Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Who says you can't go home?
After that J-Bun gave me my her x-mas gift to me which turned out to be an acoustic guitar! Based on this she scores high in gold stars for the best gift ever given. I've wanted one for a long time but would only ever go so far as research price before I decided I couldn't as a student. Leave it up to her to get me the one thing I'd never get myself and while I think this might have been a bit much in terms of cost, I love her for it.
The three of us parted ways from there onto our seperate holiday journies all filled with delicious pancake goodness. I went to visit the Vancouver imported Giles for a little while along with the rest of the Giles clan. We chatted it up for a bit and then played a little bit of friendly poker. We were originally going to see a movie, but the promise of some freezing rain pushed me to head out a little earlier.
The trip itself was pretty nuts with much of the promised freezing rain and various traffic jams which I could only attribute to the weather. It took me four hours to complete what usually takes three but would make it home safe and sound. I think all I did friday was unpack and then head straight to bed as my body was very broken by this point.
I awoke saturday to a delicious breakfast which for once in the past few months, I didn't have to prepare making it even more delicious. The remainder of the day was spent taking care of last minute christmas tasks including purchasing and wrapping of last minute items. Saturday night I helped my sister bake x-mas cookies which didn't turn out that hot since I'm not as much of a culinary expert as her. Still edible though.
X-mas day was nice and festive again with presents, turkey, family and all around merryment. There were no gifts that could realy top the acoustic guitar but they were all still very much appreciated.
I bought a new DVD player and cordless keyboard on boxing day at Future Shop. I got up at 5 am for the 6am opening which in the end was a bit of a waste since none of the items mentioned were door crashers. Later on, I would end up seeing more family some of which I had not seen in years. People grow like sprouts after a couple of years but that's to be expected since time dosn't stand still in my abscence.
I've also purchased a few more items since then including a stool ($15 at Can Tire) and the Lost DVD box set which was a great deal at Zellers for $30. Box Day/Week deals will be the end of me.
I'm heading back to Kingston on Friday for a few social events provided that my cousin dosn't give birth that day as I would like to see the baby if possible before I go. I've told her to have it soon because of this but if it's not here by friday then I'm going with the original plan.
The plan for New Year's this year is pretty chill for once. Giles and I are planning on heading over to McM'ss to honour his invitation and then are going back to the Giles residence for something more low key. My suggestion was wine and movies. I think it will be refreshing to actually remember this new year's once it's passed.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
The excitement is tapering off
Tuesday morning I was notified that we'd be getting the thursday off work in addition to the friday. This was right up my alley since I'd not felt like doing the whole try to learn/get told how to do it/get put down routine that I run into so frequently. That being the case and also coupled to the fact that I wanted to be in Kingston the next day to help Thumper move, I decided to take the wednesday off.
The rest of tuesday went pretty quickly and before I knew it I was home scurrying around getting things ready to head into the holidays. Thankfully, I'd done laundry the previous night and managed to get everything done in reasonable time.
I awoke the next morning and readied myself for the drive to kingston. The drive for the most part was pretty straight forward except for the last ten minutes of snow squalls that spontaneously came out of nowhere. The there was the move...
The drive to Trenton was pretty straight forward and so was the loading process from the storage. The fun started when it came time to get the other set of couches from the house and get them into the truck. Firstly, the couches were tremendously heavy. Secondly, they were huge and we needed to re-organize some of the stuff in the truck to get it all to fit. That was the first obstacle which we tackled sucessfully. Next was the lunch at Tim Hortons.
Thumper had graciously offered to buy us all lunch for helping out which was nice of him. This seemed to be a problem for the cashier for some reason as she gave us a quizicle look. However, we did digress past that. From there I began my order asking if I could get chili in place of the soup if I got a soup and sandwhich combo. This must have been an important thing to get right as she needed to reference two other employees and likely the oracle to make this work. Finally after about 5 mins, she decided that it would be okay and the order was processed. I ended up getting my food and sat down to eat. After finishing off half my sandwhich and some chili I noticed that I was still by myself and after glancing over my shoulder, noticed the other three were still putting in their order. I would later find out that she screwed up the entire order at least three more times before Thumper could pay. Geez.
We drove to Kingston from there and arrived at the new T-humper shag pad ready to unload. We first tried to take the truck in through the rear and about halfway figured there was too much ice and that we'd likely run into more problems and so after taking ten seconds to get the truck into the alley, we took about 30 mins to get it out moving inch by inch. Mission number three ended up in sucess as we mangaged to get to the front of the house and started to unpack.
Everything once again went well until we got back to the hell couches. The Love seat went in with a bit of struggle but the three seater would end up being the one battle we'd end up losing. We'd walked the couch around to the back, removed the legs, tilted it up and around, brought it back to the front, removed the door all to no avail and would end up just putting it back into the truck and taking it to another storage the next morning. If anyone wants a $1300 couch for $800, Thumper might have one for you. We ended up at Montana's that night for a Mock Thumper b-day celebration and a few drinks. Somewhere in between the end of moving and dinner, I'd also managed to put a small dent in the Bone Buggy too. In the end I think it bothered others more than myself. What a day!
Thursday morning was spent getting the couch into another storage. This was another hellish battle as we had only two people (instead of four) to move the couch this time. I wanted to burn the thing in the end and dance around it but I don't think Thumper would have been happy with that. In the end th0ugh it was taken care of to some degree and the move which was suppose to take a day, ended after a day and half. Thumper and I had Smitty's for breakfast which was delicious. He mainly talked and I mainly listened throwing in my two cents every once in a while. The rest of the day was more straight forward than the previous day had been. I took a nap, showered and then went shopping for some x-mas items. Later we'd train with Mark for the last Jitsu session for the winter term at the Y and it was a definate proper send off. We tried to be novices and have J-Bun teach but she decided to be a novice too. I'm not too sure why as I love it when I get to teach my seniors since its so rare. But it was definately pretty sweet.
We'd later head to the BusCave for some wine and other treats made by the BusMan. I remember wanting to get drunk but passing out within five minutes of sitting on the couch. I think my body was totaled to say the least.
I think I'll end the post there and start from friday on the next post. So, to be continued...
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
An X-mas Quote
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Christmas Shopping
Yesterday, I spent most of the day x-mas shopping and overall was very satisfied with all my purchases which isn't always an easy thing to attain. Overall I think those who have gotten gifts and will get gifts from me will find them to be fitting and appropriate.
