Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Hulkamania will live forever

This Saturday, leading into the greatest extravaganza in sports entertainment, will mark the date that the Hulkster will be inducted into the WWE hall of fame,

Surely, everyone in some way or another knew of Hulk Hogan and no one will ever forger the his "commandments" to train hard, eat your vitamins, say your prayers and the fourth, to believe in yourself.

To commorate this event, I am posting the harder to find version of Hulk's theme before it was even his. Enjoy while remembering that the true power lies in the 24 inch pythons and that Hulkamania will live forever.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

The second weekend home

After, about a five hour ride home, I arrived to a nice little Wendy's dinner but lots of noise as family was over from New York. Now, for those who havn't heard my stories, my family is ghetto and things tend to get loud when everyone gets together. This was no exception. I managed to be okay with it though as I had my delicious Wendy's and would only have to put up with it for a few days.

The next day was filled with lots of cleaning and preparing for a church ceremony for my grandmother the next day. I tried to study but gave up on that after thirty minutes based on all the noise and pieces of work that needed to be done. I had also downloaded Knights of the Republic 2 which also kept me busy. That was my friday. I was awoken that night pretty spontaineously as more family showed up and it was decided that I was losing my bed. That was great.... nope. To top that, my second bed option was a not so comfortable two seater love seat. How nice.

I awoke the next day to more excessive noise from the kitchen as people got things ready for church. I felt terrible as not only did I sleep poorly but was feeling the effects of the vegeterian diet.

During religious occasions, no meat/eggs is allowed to be cooked or eaten in the house. Who knows why? It seems pretty non-sensical to me. But I follow anyways at the request of my mother. I wasn't aware that this was going to be the rule as no one told me and was not sufficiently prepared (with protein bars/beans/iron suppliments) so I had nothing.

From there we all suited up and went to church. Initially, as with most church visits, I wasn't in the mood to be there but as time passed, I saw how much my grandmother was enjoying it as well as having all her family there and started to enjoy it myself.

The pandit also went into some of the scripture translation which is nice because he takes hindi translations which mean nothing to me and translates them in english for everyone. Overall its a nice reminder of the positive ways to live life and the simplicities in life which we all take for granted.

Church ended an we all came home. I played some more Knights of the Republic while the family mingled in their usual manner. Later that night, a few of us younger folk sneaked out to Denny's to get some good ol Vitamin M in us. Instant satisfaction.

This morning (sunday) some of my mom's sisters left back to New York. I was sad to see them go because I know my grandmother enjoy's having here daughters around and part of the fun (which she rarely gets to have) was gone. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.

Monday to Thursday

Nothing much to report here. I spent those four days catching up on sleep and studying my ass off for a test and case study on thursday as well as a little bit of Jitsu teaching. Thankfully everything went pretty well which is good. At that point it was time for another trip home to celebrate my grandmother's b-day.

Sunday - Griswold mission

At about 4 in the morning, I awoke to my cell phone ringing. It must have been ringing a while because the battery almost went dead. I did eventually wake up to answer and was McM to say that his parents flight had been pushed from arriving at 6:09 to 2:47. I thought that was pretty sweet which meant I could sleep in a bit more. However I was wrong. My dad showed up twice to wake me up at 4:30 and 5:00 to wake me up thinking their flight was still arriving at 6:09. Grrrrrrr. I think those lost two hours were the nice restful kind where you get your good sleep because I could feel the 'blah' the next day.

I got to the Airport early to make sure I was there on time and take into consideration idiot time because I'm an idiot when it comes to following directions properly. Somehow, my idiot reflexes went away as I found the arrival deck pretty quickly. However, we didn't quite leave at that point.

Turns out they'd been put through hell the previous night which had caused the flight delay and Mr. K wanted to file a complaint which was warrented. However, during his complaint time I had to listen to Mrs. K about every minute of their ordeal. Don't get me wrong in that I felt bad for them, but I didn't need a detailed novel about every last second from last night to their arrival. Everyone goes through rough times, but my view is that you should suck it up unless you're asked about it. Thankfully, Mr. K called her in to give a report with the Air Canada supervisor.

