Thursday, March 15, 2007

In recent weeks

Well, due to various items such as work, school, job interviews and facebook updates, there hasn't been that much time for blog posts. Thus, this post will summarize the last week as best possible.

So in truth, it's not half bad. It's a little busy at times with all the potential groups and different features but that's likely its appeal to the younger crowd and how it became so popular. I forsee myself likely getting into posting pics and making comments on peoples walls but that's about it. Time will tell depending on how much free time there is to play.

Dancin with RTs
I attended the RT fundraiser last friday and had a pretty good time. My initial goal of going was to meet people that I'd seen in the hospital and learn a bit about them so that when I saw them again, the exchanges would be more enjoyable. I threw this plan into motion and it panned out pretty well for the most part. As per usual, some people were pleasant, some not so much and the natural ratio of girls that thought I was hitting on them.
Things picked up a little bit when a few folk from the department showed up as they were ready to get down on the dance floor. Many drinks were had and much dancing was done. By the end of the night there were two items which I'd derived from the night; there are some wicked people in the department to hang out with and accordingly, some of them are very very attractive. ;O)

New Computer
For my B-day, I'm treating myself to a new computer and it's about time. My current model is a PIII 667 and is badly out of date. The new specs are:
- Antec Sonata II Black ATX 16IN Mid Tower Quiet Case
- Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 500GB
- OCZ Gold XTC PC2-6400 2GB
- EVGA Nforce 680I motherboard
- Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 Dual Core Processor
- BFG 7900 GT OC 256MB graphics card
It won't be a top of the line system, but decent none the less. Definately better than what I have now.

So no coffee date yet. Schedules conflict and we've both had a lot of things on the go. Those are the main excuses that go through my head to justify it not happening. In all truth, if she were to set down a time, I'd likely make my schedule conform to it. It's worth waiting on though and as such, I'll be patient.

Departure off nights delayed
My departure off nights had been dealyed by a month due to me covering people who are headed on vacation. In truth in sucks, but the payoff might be that I don't have to do nights ever again. It's also another month with shift premium pay which isn't so bad.

Jitsu Van
Working on it... slowly and methodically.

T-Bone turns 26 in two days!!! Nothing like a day where you celebrate yourself and drinking guinness.

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