Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Yesterday it was hot

I sit here on a Tuesday eating breakfast, hoping that today it will not be nearly as hot as yesterday. Usually the heat dosn't bother me as I have a heavy melatonin enrichment but yesterday I could definately feel every ounce of the heat and it was terrible at every moment. Thus I cross my fingers...

I spent the majority of the weekend hanging out with Giles at the Giles residence. We did most of the normal routine when the two of us were hanging out which included pleasant conversation, scotch enjoyment, lots of delicious food, some poker, a night out on the bar scene (which saw me spending too much) and other events.

We saw Pirates 2 which was decent. It wasn't as good as the first based on the lack of storyline continuity but was still good with some awesome visuals and an extremely hot Keira Knightly. The fight scene was definately well done as well. It'll be interesting to see the third.

This week I'm on the 4-12 shift which is good in terms of getting experience but you fade out of the social scene completely as your working when everyone is home. So goes life though.

I recieved another job offer randomly based on my workopolis resume for a position in Calgary. If there wasn't already a club out in Calgary, I'd consider it but since there is one already, it will likely become a passing thought.

Closing thoughts:
- When AC still puts out warm air, you know that it must be hot outside
- Packing up is going well. Still have to sell some major items though.
- Five more weeks.
- I'm cutting down the total that I'm lifting as I've decided I'm bigger than I'd like to be. We'll see how that goes.
- ' I can feel it everywhere, blowing with the winds of change'. Frenchy is a mountie in Halifax, Giles is in Vancouver and his parents are moving. The year is almost over and I'll find myself somewhere else soon. Change is a strange thing.

Current song: Stars - What I'm trying to Say
Current mood: Optimistic (moreso that it won't be crazy hot)

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