After that I went to pick up the van, bring it around and get the Griswold's all packed up. The ride back was the opposite of the ride down for the initial half. I had to turn down the music volume to less that a whisper, McM's sister complain about the hot and then cold fluctuations and then a never ending dinner debate. Eventually Mr.K, being the stand up guy that he is, put his foot down and decided on a little diner off the highway. From there things went a bit smoother. Everyone fell asleep and I was able to turn the music up a little to pass the time.

We arrived back to K-town at about 9pm if my memory serves me correctly and at that point I was done. McM showed up and after a little bit of social exchange with the familia about their trip, we were on our way back to downtown home. I was definately glad to be home. I had a shower and just sat down for what I thought was to be a little downtime. Nope!

Naturally as soon as I get home, everyone decides that they want to get into discussions about the state of affairs of our relationships. I got a little snickity after the crazyness of the day aside form the fact that it seemed to be the same argument I always have with both parties. Needless to say, I wasn't in the mood for it at the time and just shot back as oppose to playing the peacekeeper, which I often do.

From on trip home to another

Well its been one long blur week. Strange thing is that it realy involved no alcohol or distortion causing substances (like Nyquil which will knock you out). Upon waking up last saturday I found myself sufficiently refreshed to make a drive home. I proceeded to get a few things in order to head home for the day and settle up for breakfast. I was too lazy to actually string anything together in the mess that laid remaining from the beiruit invitational, so I decided to end my McDonalds abstinance and just get breakfast there. Matty McMatt was MIA until I got to McDonalds at which point he called and I decided to delay my trip by thirty minutes or so to see if he was in any functional capacity (He has tendency to eat at the Golden King when he's drunk and hate himself the next day). Thankfully there was no golden king but he didn't look like he was in the best shape. Thus I made sure he had some water and then put on Anchorman so he could laugh his way through the pain.

The drive home was pretty relaxing. The three hours just flew by as I had the Phantom OST and Amanda Marshall playin'. No one was present when I got home, so I decided to go shopping at Future Shop. This wasn't one of the best judgements I had made, as it turned into a $150 dollar DVD binge. I was only planning on getting Anchorman, but then saw the Ric Flair DVD set as well as the Eddy Guererro DVD set at FutureShop. In the back of my mind, I said to myself that I realy couldn't get all three. But somewhere else it said shut up and just buy. Thus I did. However, it didn't end there. The same part that said shut up said that I needed the Chris Benoit DVD so I ventured to Best Buy (accross the street) too see if they had it. They did and thus after the hour I had four dvd sets which totalled $150. Man, I have expensive birthday habbits.

Someone was home when I tried again which thankfully ended my birthday shopping. FOr the next little bit, I took care of small items like T4 slips and reading old mail I'd picked up from 94 Division. Turns out there was a $80 cheque there with vacation pay from the now defunct Allie Lou's. Sweet!

My parents, my sister, her boyfriend and myself all went out for dinner at that point. We tried a place called Baton Rouge but it was quite busy so we settled on AppleBee's. I had a Mesquite Steak which was very delicious. I also had an Apple Crisp which was also delicious. I was pretty stuffed at that point. When I got home I just lay there for a little while and went to bed early since I had to pick up the Kirkey's from the Airport in the morning. Then came the next day...

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Friday - Not so Much

In retrospect Friday wasn't that eventful but it seemed long since I was a damaged unit. I woke up at 930 determined to make my last two classes. Thankfully at that point one of my classmates came online just as I was leaving letting me know that classes had been cancelled. That was the best news I'd recieved that morning and at that point I curled up into my bed in the fetal position and faded from time and space until about one in the afternoon.

Until Jitsu, I didn't do very much. I tried to get whatever food and liquid I could into me since there was the pre-grading that night but my stomach was on strike from the night before. I did manage to get some spaghetti down and had a delicious salad. Naturally, I was watching Anchorman special features in all of this. Such a brilliant movie.

Pre-grading rolled around and by the end of break falling I was ready to die. Thankfully there was some matsu (meditation break) where I regained control over my stomach and sucked it up for the rest of the event.

Afterwards, there was another dual party event which I needed to attend. At my place, the Beiruit invitational was being held and at Jumpy's he was holding that last party ever at his house. The latter was also a celebration for ActionGal's b-day. It was quite the struggle gettnig away from the Beiruit invitational as everyone was still wishing me a happy birthday and asking about how my night was.

