Monday, June 19, 2006

The future is real

Well, this will be a first for the blog as I am currently writing and posting from the hospital. Things are slow here and don't seem to be adding up to much. I attribute the slowness to people watching the hockey game tonight and not realy caring that much if they're sick or not. Heck even I wish I was watching the game and I don't even follow hockey that much.

While on exchange, I had quite a bit of time to think about my future plans as I didn't have access to a computer or tv and thus passed the time with quiet reflection. In that time I came up with a brief plan of everything I'd like to do up until about 2007.

There are about 9 weeks left here during my placement. In those ten weeks I've decided that:
- I'm going to put forth a huge push to get a lot of the little things done that are required for my logbook
- Use my time in (what can be considered for the most part) isolation to train as hard as I possibly can as I don't forsee this type of seclusion at any other junction in my life
- Trips: A couple home, Ottawa for canada day and perhaps a Road Trip for Mosie's b-day
- Try and convince people to come visit me in the Wall to avoid spending money travelling.
- A good year end close out with the hospital folk who have grown on me

After the end of those ten weeks my plans are a little more general:
- Moving home for a little while to study for the exam. I forsee this happening at the end of august
- Write my exam on the 19th (The Big One!!!)
- Cross Ontario Road Trip to say good bye to all the close friends I've made. Likely stops include Peterborough, Ottawa and Kingston. There will be jitsu involved and a normal quote of hijinks. This road trip will conclude with the sunday course in peterborough following the grading. Road trip buddies are welcome to join!
- Cross Canada Road Trip heading out west likely starting on the 27th and concluding on the 2nd of october. I'm also looking for any takers here who might be interested in seeing the sights of canada.
- From there start work, being paying back loans and work towards opening up a club out in the west by January 2006.

Closing Notes:
- I was watching the Shawshank Redemption last night and it reminded me of the fact that while a brighter and more prosperous future lies ahead, it will be tough for me to let go of all the little things I've gotten use to in my Ontario life. But I suppose that's half the adventure.
- It's a strange feeling for such a long standing dream to be close to attaining actuality.
- My mom and my sister returned from England and they brought me real Cadbury choclate! Sweet!
- I have endowed myself with a permanent reminder of the qualities which make life meaningful and have titled it the 'Code of the Bone'. Cheesy but necessary in my Creek like life.

Current Song: None (though I wish I was listening to Live - Love Shines)
Current Mood: Somber (I guess that's the way I'm always going to be when writing so I might take this part of my blog out)

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