I've also spent some of this Kingston time visiting friends who I havn't seen. Yesterday, I made a long overdue visit to RA to see both him and his apartment. It was quite the quick one in retrospect but it was still nice and relaxing. Sparxx was in town today and I joined her for a little bit on the tail end of lunch and some shopping.
Tonight I'll be attending Montana's X-mas party as Mrs. Bun's Guest. Even though booze is free, I'm not quite sure if I'll drink a lot since I don't know a lot of people there and since I have to drive in the morning. I guess we'll just have to play it by ear.
Thursday, I'll be back in Kingston but I've got a full platter of things to that night and the next day. Giles is back in town, Mr. Bus has invited me to train with him, I've gotta visit Thumper's new pad and get the holiday thing done with the woman.
On the 23rd, I'll head home for about a week of relaxation. I'll be back on the 31st and 1st for new year's and will likely head to cornwall on the 2nd. Should be a good holiday overall.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Christmas is creeping closer
Holidays run from the night of the 22nd to the 2nd of january for me. I was planning on spending the majority of the 22nd and 23rd in kingston to spend time with a few of my comrads. Giles is back and I'd like to spend the majority of the night with him but then I've also made plans to train with the Bus for his last session and visit T-humper at his new pad. I've also got to spend my holiday time with my dear lady. Maybe I can drag her with me in my travels. Then again, she'll likely have to work.
There might be a tentative plan with T-humper to visit Sparxx in TO on the night of the 23rd but that has yet to be sorted out. There isn't a whole tonne of drive behind this visit other than T-humper's wishes based on last years fiasco but there is still a little bit.
After that I'm home until the new year at which point I'll be returning to kingston for new years. I will likely be visiting McM for new years and well as Mr. Bus. Definately going to be bringing in the new year with the lady. This will be the first new year's I won't be single. First time for everything I guess.
I've also told Fish that I'd stop by for some of her high end baked goods. Overall I think it will be nice to leave all of the past years tensions stay in the year as I move on to the next.
I don't have a huge x-mas list myself. It mainly consists of anything Lord of the Rings related and perhaps one of many dvd boxsets eluding my collection. (Lost S1, Dawson's Creek S4,5, Simpsons S7, 24 S2,3 and 4). I've found that I've become addicited to DVD boxsets. Not too sure why though.
Going to the Bon Jovi concert in the Bell Centre on wednesday. It should be pretty awesome.
I've spent the weekend in Cornwall recuperating from the blur of events that has gotten me to this weekend. Catching up on sleep, cleaning up the apartment and doing the things that seem to always get left behind when I run off to other cities.
Monday, December 05, 2005
How could I forget
Another great weekend logged
Friday was good because I got to sleep in a little since I was on a late day shift. It was also good because I had taken a half day off so that I could make it into to the grading on time and thus only had a four hour work day. For the most part it flew by and before I knew it I was on the road to Kingston. I was beginning to get a headache stemming from the past weeks shots to the head I'd taken so I stopped off at walmart to purchase some ibuprofen. After an hour the headache was gone which worked out perfect in time for the start of the Queen's Grading.
The Queen's grading itself was awesome and a stark contrast to that of the past week where brutality reigned. This was in and of itself a clinic of how jitsu should be done and was highlighted by two candidates, going for dark blue, tearing up the mats with some brilliant stuff. Overall the grading was awesome. Didn't hurt that I got to do a few makikomi's either (which is rare in a grading).
As per quo with jitsu, we ran right to the last minute and thus needed to boot to out social venue before the kitchen closed. Because of this, I forget that I had made some arrangements with RA to visit his new pad and he ended up waiting for nothing. I have since apologized to him but still feel a little bad for having someone uncessarily wait on me.
Dinner at the Hojo was awesome. I had some fantastic chicken dish which must have been made with chicken delight as it was delectable. Celebrations soon followed after that as per the usual style of jitsu canada. Shots were had and a lot of laughs were shared. I retired when most did at about twoish since I needed to be in working order to drive to Peterborough the next morning.
I awoke the next morning quite well acutally and even had time for a shower beforehand. I had breakfast, got my things together and proceeded downstairs to coral the troops. Suprisingly, and at the same time not suprisingly, only high chief was there and ready to go. With two parties missing in action, we quickly discussed where they might be and how we might find them. Right on cue, High Chief recieved a call from Flippy Dan saying they were at Big Sam's and as we'd guessed they'd gone all night.
I went to pick them up so we could get on the road quickly but we were still set back about a half hour. I wasn't too worried about being late though since we were with the grading panel and thus by proxy would inevitably arrive just on time. The drive to peterborough was nice except for Anders Rage-ahol music that was playing. It was pretty intense stuff and I usually enjoy my drives quite chill. I had my own way on the way home though.
The peterborough grading was another treat and thankfully I was not the only Uki present on the mats this time with three others there to do some bashing. It was good since I was feeling the wear of the previous night a little bit and don't think I could have done things as effectively by myself.
The grading was followed by the peterborough semi formal which was a blast filled with great food, good wine and more laughs. I had a small incident with some nuts in someone else's Thai food but would do it all over again just to share all those laughs again. We had some hungover Smitty's breakfast the next morning and laughed at jokes which, most of, were terrible but because we'd been up all night, seemed to be funny. Afterwards, we said our goodbyes and proceeded back to Kingston.
I spent the night with Mrs. Bun having a little dinner and hang out time and though I would have loved to have stayed forever, I had to return to Cornwall for work. In the end I put 800+ clicks on my car but every bit was worth it.
Closing thoughts:
- I have twenty days to both start and finish my x-mas shopping
- Am I the only one whose heard Orange Sky by Alexi Murdoch and love it?
- I'm not doing anything this weekend as I need to rest my body up and let my mind catch up with everything that's going on. Today at work, my mind was constantly fighting me for killing my body so much.
- Red Wine is delicious. Favourite has to be Yellow Tail Shiraz.
- DVD boxsets are my love and nemesis. I need to stop buying so many.