Eventually, I made it to Jumpy's place along with Thumper, acquired some delicious food at A and P and settled into the night there. I brought a few beers but they all went down pretty slowly as my stomach had now gone on strike for both thursday night and a pre-grading. I still managed to have a few quality conversations with a few individuals who I hadn't seen in a while so the night still had its ups. Though, it seemed like I was chasing my new hat down for the duration of the night. It got more attention than I did. I'm gonna have to start taking a fee for renting that thing out.

Though I didn't want to leave Jumpy's, I still had to make it back to the Beiruit invitational and thus left at about 130am. Upon arriving home, I did a bit of socializing before my body decided to shut down and resolve the strike. Sometimes I wish I had unlimited stamina.

Then there's the weekend...

On a bit of an aside, I am now recruiting legions for the Z-unit army. So far there is:
Me - Two Quarter
Thumper - ThumpDaddy
Jumpy - StuDiddy

Monday, March 21, 2005

The deal since thursday

The last couple of days have been busy to say the least.

I last left of with a statement that we were approaching the Zoutival and it promised to be a helluva good time. Needless to say Zout made good on that promise. After staying in class to finish an assignment til about 3 pm, I headed home with dreams of making it to the gym, showering and heading out to Alfie's for a Pint and their showing of the U2 concert. None of that realy happend other than the shower part (thankfully) as I just vegged for about 2 hours talking to people who had messaged me to wish me a happy birthday. After the shower though, McM and Overcast took me out to dinner at Stooley's. I had a T-U-Wanna burger which was fantastic as well as a caesar salad. Because I took so long to shower and pretty myself, we were slightly running behind the time people were invited to come over. Needless to say, a few phone calls were recieved in regards to where we were. Our excuse is that there was a five minute problem with the door which required us to use a Trident. A fitting excuse.

At about 8pm, things got underway. The beiruit table was erected and Anchorman was slipped into the DVD player. Between a little "That's two Bitches!" and "Heyo!" a few drinks were consumed. At about 1030ish, Actiongal, BPIC and gal, showed up with guiness and muffins. An unbeatable combination. As the night progressed, people got drunker, I ended up smoking some type of plant covered wrapping and McM got himself into a verbal confrontation (which didn't go over well). Thus as we proceeded to the Peel Pub, he stayed home. I've since come to understand that both parties went at it and pushed each others buttons so I've concluded both were in the wrong. At the bar, I skulled a guiness, took a few random shots down and got yelled at by an off duty server for drunkenly going through jackets (on a pool table) when someone had come by earlier looking for a lost digital camera. I guess I figured I was Jacques Cousteau and could dive deep enough to find something lost.

After heading home (with some help) I proceeded to puke my gusts out about three times with the last round having a bonus tumble on my way to the washroom. By this time I knew I was in for a rough morning.

Friday to follow.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

"On a day like today, you never want to see the sun go down"

Ezekiel 25:17: 'The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides with the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon those with great vengeance and with furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know that my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.'

A bible passage from me? Strange I know but it seems quite appropriate on my birthday. Aside from that, I'm stealing this from pulp fiction, so don't look for me to start dishing out bible versus like a bible Thumper.

I woke up this morning in quite the joyous of moods. Obviously it was my b-day and I was going to be treated like the Papa Zout, but what slowly set in is how many people take the time to remember you on days when you'd think you were the last person on their mind. Within about half an hour of walking up, I recieved about a half dozen or so b-day wishes, some from people I didn't expect to hear from at all all with a little something personal to say. I would have like to have stayed and talked (MSN) to all of them but needed to be off to school. Needless to say I was happy to hear a kind word.

And so, it just played in my head over and over again that I'm a pretty fortunate guy to be in the position I'm in. I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the finest individuals and aside from that, know that they would hold me close to them. Now, don't misunderstand and think that I think lowly of myself because that's not the case. My point is simply that all you can ever leave in this world is a smile on people's faces and warm spot of people's heart. Everyone messaging me today is almost a reminder of how many places you've done that and no matter how many times you mess up, say something dumb or just make a fool of yourself, they're still willing to look at you with the same fondness.

