmm frozen yogurt....

better be some left for next time I visit! ;)