Some closing photos:

Thursday, November 24, 2005
The definition of a hero
- Eddie Guerrero
- Chris Brooks
- My Parents
- Mr and Mrs Kirkey
- Ryan Allen
- Bret 'The Hitman' Hart (I'm not greedy for money, I'm greedy for respect)
- Eduardo Barron
- Optimus Prime (Ficticious)
- Aragorn (Ficticious)
There were likely others that should be on the list and it is by no stretch complete. But in a world where we don't acknowledge the good people enough, I thought it was only fair to make mention of those people who have given me a standard of quality to shoot for.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I had spaghetti for dinner tonight
I would have liked it to have only been five as I awoke saturday morning feeling the complete drain of the past couple days. Somehow though, I made it through the weekend. Thankfully weekend shifts are slow since the hospital only works in an 'emergency state', otherwise there would have been major problems. It's safe to say getting through normal cases was difficult enough.
At the end, I came home staired at my computer monitor for half an hour without doing anything at which point I crawled into bed and faded out of existence for another hour. I was out of it for another half day or so before returning to a somewhat normal mode.
J-Bun was down during my monday off and had to deal with my half day of mental abscence but dealt with it with smiles. The rest of the day we just spent watching TV and snacking on chocolate. She was suppose to leave yesterday at 5 to get stuff done at home but decided to stay overnight since we were having such a good time.
I get a 3 day work schedule this week which is nice and will place little strain on my body compared to last week. I'm also at the slower site which is nice. I'll be in ottawa for the brown grading and additional ottawa grading. I'm looking forward to it as gradings are much more fun when there is no stress on you.
I'm currently making some x-mas and new years plans since I only get about 8 days off or so. Thus I must efficietize it all and see as many folk as I can. Just for those wondering, I get the 22nd off til the 3rd of jan so gimme a shout if you want do something.
No major closing thoughts. I'll save the one's I have for next post.
Monday, November 14, 2005
The winds of change
I was completely jacked to head into kingston this weekend and ottawa following that as it'd be just four days of jitsu fun and another oppurtunity to see the woman. After finishing off work a little early, I headed back home quickly for a smoothie and to pick up my sleeping bag. It was a good thing I had forgotten something to pick up as it turned out I'd left my insurance slip at home as well. Thus, I stopped myslef from driving illegally for another weekend.
Training on the thursday was quite good until Benjo started his techniques. Initially, I found some of his striking techniques to be quite fun but things got a bit brutal when I got smacked in the head and started seeing stars for a good five seconds. That was when it went a bit overboard for me and I was quite reluctant to train with Benjo after that. It was more mental than anything as I didn't feel like being smacked in the head again as it was quite unpleasant.
Friday, I spent the day with the woman for the most part and getting general tasks done around kingston. I missed the day time training which was unfortunate but got to the evening training which was good as High Chief was there as well as a few other guest instructors. Overall, the training was very good as the pace was fast and the intensity was pretty high too. Overall a nice lead into provincials. The social that night was quite good and for the most part consisted of me stuffing my face with Mexi Quesidillas at the Brew Pub. It was quite the feast and left me wanting my bed. As such, I decided to tap in favour of this, especially with training the next day.
Saturday morning, I awoke fairly early to make breakfast for the instructor guests along with J-Bun. After proding her for a constant fifteen minutes to wake up, we began the breakfast making ordeal. We had been trucking along quite well into cooking process when I was delivered some rather upsetting news. Without actually getting into the details (as I was requested to keep it to myself), it was not the easiest thing to hear. But, it re-doubled my pancake making effort in hopes that it might overshadow some of the gloom. It did work well though as everyone was pleasantly suprised and raved about how fantastic and nice it was.
Everyone then proceeded to load up and start on their seperate ways to ottawa. I went by myself (since I was only going one way), sped like a maniac and arrived about 15 minutes earlier than everyone else. It turned out to be a postive thing though as I was able to get a few glasses of water into me and have a light snack before training.
Training that day was fairly intense as was to be expected on the first day. We learned a new version of osoto-otoshi which I don't think I'll even learn in practice as it seems slightly archaic. I also managed to tear my pants in the crotchal region after throwing one of the more bear like brown belts. Overall, it wasn't too embassing a story as I'd just done the technique so carefully that I'd split my pants. No biggie other than the fact that I need to get a pair of pants in time for the gradings in two and three weekends from now.
The social that night was wickedly crazy. It started off with dinner at the Elgin Street Dinner where I proceeded to fill my guts with a burger and a heavy poutine. Once I'd done that and chatted a little bit with everyone who was there we headed to the Oz café. Now I must say, that I've been to the Oz café in the past and had a great time but most of the time I just chalked that up to the people and the specific event we might be celebrating. However, after walking in and being greeted by the owner personally (by name) after six months of not being there, it became one of my favourite bars period.
The social that night was very fun as can be expected and consisted of lots of booze, socializing, improv comedy sketches, black pepper shapes, cheesecakes, dancing and likely several other items I'm forgetting. Needless to say, I didn't get to sleep that night until about 5am which was a bit silly on my part. No one ever said I was the smartest tool in the shed.
I was suprisingly very alert for a guy who had poutine for dinner, filled his body with alcohol and gotten little sleep the previous night. Thankfully training was taken down a notch as well from the previous day. I did end up cutting out early that day though to drop Benjo off at the airport. At this point I was very nostalgic and sad to see him go and let it go that he'd slightly concussed me. So long as there's no permanent damage, I'm cool with things.
I hung around ottawa a while not wanting to drive home in my semi delirious and tired state but would eventually leave to return home. I almost fell asleep on half a dozen occasions which makes me wish I'd had a DD but all is well that ends well since I arrived home in one piece.
Between last night and this morning though, I've been met with a bit more of unfortunate news with the passing of one of my wrestling favourites, Eddie Guerrero, and my cousin's bunny (who she loved very much). That along with everything else this week has me in a bit of a spell about how quickly things can change. Things can happen so fast and change your take on life very radically so quick and so easily.
Closing thoughts:
- Need sleep desperately
- I think it's the addition of Wheat Germ to my diet that has sustained me this weekend and may become more permanent in my diet.
- I bought a new Aragorn action figure and I like it. I may buy more to go with it.
- The new Bret Hart DVD comes out tommorrow. I will likely get it at some point.
- 'Patience'. It was like an eternal truth written in the sand as I staired at it.
Current Song: Backstreet Boys - I still ...
Current Mood: Tired and Reflective
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Frozen Yogurt
Speaking of the Bun, we had an excellent time this weekend. Made some delicious food, watched a couple movies, a little dawson's creek and some all around quality time.