Those close people are the ones who sheppard me through life and they're is nothing more special than that. It is the single most important thing that you can get in life and it's nice to to have so much of it in my life. To those, who on a regular basis, greet me with a smile and shake my hand, I'd like to say thank you for without you I wouldn't be the man I am today.

So, I suppose I'd leave off by saying that gifts are always welcome. I love money. I love beer. I love kisses. They're all good on my terms. But you can't outdo what you've already done and that is believe in you're average brown man on his journey called life.

"You stay classy Planet Earth"

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

It's almost time for a Zoutival

Things are going my way which is wicked sweet. McM made a fantastic meal last night. The dish itself was a pork casserole but the ingredients must have been magic because the meal was delicious.

On the way to class this morning, I found five dollars sitting on the sidewalk. I picked it up and looked around to see if anyone had dropped it but there were likely 30 or so people around so I figured I'd keep it seeing as though I couldn't interview every person. I felt slightly bad that I was just pocketing the money but in a fitting twist, there was a cover your crest about one bock down and decided to donate the money to them. I figured whoever lost it would rather see the money go to a good cause then a beer in my hand.

But, the even better news Ladies and Gentlemen, is that Zoutival is almost upon us and promises to be a hipla and possible even a hoopla. Events will likely include a pre beer at some bar at about 5ish. At this point I will likely be returning home to dinner it up and spruce myself for the Zoutival.

Then it's beiruit time at about 8ish. Hitting a bar at perhaps 11ish then ritzing the dance floor after the bar. It's gonna be a smashing good time.

Happy St. Zouty's Day!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

"Look to the sky, its written in the stars"

Quite the simple and nice line. Anyone who manages to name the song it's from will earn Zouty points from Papa Zout.

Today has been mainly filled with a lot of fun filled work since I did a whole lot of nothing yesterday but work on the music video (which you've hopefully watched). Got an assignment done and am studying for a test tommorrow. Boo to tests.

The good part is that after tommorrow it's clear sailing until Thursday B-day Thursday! I'm pretty excited about it as it is gonna good times full of Anchorman quotes and insane hijinks. The attendee list so far is:

-Myself (Papa Zout)
-(Your name here. It could be you)

A nice little rounded group which is just what the doctor ordered. I do believe the tentative schedule will be something in the lines of starting at the 439, moving to a Bar for some green beers and then possibly hitting some form of dance establishment. We will have to see. Either way, I'm looking forward to it.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Playing Catchup

This weekend was suppose to be a huge party weekend but instead of doing this I decided to be responsible and catch up on work and sleep. The day started off pretty well with a fair amount of sleeping in and a good breakfast but, as you may gather from my tone, went downhill after that.

While sorting through my notes and piecing together what I needed to do today, I decided to briefly see what kind of footage I got from the sponsored throw last night. As I was going through this, I had some pretty upbeat music going and the next thing I knew I had spent three or four hours working on a sponsored throw music video.

Thus, for the benefit of those who love jitsu and those who have no clue what jitsu looks like, I present the T-Bone sponsored throw music video for 2005:

Sponsored throw video 2005

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Score one more for me

I'm not sure why I picked that title. Just a line in a John Mayer song which happend to play.

Sunday was another full filled jitsu day which I cursed myself every moment for drinking my face off, getting five hours of sleep and only having a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I'm definately glad High Cheif decided to take it easy on us sunday.

The day closed off with a little bit of movie and brownie action and BPIC's place. I found out that if you layer brownies to thickly it won't cook as fast and thus shouldn't use a cake pan. Thus it was decided to take mouthfuls of brownie batter and nuke it in the microwave. It was a very interesting little concocktion. Tasty but hot as well. We'll have to do it several more times.

Monday I found out that the test after my b-day was cancelled which was awesome! Something else happend that day which was awesome but I can't remember.

Tuesday was one hell of a day. Me and Fish finally had it out and though the outcome wasn't the ideal way to leave things, it was better than when we started. While walking to class on wednesday, an old HBK line kept ringing in my ears when he said "I've done what I had to do, but lost what I need to have". When dealing with Sparxx I'd put up with a lot of nonsense because I never realy considered myself that much. This time I actually put myself first. I was upset at the way things transpired and held my place regardless of what was put my way. Unfortunately, I think that sweet subtle gentleness that we had was lost. Though I havn't ruled it gone, just on vacation.

