Monday, March 12, 2007

The Facebook revolution

Gradually as the time passes ever forward and more people keep indirectly inviting me to facebook by inputting their e-mail list with me on it. There is also a few folk at work who keep pestering me and thus, likely tommorrow, I will register an account on facebook and join the hipper crowd.


Anonymous said...

I was once on facebook.

Earlier last year a friend of mine from the UK asked me to join so I did. I logged in once, went "uh huh", and then forgot about it for a long time. Then someone found me; then another person found me. Eventually I was invited to join a "group", or something.

That's when I closed my facebook account. It sucks. Don't join.

Anonymous said...

It kills time -- not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing in your books. Also, be wary of stalkers, 'cause they certainly do exist.

Drewjitsu said...

Facebook stalkers are the leading cause of pirate-related deaths in Canada.

The more you know!