Two things of note came up during the weekend that are somewhat significant. The first is that I learned, while not together with the Bun, there is another who makes it a point of flirting a little more than I'd like to hear about. Needless to say, I trust my lady, but its still slightly unsettling to hear such things, especially when I know the individual.
The other is that, stemming from the belief of my lady that there is some inherent goodness in me, I let some significant events of the past go and re-established a line of communication with Fish. In the end, I'm glad that I'm moving in this direction as people can't be persecuted forever.
Benjo is down from Calgary this weekend and as such I'll be down in Kingston and Ottawa for some massive training this weekend. Four days straight will make for some awesome times.
Today, after feeling like I'd made more progress in taking radiographs, I was reminded by my clinical instructor that I still have a long way to go. Stupid markers, stupid coning, stupid shielding. Thank goodness for jitsu retreats.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Halloween has come and Gone
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at the hospital are relatively quiet. Not much to do as a student and as such, I spend some time just sitting around and helping where I can. When CT crashes and everyone shuffles into the one little staff room, I decide that day that it would be beneficial to leave early. I ask one of the higher techs if I can go and based on the response, "If I didn't see you go, I can't tell anyone you left.", I decide to head out early. Yesterday, I'm met with complaints of just slacking off, being lazy and being unmotivated in the x-ray department. Normally that wouldn't bother me but when it shows up on an evaluation which count towards my marks, I got a little PO'd.
On the weekend, I drive up to Kingston to see the Woman as well as get some Jitsu in and party it up at the Pimpass Paradise for Halloween. Thinking I was being assertive, I lay out plans for the day and how things should run to be efficient. The Paradise, got cleaned, costumes got bought, partying was done and all seemed to go well for the weekend. Last night, I'm told I'm controlling and looking for everything to be my way. The wonderful thanks I recieve for comming down to Kingston.
Today I'm asking myself how I can attempt to do so much and yet have the little faults nit picked out of the basket. Of course I'm not perfect but can the ratio of compliments be equal to that of complaints or am I asking too much?
In the face of all this, I still managed to do somewhat decently on my test today. It was pretty tough and overall was one of those tests one can't realy study for because its all applied knowledge. In the end, I'm glad I didn't waste too much time behind the notes since it was this type of test.
Closing thoughts:
- What?
- RA has a new place which I need to make a point of visiting sometime soon
- Skeleton Key has a pretty clever little ending
- The WWE product is getting stale. No Canada, no Charisma and no Christian.
- Some sweet DVDs are hitting the shelves for Christmas. Simpsons season 7, Wrestlemania Anthology and Family Guy Volume 3 are all on my list
- Still luvin the new wheels. They're pretty sweet.
- Got my map of Vancouver and have started the ball into motion
Monday, October 24, 2005
Readying for Halloween
I spent saturday cleaning up the apartment and getting some chores done. J-Bun was scheduled to arrive that night and to my suprise, she arrived with BusMan and his lady. We would end up getting some munchies and just watching movies in my apartment that night as there is realy nothing else to do in Cornwall.
The next morning, BusMan and I made breakfast for ourselves and the ladies, went out on the town for some halloween gear and then finished off with some Cornwall BBQ. They left after that so that they could get some jazz done at home which worked out well because I needed to study a bit too. Still missed them after they left though, especially the woman.
Halloween is comming up and promises to be a blast as per quo. I've been debating going back and re-doing one of the two costumes I've done that got rave reviews. I'm not quite sure yet exactly what to do but I'm sure it will be well recieved no matter which I choose.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
"You were my brother Anakin, I loved you"
In other news, I had a pretty awesome weekend. Went up to Kingston on friday for Jitsu and to spend time with the Bun. Jitsu, as per quo, was wickedly sweet. Both that and the socials left me battered and bruised on sunday which paved the way for another day of fantastic relaxation. The Bus (formerly BPIC), the Bun and I went to go see Domino which was pretty good. It did have a bit much for me visually though which was the one down point.
The past few days were pretty up and down in terms of the x-ray placement. One moment I'm zooming away thinking I've got the shit down and the next I'm realy not on the ball at all. Thankfully, the days where I've got it down are outnumbering the others.
Might spend this weekend studying and cleaning up the apartment. Keep it quiet.
Closing thoughts:
- Taking X-Rays get more and more complex to me everyday.
- I got word that at the semi-annual clinical meeting yesterday in Kingston, one of last years profs approached my clinical instructor with some praises about me. That was touching to hear that someone would willingly put forward those comments without being prompted.
- The lady and the Chief of Wisdom have been relaying stories of Fish in a positive light and it may be starting to rub off.
- I must come up with an ingenius costume for halloween
Current Song: Watching the Star Wars movie
Current Mood: Tired
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
The musings of a new car
The new car itself is sweet. It's a beige 2005 Civic Sedan with a few neat little toys. It's almost the perfect car for me right now as its small, good on gas and gets some hefty speed. I was easily doing 140 on it yesterday without conciously trying. I'm gonna have to watch myself.
I'm not gonna post a picture of it because everyone is gonna have to see it one day. The Brownmobile! Comming to a city near you!
Closing thoughts:
- I've found a measure to personally address all fears which I posted about earlier in the the friendship is and will always be important to me but mending it is gonna take a first step apology from the other side since I was given the bum's rush for something I didn't even do.
- The relationship is progressing well. Everything is going smoothly thanks to flowers and some T-Boetry
- Had a test today. Got a 91%. Sweet!
- See all you jitsuka on saturday!
Aside: Props to RA for being a voice of reason and virtue when I needed it.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
The fears that huant my existence
What scares me even more though is the thought of abandoning someone who actually might need my help and the lack of strength I'd have had to have moved beyond that. I could be walking away from the people that matter in utter fear and that would be a cowards way out...
... but walking away might be the only course of action that is appropriate at this time.
Which fear will I allow to dominate and which will I find courage enough to overcome.
(Why can't I escape this TV show life)
Saturday, October 01, 2005
You are my heart, my soul ...