This one was tangled, simply put. There was no easy piece of reason to solve this and I know because I searched pretty hard. I'm not a fan of this because I've always contended that their should be easy answers or perhaps I'm not a fan because the easy answer is not one I'm willing to accept. Either way, its ripping a hole in my right now. Time hopefully holds an answer.

It's a week until my b-day and I get the feeling it's gonna be off the hook. It's thursday, it's St. Patty's Day and there is no test the next day. Sweet! Until then, I head to the gym to clear my head as its my one sanctuary aside from Jitsu.

Lesson to learn... go to the gym.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


I can only begin by saying that saturday could quite easily be one of the best days of my life. I knew that it was gonna be one of those weekends that stand out based on the fact that all my friends were in town but never in my wildest dreams would I imagine what awaited me.

I awoke saturday morning at about 9ish thinking that I had to get to the course. Upon making the realization that the course was in our hometown this time (and wouldn't have to drive two hours to another town) I could sleep in. However, my sleeping in was brought to an abrubt halt when I heard a pounding on my door about 30 mins later. It turned out to be Je-Pat who came to our house to poop and use the shower. He was suppose to stay over friday night and was entitled to this so it was alright by me.

I decided since I was up, I might as well get a start on the day and my first task was decided for me based on the absolute disaster zone that my family room had become. There was beer spilt everywhere, bottles all over the place and ice melting on the kitchen floor. Since I knew McM would likely be out cold for a while I decided to give him a hand and clean up the funk. Three 24s later and a whole role of paper towel, the house was partially clean. It's as much as I could do before my tummy called for breakfast. After a bowl of cereal and an orange I started to pack the Gi and get ready for the five hour mash-a-thon.

It was then that I got a call to go to Morrison's for breakfast. I thought to myself that a second breakfast would be fine since the course was an hour or so away. I ordered quite the meal and even though it was full, I was fine and dandy when the course actually rolled around. Man, it was one helluva good time and crazy whooping. I suppose the only downside was that two people got hurt.

I arrived home to shower and clean myself up and make myself pretty for the bar. After getting a call from Mosie about tentative plans for the night, Thumper and I took off for the bar. Upon getting to the bar, I realized I had no money in my wallet and thus needed to head to the banking machine. After convincing Jumpy to head to a bank machine with me, I was on my way. What was awaiting me completely unreal. There was only one of three machines in operation and the man at the machine was some old piss drunk codger (who I think pissed himself) passing out on the machine complaining that the machine screwed him of his money. Just my gawd damn luck! After waiting there for about 15 minutes, one of his more sober friends came by to help him finish his transaction and be on his way. I was ready to shoot someone at this point so thankfully he finished.

After finally arriving at the bar, I sat down to have a delicous Steak dinner which was off the charts. Apparently the chef didn't believe in pre cut steaks so he cuts them fresh of the shank when they're ordered and the deliciuosness was quite evident. Upon finishing dinner I decided to cut into the drinks and start socializing. What happend next would be something I'd never forget for the rest of my life.

I was sitting chatting with Robden and his gal when I was called over by BPIC to a table where Thumper was sitting with High Chief. While walking over I was thinking to myself that they were probably just going to ask me if I was going to teach BPIC's club while they were in calgary. As I sat down, High Chief gave me one of his sinister smiles which always says "You're gonna love this." At this point I was almost certain that they were going to ask me to teach. However, the conversation went as such:

High Chief: (Laughs)
Thumper: T-Bone! What are you doing the 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th?
Myself: Nothing much, why?
Thumper: Well there is a calgary trip as you know and we think you should come.

Thinking this was a way to get out of the montreal trip I fired back:

Myself: Oh no. You're not getting out of montreal that easy. And I've already told you that I can't come to Calgary on account of finances. So you're comming to Montreal!

Thumper: (Pause and look at High Chief) Well... what if I said the expenses of the flight were covered?

Myself: (Pause) (Blink) (Pause) Oh no. I can't let you do that. I might have called you a doo doo head and kindergarden baby, but only wanted you to come to montreal, not this. No way.

Thumper: Well, you're too late as it already been done. BPIC booked the ticket last night.

