Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Friday - Not so Much

In retrospect Friday wasn't that eventful but it seemed long since I was a damaged unit. I woke up at 930 determined to make my last two classes. Thankfully at that point one of my classmates came online just as I was leaving letting me know that classes had been cancelled. That was the best news I'd recieved that morning and at that point I curled up into my bed in the fetal position and faded from time and space until about one in the afternoon.

Until Jitsu, I didn't do very much. I tried to get whatever food and liquid I could into me since there was the pre-grading that night but my stomach was on strike from the night before. I did manage to get some spaghetti down and had a delicious salad. Naturally, I was watching Anchorman special features in all of this. Such a brilliant movie.

Pre-grading rolled around and by the end of break falling I was ready to die. Thankfully there was some matsu (meditation break) where I regained control over my stomach and sucked it up for the rest of the event.

Afterwards, there was another dual party event which I needed to attend. At my place, the Beiruit invitational was being held and at Jumpy's he was holding that last party ever at his house. The latter was also a celebration for ActionGal's b-day. It was quite the struggle gettnig away from the Beiruit invitational as everyone was still wishing me a happy birthday and asking about how my night was.

Eventually, I made it to Jumpy's place along with Thumper, acquired some delicious food at A and P and settled into the night there. I brought a few beers but they all went down pretty slowly as my stomach had now gone on strike for both thursday night and a pre-grading. I still managed to have a few quality conversations with a few individuals who I hadn't seen in a while so the night still had its ups. Though, it seemed like I was chasing my new hat down for the duration of the night. It got more attention than I did. I'm gonna have to start taking a fee for renting that thing out.

Though I didn't want to leave Jumpy's, I still had to make it back to the Beiruit invitational and thus left at about 130am. Upon arriving home, I did a bit of socializing before my body decided to shut down and resolve the strike. Sometimes I wish I had unlimited stamina.

Then there's the weekend...

On a bit of an aside, I am now recruiting legions for the Z-unit army. So far there is:
Me - Two Quarter
Thumper - ThumpDaddy
Jumpy - StuDiddy

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