Monday, March 07, 2005

The end to an awesome weekend

This past weekend was one of the best and most eventful weekends I've had in my entire life. Thus, I'm going to make this a multi-part blog entry chronicalling each day from friday to sunday.

Friday morning started off in the normal manner with school and what not. Pretty mundane stuff as per usual. We had a test that morning that went realy well and got 95% percent on. From there on in, I completely zoned out til I got back home. From there I decided to send Thumper another e-mail to see if I could pursuade him to come to montreal.

This was the second in a line where the subject was that "The T-Bone guy is spreading rumours about you". The first rumour was that T-Bone was going to attempt to guilt Thumper into comming to Montreal by reminding him it was T-Bone's b-day and that it would be his last Road Trip with the Queen's club. This second (and more hilarious) one was that T-Bone was being even worse and threatening to call him a 'doo-doo head' and 'kindergarden baby' if he did not come. The e-mails were half in jest and half serious. I selfishly wanted him to come to Montreal but not at any personal expense and think that the e-mails said that well. I think he realized that and it came into play later.

The rest of the day was spent trying to get work done since none would get done during the week. This worked for two hours at which point my brain shut down and asked for a break. This worked out well as the furnace repairman came by to fix what we thought at the time was a broken furnace. He came in, went downstairs and proceeded to start his diagnosis. The first thing that came out of his mouth was "wow!" which made me say "hu-what?". Apparently, out furnace is so old that it didn't even have a time stamp but instead a model number which told him that our machine was from 1968!!!!!!!!

He then proceeded to further tell me that there were a whole bunch of things wrong with it (busted heat exchanger, crippled motor, worn out belt) and that all this stuff was causing carbon monoxide emission! Carbon Monoxide?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Great Oden's Raven! Thus, I was told that the gas needed to be shut off immediately and the furnace needed to be replaced (because they can't get parts from 1968). Thus I needed to call in McM, so he could call in his parents to handle the situation (they own the house). He arrived home, got the synopsis and proceeded to call his parents, who were on vacation in Mexico. Now up until this point, we'd had a borken furnace, and $85 service fee and needed to get space heaters to warm the house. After speaking with McM's dad, the fee was waived, we had a new furnace and the sales representative was going to stop by and bring us space heaters. Amazing!!! No other could take care of things that well and that fast. Too bad we've had to run space heaters for five days. Ughhhhhh.

Thumper, BPIC and I arrived before the session early as it was Anders b-day and we wanted to pick out some good throws to thump him with. Upon meeting with them, I told BPIC about the e-mails and he laughed. When Thumper walked in, he asked him if he'd heard 'what that T-Bone guy had been saying?' to which Thumper answered in jest that he'd lay him out if he found out it was true. We all laughed.

Three hour session rolled by and we thumped Anders good. You can view the video on my website. After the session I had a chance to talk to Thumper about the likelyhood of him comming to Montreal and he said if he was going to Calgary he realy couldn't make it due to many commitments which was fair. I was slightly bummed but figured it was only one trip. From there I rolled home as McM said our buddies were stopping by later that night. After struggling to make Dinner and have a shower (because I was tired), I joined into the festivites with RA and McM. We watched our bible, Anchorman and jested for a few. Our buddies eventually came by for all of 10 mins before going to the Nog. I would have gone but didn't want to spend money and needed sleep before a weekend course and thus I retired. However, we did make plans for saturday night. A saturday that would turn out to be even wackier than friday.

1 comment:

-Matt said...

I was way too incredibly drunk on Friday. Jesus christ!