Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Doctrine of Zout

There have been a few incidents in the past few years in which issues arose that got on my nerves. Most of these smaller things that bothered me link back to general themes and ideologies which I have come to live by. In the following post, I'll just list a few of these items in an attempt the prevent kafuffles of any nature. As a disclaimer, most of these are just based on my opinions but have materialized over long periods of time and likely cannot be dissuaded.

Actions speak louder than words
There is a line in Batman Begins where he turns to Katie Holmes and says point blank, "It's not who I am inside, but what I do that defines me". That in turn is almost exactly what this entire paragraph entails. Too many times have I met empty words met with little action to back any of the statements up and thus they become hallow and meaningless. Its in the act of doing anything that meaning is given to what is being done. It requires one to invest time, effort and devotion to a specific goal and a great deal of each of these to see an action through than to say something. It will always be the do'ers that get my attention than the say'ers.
Eg. Saying Happy Birthday was a nice gesture but planning my surprise party and going so far as to contact my girlfriend (by then ex-girlfriend) to invite her speaks is irreplaceable.

Being drunk is not an excuse for anything
Pretty self explanatory. The world does not turn into some magical fairy tale when under the influence of alcohol and the rules of the real world still apply. If you get cut or bump your knee, it does not magically go away when one sober's up; it must heal just the same as if you'd hurt yourself with the influence of alcohol. If you do something stupid while drunk, own up and be responsible about it. Don't parry the blame.

There is a Dave Chappelle line for every situation
"Bang Bang" or "That was cold blooded!" or even "Run Bitch, run for your life!" are all very humurous line's and can be applied to a wide spectrum of situations. Watch Chappelle and learn the material. Is this a joke? No. The man has a very thorough understanding of social constructs and uses a wide variety of topics from racism to rap music in a very humurous manner. Aside from this, he runs (or ran, since the show is done) in a open forum manner, interacting with the audience to enhance all of these skits on the spot.

A logical argument is the strongest
I've often been accussed of thinking that I'm 'always right' whenever caught in a heated discussion. Now while, I'm positive that I'm not always right, the reasons I stick to whatever it is that I'm arguing is that under most cases, it's based on a string of logical progression. I take as many points as I can that are as close to factual as possible and try and string them together in an orderly manner until they come to a conclusion. If they don't flow in a purely logical manner, I'll default then to the utilitarian calculation (look it up) where pros and cons are evalutated against each other. If you want to prove that I'm not 'always right', ask me what my argument is based on, provide counter evidence and prove me wrong logically. It's the strongest argument.
Also, if I might add a little commentary to this point, if one is doing this in there head where they're analyzing the facts and comming up with a conclusion, that's fine even if it takes a while. It only becomes over analyzing when you go over the same points and come up with the same conclusion again. That's just a waste of time.

It's true that this post is more serious than my other random rediculousness, but I thought it was important to get this out though to prove that I'm just partial clown and not all clown. This is what gets posted when there are no crazy stories to post. Hopefully soon though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"A logical argument is the strongest"...yummy...that's what I like to hear...

I love law...really, I do.