It was all pretty clear
Standing there as if we were alone
My life's been changing
Passion had come and it had gone
Moved away several leagues
Finding new faces and names
A little uneasy about it all
Wondering about these future days
But there was one eternal
Your gaze, your smile, your warmth
Giving reassurance to my soul
An everlasting source of strength
I've fooled myself all this while
Not exactly sure why
But its been you and always has
Who brings out the best in me
And so now its time for us
To find our place in the world
Take our steps together
Side by side with my special girl
Chillin on a saturday...
A couple of us got some tickets to the Bon Jovi show in Montreal on December 14th which is pretty sweet. I'm definately pumped about that.
I've also been working on getting myself a motor vehicle to get myself around. I've settled on either a Honda Civic or Acura 1.6 EL which is almost the same car. Just need something to get from A to B and have it be cheap. I was offered the Jimmy from my parents but I'm not interested in that beast, especially if I'm driving myself to Vancouver.
A few people have asked me if McM and I are going to reconcile our differences and my response to them is that I'm just going to keep doing things the way I've always done them and if they've been problematic, then they'll continue to be so. If it spells the end of things then so be it as in this mess of things, I can look at my every action and find justification for most of them. If I can't, then I'd apologize and I've done that for those things I've done wrong.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
A bit of self-realization in the wake of a hundred posts
I arrived back in k-town a little later than expected and as such was unable to train that night. Because of this, I just watched and concluded that the night itself would be quiet. However, this couldn't be farther from the truth.
The session ran a little past the end time so that Anders could get a little bit of dark blue training in before his grading on the saturday. Since I wasn't training, I decided to leave early and head off to a kegger on aberdeen while it was quiet and could actually get beer and socialize. To my surprise, I actually accomplished this and got to talk to a few people before the house became packed.
I've never been one for the packed house especially when I don't know anyone so I decided to head off to a jitsu social. The night started off slowly as I was the second jitsuka there. I thought things would take a dive there, but Killer Jr picked things up with his over the top enthusiasm. The night would evolve into a pizza party complete with lots of cookies, fruit, scotch, beer, dancing and a bit of recreational smoking. Big ups to Killer Jr!
The next morning I awoke bright and early to head to peterborough to beat on Anders for his dark blue belt grading. And beat we did. The browns all landed some good shots including myself and there was also some extra fun stuff I can't mention without getting in trouble for. To his credit though, the CLB held his own and fought til the end on one wheel. Kudos to CLB2!
We headed to the Stone that night for the usual fun, food and drinking. It was nice to see a lot of the jitsu faces again, while swaping stories and reliving fun grading moments. After dinner, we headed back home for K-town as I wanted observe the aberdeen madness and hang out with a few friends.
Aberdeen was fucking nuts! The cops tried to maintain control as best they could but things realy got out of hand. I'd heard that someone broke their leg and when the ambulance came, people were jumping on the back and shaking the ambulance. As if that wasn't enough, they overturned someone's car and were standing on it randomly down the street. I was all for the street party and its good fun but this time there was just a little too much reckless mayhem for me.
With that I decided to take a break from all the crazyness and get some water at A and P as I was quite parched from the grading. I ended up running into J-Bun and her housemate randomly in my crusade for bottled water and they ended up comming back with me to Aberdeen.
When we got back we found that the cops had created lines blocking all entrances to aberdeen and william. We were initially going to abandone the idea of going in when we noticed people sneaking in through a backyard and so we followed. We hung out there for a little bit longer and after a bit more socializing, we headed back to the J-Bun palace.
The next morning J-Bun and I got breakfast at the Brew Pub and rented Bride and Prejudice which is pretty good. I believe one of the folk's who stopped into watch it with us said it was like a real life version of Aladdin. From there I got on a train back to the Wall and left behind me an awesome weekend.
Why so awesome? Well, for one I found out the monstrous ticket which had been the subject of contreversy the previous week had been dropped and that good actions from the past can sometimes come in handy when you need a little help for a monstrous ticket.
Secondly, J-Bun and I are going to give the relationship thing one more shot. My reasons for this are simple in that the last time things broke off was because I was attracted to someone else and didn't want to string her along needlessly. I also didn't want to get into a relationship with someone in the club. Now, I'm way beyond a senseless crush and no longer part of the club officially. The only thing working against us is the distance but things are being taken slow so major goofs aren't made. Only the future will tell how things evolve and work out.
Closing thoughts:
- I just believe people have good in them to do right. Sue me if you don't like it.
- Things seem to be passing through and evolution in my life and while shedding an old skin, something new is emerging. With stronger hopes, convictions and dedication than ever.
- I've lost weight!
- I got a top download speed of 675 kb/s which is super awesome! So far I've seen it twice. At least Cornwall is good for something.
- I'm planning on seeing Bon Jovi in Montreal which is sweet! December 17th baby!
- 49 weeks til Vancouver!
Current Song: Bon Jovi - Novacaine
Current Mood: "Just a home town boy on a rolling stone"
(T-Bone: With the new Bon Jovi album out, I've come back to my desire of wanting to be a cowboy.
Thumper: Oh really..... T-Bone the Kid...... 'Fastest O-Soto-Gari in the West')
Sunday, September 18, 2005
99th Post!
Today is the 18th of september and two weeks of the program are done already. Suprinsingly enough, they've actually been quite fun. My clinical instructor is super nice and got a good sense of humour and the other two students I'm there with are cool as well. Makes for a fun and positive learning environment.
The social scene there is lacking so for the second week in a row I'm back in kingston hanging around, saying hi to new faces and just soaking up all goodness kingston has to offer.
Friday was the first big Jitsu social and though I'm not actually part of the club anymore (and in turn more of a vagabond) I wanted to attend and let all the new folks know how the jitsu crowd hangs and bangs. I had not brought alcohol that night and in turn wasn't planning on drinking. However, when a 2-4 of heiniken was brought to the part along with two bottles of Glenmorrangie, things quickly changed. Next think I know it was four am and four of us had finished more than one and a half bottles of the scotch. Thumper wanted to finish the second bottle completely but I vetoed that idea in favour of preserving my stomach lining.
The next morning wasn't as horrible as I would have imagined as I'd managed to get a couple glasses of water into me before passing out. I was able to get a few things done during the day before settling into the nights events which was good. The night's events themselves were quite interesting and spanned from the good to the ugly. My first stop last night was a gathering of the current run of x-ray students from last years class as well as the new class. It was nice to see everyone again and swap stories about everyone's placement. I got to meet next year's cornwall students which was good as it was one of my goals to create a better liason to the cornwall movement since mine was lacking. One of the two girls was smoking hot too which was an added bonus and will make interacting with her all the easier.
