Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Feeling Blah

With the holidays over and life returning to its normal state, things seem much more bland now. Everyone who was home for the holidays went home and the nostalgia from all the fun has somewhat worn off.

It's likely been the reason I havn't written that much in the blog as of late. School is that same non sense that it was when I left, I've OC'ed out myself after watching 34 episodes in a week and jitsu hasn't started. Cutting off good times, cold turkey sucks.

But Jitsu begins once again tommorrow which means its time to hit the mats again and let the good times roll. The holiday gave me time to recover physically and mentally from all the training put in going for brown. Now, being fully healed, it will make everything that much more fun.

Perhaps in the grand scheme of things, a little lag time is good. Time to think, time to heal and time to catch your breath.

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