Sunday, December 18, 2005

Christmas Shopping

Before I begin this post, I must say that I just decided to have swiss chalet for dinner as oppose to Wendy's. The meal I purchased was just about the same price as I would have paid for a classic double combo with baked potato (cheese and brocolli). The conclusion I've come to was that this was the best decision I've made since yesterday. I love Wendy's to pieces but swiss chalet just hit the spot.

Yesterday, I spent most of the day x-mas shopping and overall was very satisfied with all my purchases which isn't always an easy thing to attain. Overall I think those who have gotten gifts and will get gifts from me will find them to be fitting and appropriate.

I've also spent some of this Kingston time visiting friends who I havn't seen. Yesterday, I made a long overdue visit to RA to see both him and his apartment. It was quite the quick one in retrospect but it was still nice and relaxing. Sparxx was in town today and I joined her for a little bit on the tail end of lunch and some shopping.

Tonight I'll be attending Montana's X-mas party as Mrs. Bun's Guest. Even though booze is free, I'm not quite sure if I'll drink a lot since I don't know a lot of people there and since I have to drive in the morning. I guess we'll just have to play it by ear.

Thursday, I'll be back in Kingston but I've got a full platter of things to that night and the next day. Giles is back in town, Mr. Bus has invited me to train with him, I've gotta visit Thumper's new pad and get the holiday thing done with the woman.

On the 23rd, I'll head home for about a week of relaxation. I'll be back on the 31st and 1st for new year's and will likely head to cornwall on the 2nd. Should be a good holiday overall.

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