After a couple hours of chatting and getting a beer at the AleHouse, I decided to duck out in favour of attending final beirut. I arrived to the end trails of the actual playing but got to chatting quite a bit. There was this cool teacher there who I spoke to for a couple minutes about the nature of being a good teacher and the mutual benefits of instruction. However, the party ended there as the cops pulled up on the lawn about a noise complaint they had recieved. What ended up resulting is that the officer issued them at $235 ticket for the noise violation. Everyone was a gasp at this point at the size of this ticket since there had never been a warning. In an attempt to see what could be done, I thought I'd go over to one of the cops, who I knew pretty well and see what the details were surrounding the complaint. However I was soon stopped in my tracks by ignorance since I was at the bottom step of the porch with a beer in my hand.
From there I was belittled about being stupid and adding another violation. (Strike one for trying to help). However, I let that slide and still managed to get a hold of the one cop. I didn't gather very much other than the obvious homecomming crackdown on noise but I think the other cop, who had issued the ticket, saw that I was politely exchanging with his friend and when I approached him to talk to him, his tone of voice changed from the angered cop (since McM was yelling at him) to something more somber. After some discussion, what I had gathered is that in retrospect, he did regret laying such a heavy fine on the group but couldn't do anything to change it since it had been put through the system. So from there, we'd have to go to court and appeal it in his presence.
That was the end of the discussion since he had other work to be done and he was on his way. After leaving, McM decided to start cursing his name and when I piped up to just say he was doing his job I was called ignorant (strike two for trying to help). Since I knew a few cops, I still tried to convince McM that the officer was just doing his job at which point the two cop friends were blasted since they were 'part of the jitsu group'. (Strike three for trying to help). Needless to say I was out since it was either leave or get into a verbal altercation.
So I went from meeting lots of new faces to spending a good half hour talking to the popo. That's definately a worthy 99th post. Hopefully 100 will be just as monumental.
Current Song: Maroon Five - Sunday Morning
Current Mood: Lethargic
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
"This is the start of something good..."
The next few days I spent unpacking and exploring the city which isn't that big so it didn't take that long. I had no internet and no phone for a weekend and spent those culture shock moments just reading. If cogeco wasn't retarded and had given me a specific time appointment, as oppose to a full day, I might have had internet that weekend. However, I did not want to sit at home all daywaiting especially with my parents visiting from brampton.
Speaking of my parents, having them here was definately a booster for my spirits as I was quite home sick. I consider myself pretty strong but something within seemed to long for something familiar in such a new place. Having them here gave that.
Here are some photos of my new place for anyone that's interested:

Tuesday to Friday was spent at the hospital getting oriented with the program and reviewing items from the previous year. My clinical co-ordinator is super nice and I think it's gonna make for a pretty fun year. We went out to four bars that night and saw a total of 12 people and four of those people were the band playing at a local club that night.
That being said, I jumped on the first train the next day to Kingston as I wasn't going to stick around this rut with everyone there having fun. When I arrived I was suprised to hear that a few unexpected familiar faces were there. It turns out that most of the Aberdeen posse was down and with that, we were back on the town again for a good ol fashion night complete with Mosie/Zout rants, Elixer and booze. Needless to to say I definately had a lot of fun but would pay for it the next day. I woke up feeling fine but it was all a deception as the day was spent playing Prince of Persia in hangover mode.
I would eventually recover and after visiting the Griswold's for dinner, I would be on my way back to the Wall. Monday was rough as I'd had little sleep over the weekend and realy gotten nothing done at home. However, I've since picked up the slack and gotten myself back up to speed.
Tommorrow is hospital orientation. Boring!
Current Song: Bon Jovi - Have a nice day
Current Mood: Ready for Rest
Friday, August 26, 2005
The Camp Trip
Camping last weekend was a lot of fun. We arrived at Murphy's point with one of two maps that we'd printed for ourselves at about sixish. After registering and setting camp at our site we set out to Perth to get some dinner. We firstly went to some little ritzy place with a nice atrium. There we had nachos and bruschetta and a few beers. At some point in the night, I came to the conclusion that there is stash of very attractive women in perth.
Later, we cruzed out of there to BK to get some whoppers. In half jest, we came up with a plan to start conversations with female parties by posing as travel journalists from Kingston. The next morning, I acquired a little notepad to write notes in and my acting role as a reporter began. We would never end up returning to Perth, but I did make some random notes in preperation for if we did so it would look like I had actually done some research. They go as follows:
- Pirate Bay
- followed blonde down street
- 2" gap
- do from behind
- You're the reporter
- RA says no, Zout is not the reporter
- How now brown cow
- Are you sure this is a parking spot?
- it is now!
- There is no appeal
- McM says 'F'n Traffic Jam!'
- Parked at 2 Wilson
- by Gore (left)
- Dash said maybe past Gore
- Dash spots cougar
- RA wants to abort search for Imperial
- Wilson and North (pass Gore)
- decided its a running gag
- Dash was taking a photo of the mailboxes all aligned
- RA was behind him and couldn't get the shot
- I waited in the car waiting for them to take pictures; not realy interested in the mailboxes
- whole minutes pass completing this task
- I still feel relieved from dumping earlier
- it was worth all the trouble
- Powerbook as portable storage device
- McM parked in someone's driveway
- Dash brought Mika
- He likes it because it's beautiful
- As a kid he was enthralled by it
- The park wants to give snakes a 'brake'
- Useful camp items: Big Tent, Dining Tent, Halogen Lamp, Tiki Torches, Grill and Propane, Frying Pan and Spatula, Fresh Fruit
- McM has precision chopping; my accuracy is quite poor
- Holy Cow!
- RA dosn't like cherries
- RA claims MMMbop is a measure of time
- He also said MK was singing it wrong
- RA claims his upper bossem hurts
- Clear skies on day 3
- My face and hair hurt from lack of cleaning
Random notes. All of them but, it's interesting to note some of the things that were noted but are now forgotten. I would recommend it once to write all thoughts down in a 10 minute span and look at it later. It's kinda neat.
As for camping proper, it was awesome. We chopped wood (illegally), threw the hatchet, made smores, cooked lots of bacon, drank beers and threw the frisbee. Overall very rewarding.
