Sunday, January 13, 2008

Some day I'll be bigger than my body gives me credit for

This past Wednesday, a lot of the details surrounding the first Vancouver Jiu Jitsu club were put onto paper and thus the club as an existing entity became more official. At the point when this happened I was ecstatic but beyond that I felt as though a barrier into a whole new world of social maturation had disappeared. Its a growth area that I've always been aware of and is one of the reasons that I made the big jump when I did. There were points last year when I saw all of this fading away and me being left with half the dream of it coming true. Now that's its actually going to unfold it justifies all the persistence and sweat along with the despair that brought me to this point. Getting here has been a small victory and the first step in this new stage of growing. I'm very much looking forward to the rest of this journey and the man I'll encounter at each step of the way.

That and making more ridiculous videos.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Hey Kevin - Just wanted to stop in and see how things were going. Sounds like good things are happening for you. The new club must be very exciting. Glad to hear you've been able to spend some time getting your head into a place that feels good for you - I've done some of that work myself this past year. Take care.