Monday, July 03, 2006

Well I havn't posted in a while

But there comes a time for everything to end and thus, another post. Life had been pretty mundance for the last week or so. I had another injection of tiresome drama recently but I nipped that before the situation was allowed to piss me off. Code of the Bone; Keeps the Bone in check.

I've been e-baying the last of all my accumulated stuff over the past couple weeks. Not getting much for it but at least its going somewhere. Right now I have some comic lots going and am crossing my fingers to maybe get something decent for them.

We were given a four day weekend over the past couple days and I made good use out of it. On friday I watched a couple movies, called a couple places in Vancouver, went for a run and just did a lot of the small things that you don't get the time for when you're rushing through life.

I spent Friday night, Saturday and Sunday in Ottawa just spending time amongst friends and enjoying all of the festivities that were thrown out on Parliment. The highlight was by far on Saturday where I got to spend time with a large quantity of folks I had not seen in a while and just watch them laugh and cheer (mostly watching soccer). Somewhere in the back of my mind, these things seem to mean more to me these days as the actuality of leaving gets closer and closer.

The other cool thing that happend on saturday besides all the laughs and 28 shots of Yager, was that I was within 10 feet of two people I would have loved to meet under normal circumstances to talk but did not because I didn't know who they were at the time. At one point, the lead singer of the STARS (!!!) came up and started talking to my buddy Dash. Originally I thought they were high school friends so didn't interupt but when I saw him on stage I couldn't believe it. The other was Chandra Crawford who recently won a gold medal (and had it with her) at the Winter Olympics. In the end I got to say hi and got an autographed card but there are a million other things I would have loved to say to someone in her position.

Today, I watched She's the Man which is another nice little boy meets girl movie and Inside Man. Both were good. I also did some more little things that get skipped over. Hopefully all is going well in all other parts of the world where people are reading this.

Closing thoughts:
- Man was Saturday silly. I think the pinnacle of ridiculousness came when Dash would wish people a happy Canada Day and I would throw out random tidbits of history afterwards such as saying "1867, John A. MacDonald and Confederation."
- If you need furniture, I'm selling quite a bit
- Only 7 weeks left which is super wicked
- I'm going home next weekend for some much needed R and R. I might also have to put together plans for a deck. I'm not sure if my sister actually realizes how incompetent I am.
- It's a funny thing to once again find that helpless dreamer in you again. Obviously it's good, but most feelings have done a complete 180. People who I'd stopped talking to are the ones I long to here from but in cases where there was a fools hope, I've let those things go so I've got a clean slate. It's just an unpredicatable thing.

Current Song: Sarah McLachlan - When Somebody Loved Me
Current Mood: Nostalgic

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