I've spent this week mainly packing and lazing. Doing a lot of excercising and jitsu. On sunday I'm moving all my jazz down to my cornwall apartment. Then I dissapear on friday.
Tune in next thursday for the finale of the 4-3-9 where zout parts for Cornwall. There is already a special guest cameo planned by the Hamma! and who knows who else might show up. It could be riotous. I predict drinking, dancing and merryment!
Also, my new cell phone is awesome. I love it and everyone should call me on it. Call now!
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Series Finale
- The Camp Trip
- Zout teaches BPIC's club one week
But then comes the series finale, 'Zout parts to Cornwall'.
The past few episodes have not been that entertaining since the long weekend. I spent a week or so pulling items out of my organized mass of stuff and put it on e-bay. Overall the process was pretty straight forward and anyone can do it. That being said here are a few pointers I'll leave for others that I wish I'd had in the beginning:
- Pictures sell. Put up as many pictures that you would want to see of an item you were thinking about buying.
- Keep the text simple. Don't write a novel about your product. If people have questions, they'll message you.
- Paypal works. Use it.
- Shipping works like this. If standard postage in Canada is X, the Xpresspost in canada is 1.5X and shipping to the states is 2.5X. And don't forget overhead like costs of boxes and packing materials. It all adds up.
- Start bids low even if its an expensive item. People like to see cheap items they think they can afford. Expensive items will inevitably go up.
That's about all off the top of my head for tips. When I wasn't ebaying, I would be doing work around the house like painting trim and cleaning up. The week after, I painted the main floor in my sisters house. More work, less fun.
Upon finishing that I decided to head back to K-town to get the gears moving for the Cornwall movement. I arrived friday and cleaned up my computer and tidied up the house a little bit. I didn't want to do much since the course was the next day.
The course itself was awesome. For once in my jitsu run, I felt like I was working at 110% and I was super pumped for everything we were doing. That, in addition to getting semi intoxicated and sleeping on hard wood, sent me into hurt bag mode the next day. I realy didn't say or do much except for eat and sleep while my body attempted to repair all the damage.
Monday I awoke to McM telling me there was a ride waiting for me to Cornwall that morning if I wanted it with his Mom. The catch was that I had to be ready in the next hour (this included a pre apartment hunt). After throwing things together that I needed, we were on our way. Mrs. K gave me a small tour around and after going to work, gave me her vehicle to go apartment hunting which was very kind of her. I eventually found a place which is located at:
1430 1st Street East, Apt 308
Cornwall, ON
K6H 6H1
Upon returning to the hospital to return Mrs. K's vehicle, I was told that she had arranged a ride back for me to Kingston and that I wouldn't have to take the train. Mrs. K = awesome.
The ride was from one on McM's sister's friend's who I'll name chatterbox. She was very polite and courteous with me in the car up until we got into town and she saw McM at which point she morphed into this chatterbox. Overall, still two thumbs up to her for giving me a ride back without going on a friend's mom's word.
That brings us to now. I just got myself a new cellphone and plan for the move and think I'm going to be living off my cell phone and internet. I pretty much do that now anyways.
The past few months, I've felt like I've been growing up. I got rid of all my old toys, arranged my tuition loans and will have my own place. It's almost like I'm reponsible. That's a scary thought.
Current Song: Backstreet Boys - Never Gone
Current Mood: Excited about my new cell phone!
Thursday, August 04, 2005
The laminate has ended
I've packed up the majority of things that I have and have them boxed up in the storage downstairs. It took almost four days straight of organizing and packing but I got it done. I've moved on now to getting rid of all the 'junk' that I've amassed so that if I do end up in Vancouver in september of 2006 I won't have much keeping me here. It's working for now but slowly.
I took a trip down to K-town this weekend with the dual intention of bringing back all the things I had in kingston that I wouldn't realy need in Cornwall and getting a little partying done over the long weekend. Friday night I arrived after they'd completed poker and were winding down. People decided to head home and since I was still in driving mode, I gave people rides home. After that, J-Bun and I randomly took a drive to Ganonoque and drove back. It was more my doing than anything since I enjoy a nice long quiet drive. That ended friday night.
Saturday morning, J-Bun and I headed out to Cora's for breakfast on the pretense that fresh fruit would make their breakfast the best ever. To me it was just regular breakfast with fruit and EXPENSIVE orange juice. From there, we got some tasks completed mainly revolving around the bbq later and then headed home. BBQ started about 7ish with lots of meat going on the grill which made for one sucessful bbq. Naturally, after the bbq was beirut which proved to get me fairly drunk and fill McM's camera with lots of photos of me. Some randoms showed up and I think I ended up getting puppy dawg eyes from one of them. I also ended up getting quite a few glances from a friend's girlfriend which made me slightly uncomfortable, but I guess it goes with the hotness territory. The night ended with J-Bun and I heading out to Toucan to grab a beer with BPIC and BPICgal.
J-Bun left the following morning to head home and I slept in til about 11. Woke up and cleaned the house for a little bit, had some food and proceeded to start packing up all of the jazz which I had come to Kingston to pack. [Insert boring couple of hours here]. Upon completion of this, we preped the ridgeliner for drive in movie night. The actual night started out pretty good with some carnival rides and some normal hijinks. Then the movies started and things went downhill. Stealth was a terrible movie and the only thing that saved it was Jessica Biel's hotness. I didn't even bother with the next movie and just went to sleep in the trunk of Dash's truck. As soon as I got home from the drive-in I passed out hard.
I woke up the monday morning at about 9 with the intention of leaving at 10. Naturally with a few last minute things, it ended up being 10:30. I stopped by Thumper's on the way home to drop something off and to say hi. After that I finished the drive home.
Tuesday to now has mainly been spent doing house work and putting things up on e-bay. This weekend I'm helping my sister move the rest of her stuff out of the family home to her new place. Next week I'm painting a few rooms in her house. Saturday, there's a peterborough course and then sunday I'm back in kingston for two weeks. Mostly business though as I need to find a place in Cornwall and then pack up the stuff and get it to Cornwall.
