Sunday, April 24, 2005

Updating my own damn blog

Well, that's the way it was put to my anyways.

Compared to calgary, this weekend was pretty tame. Friday I spent catching up on sleep. I had a two hour nap when I got back from class and that night I slept for 12H. It was quite the battle convincing myself to just go to bed as there is a desire to continue partying comming off the calgary trip, but knew it was necessary.

After quite the sleep, I felt like a delicious breakfast that morning. Upon examining what I had in the kitchen I decided that banana pancakes, bacon and eggs were in order. After a bit of breakfast magic I was chowing down on deliciousness. I finished off with a delicious coffee before starting some studying for a test I have on friday.

After about three hours of some semi-sucessful studying, I turned to making some a pot luck dish for a dinner I had been invited to later that night. Now I enjoy cooking but hate the amount of prep required for making some of the better dishes. Thus I picked a simple Jambalaya recipe that I came accross on the net.

It was a straight forward recipe and after about two and a half hours total, I had it ready. It was too hot to sample so I had to trust that I had made it properly. Turns out that it was in fact pretty good and thus for one day I was 'an extra-ordinary chef'.

After sprucing up I headed over to BPICgal's to rendez-vouz at which point we both left for the party. I was told I looked quite handsome which made me feel special.

The pot luck itself was pretty dissapointing. Nothing but salads and breads with the only main dish being mine at the time. Thus, my plate was mainly my jambalaya which turned out to be delicious. Thankfully, sometime later, some mini pizzas would show up and a lot later, some type of roast.

The party following that was pretty dismal. The promised bands did show up but it was a rather non-moving preformance aisde from the fact that the people there were all old and I didn't feel like talking to them. Thus my only alternative was to fire up the six beers I brought with J-Bun in an attempt to salvage what looked to be a failure in the making.

Thankfully, BPIC would show up a little later after returning from his boar hunting. Naturally he had a little magic in his pocket and a couple of us venutred upstairs to indulge in the magic show.

When we came back down there was some improv jams going on which was pretty cool. One guy had some pretty sick freestyles going on and one of BPIC's buds was pulling some mad notes on the drums. That went on for a little while until the 5-0 showed up with a nice fine for noise disturbance.

The party cooled off after that and J-Bun and I soon took off. We arrived back at the T-Bone palace for the end of the weekly beirut tourney. I kinda high and tired and wanted to go to bed but decided to be social and mingle.

Things were pretty normal until J-Bun got into a verbal scrap with Kickfiend. Under normal circumstances, he's a pretty cool guy but with likely 8-10 molsen kick's in him, things got slightly out of hand and ended with J-Bun getting slapped. At that point I stepped in and demanded an apology be made before things got too nutty. Thankfully the apology was quickly handed over and later a more meaningful apology was given to me. Molsen kick has been banned from tournies for this reason.

J-Bun and I retired after that figuring one slap was enough for the night. Once again, I slept pretty well.

Today has been mainly spent studying with a break for the gym. I got locked out again after forgetting my keys for the second time. That's life though.

Closing thoughts:
- Molsen Kick does strange things
- I've been told that a photo of BPIC and I giving each other a peck on the cheek is gay. The ladies seem to enjoy it though so I could care less.
- BPIC and BPICgal had some interest in me going out with a friend of their's (who hosted the potluck and party). There realy seems to be little in common between the two of us so I can't figure out why they thought it was a good idea.
- Pre-Drinking is a bad term. In theory this would be all the actions leading up to actual drinking if it was in fact pre-drinking. Thus it would be the warm up act of twisting caps and pouring drinks before they're consumed, right?
- I am a fantastic chef. Zouty Lagosy!
- Just close your eyes by Waterproof blonde is my song of the week

Waterproof Blonde - Just Clothes your eyes

Decieved by my eyes
in all I was told I should see
Opinions not mine
The person they taught me to be
One light in the dark
A vision of someone I knew
Then in the darkness
I saw a voice say I'm you

Inside me a light was turned on
Then I was alive

If you close your eyes
Your life, a naked truth revealed
Dreams you never lived and scars never heal
In the darkness light will take you to the other side
If I've been waiting there you'll see if you just close your eyes

Hearts uninspired
Trapped inside somebody's dream
Too close to the fire
Yet cold and so numb with the pain
The fever has broken
And the river has run to the sea
Washed to the ocean
And saved by your voice inside me

Inside me a light was turned on
then I was alive

If you close your eyes
your life a naked truth revealed
Dreams you never lived and scars never heal
In the darkness light will take you to the other side
If I've been waiting there you'll see if you just close your eyes

Never thought I would be here
So high in the air
this is my unanswered prayer
defined by another
so much wasted time
out of the darkness
each breath that I take will be mine

If you close your eyes
Your life, a naked truth revealed
Dreams you never lived and scars never heal
In the darkness light will take you to the other side
If I've been waiting there you'll see if you just close your eyes

If you just close your eyes

1 comment:

Drewjitsu said...

yeah, just today I saw that MolsOn Kick stuff. Alcohol and caffene? Holy shit, that's gotta be a bad mix.
