Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A run of thoughts

Well let's see here; Radiography of the Stomach and Upper GI, Research Ethics, Cardiovascular, Duplication/Subtraction and introduction to health care. That's likely why my brain isn't working right now and always takes a while to recharge.

March is here and promises to be more interesting than last month. Provincials are this weekend (5th and 6th) and they're in Kingston! The following week (12th and 13th) is up in the air as there is either, the possibility of a Jitsu montreal trip, a jump to hamilton to celebrate a friend's b-day or just throw a huge party at my house for my own b-day. The weekend after that I'm going home to visit the familia and pick up the Griswolds at the airport. From there, there's the easter weekend and Queen's pre-gradings. Not to mention the actual grading on April 1st and then the Queen's Semi-Formal on the 10th. In summary:

March 2005
5th and 6th Provincials
9th Sponsored Throw
12th and 13th Montreal Road Trip/ Trip to Hamilton/ Giant Party???
18th Queen's Pre-Grading: Green and Above
Home for Rest / Griswold Pickup
23rd Queen's Pre-Grading: Orange and Below
April 2005
1st Queen's Grading
Feast - A - Mania for WM 21!!
9th Queen's Semi - Formal

Then there's school and regular training which in total amount to quite the mouthful. "Great Oden's Raven!"

Current Song: Andrew Llyod Webber - Wishing you were somehow here again

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