Thursday, March 16, 2006


...I was bound to get around to another post. It has been a warranted delay though in that I don't think I've stopped moving since my last post. Just my life these days though.

On thursday, it was one of the first normal day I'd had since the four days of jitsu madness. I actually felt alert and aware of what I was doing. This lated until about 2:30 when my body craped out and the rest of the work day was just fuzz. I still went to the gym that day because I'm silly and like to push my body further than it should go.

Friday was another typical day at the hospital, gathering lots of logbook cases and busting my ass for zero dollars. (One day I'll make money though.) I got home a little late if I remember correctly, after doing a case that ran overtime, which left me only an hour to get a snack, pack and be on my way.

Naturally this didn't happen and I ended up being late for the Queen's Sponsored throw and rushing in. This was never more apparent than the moment I was told that I was wearing my gi top on backwards. Thankfully I was teaching at the time and was able to give myself some time to readjust things accordingly.

The sponsored throw event proper was awesome. My body was still run down and I could definately feel it half way through but I still persevered until the end. I accredit my second burst of energy to the bandana which I dawned, drawing on the powers of Old School T-Bone.

That night, we hit the Brew Pub and discussed the importance of mojo, a ladder theory of the man/woman dynamic and other items like blackforest cake. As per usual, we closed the bar and then headed home to rest out bodies.

The next day I slept in til about noon and spend the rest of the day getting ready for my venture to Oakville to hang out with the man for his birthday. Things went pretty straight forward like and I would end up getting there at the designated time of 7:30, despite the crazy toronto traffic. Toronto drives me nuts and I think I will always detest going into the city based on traffic alone.

The party in Oakville was awesome and it was good to hang around all the K-town crew one more time. I took pride in the fact that I had come the furthest to celebrate MK turning 25 and I think he was glad to see that people cared enough to come from that far.

We would end up paryting until about 3am (if I remember correctly) with lots of booze flowing and grooves a plenty. Overall, another classic night. The drive home sucked but you gotta do what you gotta do for the people who make life special.

Monday to Yesterday (wednesday) was spent recovering (again) and studying for a test which I did pretty well on. I crashed when I got home though and napped for four hours. It was uber-stasis-lock.

This weekend will see me celebrating the ol quarter century in Kingston friday night and I'm sure the night promises some memorable moments. Especially knowing the way things happen in my life. After that, I need home for a rest.

Closing Thoughts:
- March continues along at a wickedly vicous pace. I should pace myself but won't because there's no fun in that
- It seems as though more people are aware of my blog than I knew of. Thus I'm refraining from making any more major social commenteries.
- Drinking on your b-day? Yes. Dancing on your b-day? Yes Please. Random Peglegs? Sure, why not?
- I can't take 24 anymore: First Edgar, then the Sean Astin character and then Tony. Tony!!!

Current Mood: Eager (for the b-day celeration)
Current Song: Cascada - Everytime we touch

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MOJO Activation is key!