Myself: (Long Pause)

Thumper: So needless to say now I can't afford to come to montreal. And besides, it wouldn't be the same without you.

I realy couldn't form any more words at that point. No one, save for my parents, had ever done anything that nice for me in my entire life. I was just a stunned bunny at that point. [I will add here, that I love the three of you for putting this together for me. Nothing could mean more to me than to take money out of your pocket, just to have me there. Thank you].

After hugging everyone for a solid two or three minutes, I proceeded back to socialize. I was having trouble gaining my composure for a good half and hour though. Eventually I would get it back and proceed to celebrate with the b-day boy. A shot here, a car bomb there and I was on my way.

I awaited for my university buddies to get in touch with me for about an hour or so but would never get that call. Thus it was time to take matters into my own hands. I decided to go to one of the possible mentioned destinations, the elixer, at about 1 am. Thankfully I ran into an acquaintance who knew most of my friends and thus confirmed that I was in the right spot. I paid my $5, chastized Mosie for not calling me and then proceeded to dance it up. It might entertain you to know that someone tried to pick a fight with me because I wouldn't let him randomly dance with one girl who was hanging out with the crowd. However, I managed to avoid that situation. The night winded down with us heading out leaving Mosie to hang out with DQ5000 which was a fitting punishment for not calling. [I don't like DQ5000 because she has done nothing but be a bitch to my best friend and ate pizza that I bought for her only to insult me after without thanking me. I wish I had more phone books].

The night concluded with some of us heading to Denny's for some dessert. It was a good time overall but everyone was falling asleep. I couldn't figure out how these people, who hadn't gone through a hellish five hour course, were tired. Perhaps it was because I was drunk. Je-Pat fell asleep on me after having his dessert so I ended up paying for him. All is well that ends well. I got home that night at about 430 only to realized that I had to be up for 9 am to train again. How wonderful.

As you can see, it was a pretty zanny day.

Monday, March 07, 2005

The end to an awesome weekend

This past weekend was one of the best and most eventful weekends I've had in my entire life. Thus, I'm going to make this a multi-part blog entry chronicalling each day from friday to sunday.

Friday morning started off in the normal manner with school and what not. Pretty mundane stuff as per usual. We had a test that morning that went realy well and got 95% percent on. From there on in, I completely zoned out til I got back home. From there I decided to send Thumper another e-mail to see if I could pursuade him to come to montreal.

This was the second in a line where the subject was that "The T-Bone guy is spreading rumours about you". The first rumour was that T-Bone was going to attempt to guilt Thumper into comming to Montreal by reminding him it was T-Bone's b-day and that it would be his last Road Trip with the Queen's club. This second (and more hilarious) one was that T-Bone was being even worse and threatening to call him a 'doo-doo head' and 'kindergarden baby' if he did not come. The e-mails were half in jest and half serious. I selfishly wanted him to come to Montreal but not at any personal expense and think that the e-mails said that well. I think he realized that and it came into play later.

The rest of the day was spent trying to get work done since none would get done during the week. This worked for two hours at which point my brain shut down and asked for a break. This worked out well as the furnace repairman came by to fix what we thought at the time was a broken furnace. He came in, went downstairs and proceeded to start his diagnosis. The first thing that came out of his mouth was "wow!" which made me say "hu-what?". Apparently, out furnace is so old that it didn't even have a time stamp but instead a model number which told him that our machine was from 1968!!!!!!!!

He then proceeded to further tell me that there were a whole bunch of things wrong with it (busted heat exchanger, crippled motor, worn out belt) and that all this stuff was causing carbon monoxide emission! Carbon Monoxide?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Great Oden's Raven! Thus, I was told that the gas needed to be shut off immediately and the furnace needed to be replaced (because they can't get parts from 1968). Thus I needed to call in McM, so he could call in his parents to handle the situation (they own the house). He arrived home, got the synopsis and proceeded to call his parents, who were on vacation in Mexico. Now up until this point, we'd had a borken furnace, and $85 service fee and needed to get space heaters to warm the house. After speaking with McM's dad, the fee was waived, we had a new furnace and the sales representative was going to stop by and bring us space heaters. Amazing!!! No other could take care of things that well and that fast. Too bad we've had to run space heaters for five days. Ughhhhhh.

Thumper, BPIC and I arrived before the session early as it was Anders b-day and we wanted to pick out some good throws to thump him with. Upon meeting with them, I told BPIC about the e-mails and he laughed. When Thumper walked in, he asked him if he'd heard 'what that T-Bone guy had been saying?' to which Thumper answered in jest that he'd lay him out if he found out it was true. We all laughed.

Three hour session rolled by and we thumped Anders good. You can view the video on my website. After the session I had a chance to talk to Thumper about the likelyhood of him comming to Montreal and he said if he was going to Calgary he realy couldn't make it due to many commitments which was fair. I was slightly bummed but figured it was only one trip. From there I rolled home as McM said our buddies were stopping by later that night. After struggling to make Dinner and have a shower (because I was tired), I joined into the festivites with RA and McM. We watched our bible, Anchorman and jested for a few. Our buddies eventually came by for all of 10 mins before going to the Nog. I would have gone but didn't want to spend money and needed sleep before a weekend course and thus I retired. However, we did make plans for saturday night. A saturday that would turn out to be even wackier than friday.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

This is ridiculous!

For the past two weekends I've realy had nothing to do except school work as nothing seemed to be happening. Then all of a sudden comes this weekend where I can easily forecast that there won't be enough time to fit all plans into. Provincials are comming up and since this will be the last one I'll be attending as a member of the Queen's Club (since I'm in Cornhole next year) and thus was gonna kick back and let it all fly. Now I must say, Provincials are usually quite the event. Five hours of training on the saturday and four on the sunday not to mention a giant social. Thus, even though it's a blast and worthwhile, the weekend is shot.

Two days ago, I found out that about a dozen or so of my buddies from the university run were comming down on saturday, a couple of which are the type of people you smile just being around. I should also add that some folk, I havn't seen since we graduated last year april which is almost a good year ago. Conflict of interest!!!!

I'm at a crossroads where my heart screams to hang out with both groups but knows there's only so much time in the day. The only thing that I have on my side is that Provincials are in Kingston so I might be able to jump around like a Mexican jumping bean.

"What do I do? This is HARD!!!!"

Other random thoughts:
- t - 13 days
- Montreal in a week and I still need a contingency plan to get Thumper and Baby Bear to come
- Damn Test every week
- There's not enough time in the day to study
- It's almost been a month since I was made to feel worthless, but am past it now
- I have to go to the gym, then toucan and still have time to study
- Good thing OC is a re-run.

Wow, there are a lot of things in there. What's on your brain?

My Integirty Test Said:

Raw Score: -15, 10, 20, 10.
enigmatic: Casual in introspection, prone to be mysterious.

Reliable: Consistent in foul weather, prone to self-confidence.

Loyal: Obliged to others, prone to be responsible.

Faithful: Genuine in romance, prone to be hurt.

The Integrity Test

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A run of thoughts

Well let's see here; Radiography of the Stomach and Upper GI, Research Ethics, Cardiovascular, Duplication/Subtraction and introduction to health care. That's likely why my brain isn't working right now and always takes a while to recharge.

March is here and promises to be more interesting than last month. Provincials are this weekend (5th and 6th) and they're in Kingston! The following week (12th and 13th) is up in the air as there is either, the possibility of a Jitsu montreal trip, a jump to hamilton to celebrate a friend's b-day or just throw a huge party at my house for my own b-day. The weekend after that I'm going home to visit the familia and pick up the Griswolds at the airport. From there, there's the easter weekend and Queen's pre-gradings. Not to mention the actual grading on April 1st and then the Queen's Semi-Formal on the 10th. In summary:

March 2005
5th and 6th Provincials
9th Sponsored Throw
12th and 13th Montreal Road Trip/ Trip to Hamilton/ Giant Party???
18th Queen's Pre-Grading: Green and Above
Home for Rest / Griswold Pickup
23rd Queen's Pre-Grading: Orange and Below
April 2005
1st Queen's Grading
Feast - A - Mania for WM 21!!
9th Queen's Semi - Formal

Then there's school and regular training which in total amount to quite the mouthful. "Great Oden's Raven!"

Current Song: Andrew Llyod Webber - Wishing you were somehow here again