Closing thoughts:
- I'm gonna teach my kids to be minimalists as the less you have, the less you're tied down to one place
- E-bay's a good place to unload you're stuff. Too bad I didn't start way before as I have a lot of nicks and nacks to unload
- I want to get rid of my textbooks now but since I'm in cornwall, its gonna be tough to sell them to Queen's folk in Kingston
- Anyone got any good jobs info in cornwall. I need to get a job otherwise I'm gonna be broke ass.
Current Mood: Wanting to fast forward time one year (is there a word for this)
Current Song: Robbie Williams - Strong
Monday, July 25, 2005
Nothing that new
On the subject, I find it absolutely ridiculous that the rating for the game has been changed to AO. That's on par with porn and videos of monkey's smelling their own farts and falling over! This is absolutely ridiculous and the three people who made a fuss need to get a life or a significant other.
Installing laminate is pretty easy and looks fairly nice (as a tip for those who might be interested in flooring down the road). The installation seems to just eat up time though between cutting and fitting. Hence why I havn't posted in a while.
I think I may be ending up in K-town for the long weekend and thus if I'm there, everyone else should go as well. I'm mainly going to pick up things that don't need to go to cornwall but will likely engage in other activities that weekend.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
The brampton schedule
July 14 and 15 - Organizing all the crap I have here. Why did I buy so many action figures in high school anyways???
July 16 and 17 - Helping my sister to move the rest of her stuff out of the basement. She's got a lot of baking items
July 18th - 22nd - Helping my dad re-floor upstairs with laminate
July 23 and 24 - Nothing to do this weekend
July 24th - 27th - Finish Re-Flooring. Taking off 27th (Thurs) for Kingston.
July 28 - Taking a trip to Cornwall to take a look at the area and examine potential residences.
July 29th and 30th - Highland games!
July 31st - August 5th - Still undecided
August 5th - Return to Kingston?
Whew! Now it's in writing and I can shift things around as necessary.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Last Weekend in K-town
Naturally I'm both happy and sad to be leaving after a five year hiatus here. It's good to get away and start something new for a little while and perhaps meet some new faces but there are a lot of happy memories for me in K-town and it will be hard to leave. I'll likely be back pretty often next year though on a bi-weekly basis I'd say. I might even be so bold as to try and coerce my parents into taking over the old 4x4 since they're thinking of passing it on.
This past weekend was pretty chill spending a couple days with BPIC and Browntown for BPIC's b-day. Friday we had dinner at the Chinese buffet for $7 and while that may seem like a good deal, it in fact was a recipe for hell as all the bad stuff that they put in lead to some hyperactivity of my GI tract and bad smells. Mud-Butt!
Because of this huge discomfort, I had no more desire to get my drink on friday. Everyone pretty much felt this way so I wasn't the only one thankfully being a stink. We had given it a good effort to try and walk off the terribleness and made it to three bars that night but nothing would end up working.
Saturday I woke up feeling a lot better but terribly dehydrated. I wasn't in the mood for anything and nursed water for about and hour at which point the hunger hit. Following eating and a shower, BPIC and Browntown came by and we watched Chapelle. Following this they taught me how to throw a football as I've never been good at it. Later we all had dinner together where they attempted to poison me with Patt Thai which had shrimp, nuts and peanut sauce. I was too clever for them though and evaded the danger dish.
We once again went out on the town for drinks, first to Brew Pub and then to Elixer. We ate a lot of apps at the Brew Pub so once again drinking was slowed down and later, as things would pick up, the waitress (who was hot) asked us to settle the tab since she was on the way out. Needing more to drink, we decided to head to the Elixer since it was cheap drinks night and they have a nice outdoor patio. We drank until they closed at which point we parted ways.
Today, I just ran, downloaded and read a lot. Nice and relaxing. Tommorrow I'll likely be doing laundry and packing to go home. It will likely feel weird as it always does whenever I move from a place I've gotten use to.
Closing thoughts:
- Kingston sucks for meeting new people. Ladies always think you want third base when you start talking to them so conversations go nowhere.
- Having too much time off gets pretty boring
- There was a cool shirt at Willy's that I wanted. I might have to purchase it on the VISA
- In packing I came accross some old photo albums with some sweet memories in them. Wish I could do it all again. Most of it ...
- If you see BPIC doing a slight shake its because he's Buck Nasty. I will likely be Silky Johnson.
- Dave Chapelle is awesome
Current Mood: Reflectivly Content
Current Song: The All American Rejects - Dirty Little Secret
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Our deepest fear
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you NOT to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Monday, July 04, 2005
A Day for McM size celebrations!
Monday I spent sleeping, recovering from my escapades in Peterborough and Mississauga and that pretty much continued on til mid afternoon when I was informed that McM's father needed a second individual for a dealer trader to BelleVegas. We quickly mounted into the McM mobile to instantly complete this task and were done within the afternoon.
That night saw Ty's last week in K-town celebrated with a traditional night of beirut antics. I didn't play much that night in favour of RAW and the final draft that night, but would later attend the outdoor event clad in my bandana and socialize a little. The night ended with us heading out to McDonalds for Big Macs. I wanted two but only had one as two makes me feel gross.
Tuesday was jitsu and it was nice to train for once while not being under the gun to be back at the desk for studying. BPIC sensei decided to get me sweating and had me training which was a nice change of pace.
Wednesday I went running in the sweltering heat which was a mistake as it's unbelievably tough to breath. The thickness of the air only allowed me to get to 80% or so of my maximum running capacity.
And thus what did I do to follow? Run again on thursday morning. Again, in the thick hazy heat. This was pretty much a repeat preformance of the previous night but with more pain in my knees for not giving them proper recuperation time. And then to top it all off, I did jitsu that night. I had no other choice though as we had guest jitsuka down from peterborough
We had a bbq following that with delicious Locke burgers, pasta salad and booze.
We stayed up pretty late watching Dave Chapelle show and just hanging out on the porch. People started to fade at about 4am while me, FlippyDan and one of his students, DaFin, came back in the house. Flippy decided that he wanted to watch Alladin and loaded it into the DVD player. After about five minutes Flippy and I watched as DaFin passed out and a minute later Flippy was out cold himself. Thus, I stopped the movie and went to bed as the sun started to come up.
Woke up the next morning with the intention of getting breakfast with the Jitsu gang but my processor was working very slowly. Thus, with all the idle movement, I had to skip breakfast in favour of getting ready to head off to Ottawa! Eventually, about two hours after McM and I said we'd leave, we set out on the road for the capital celebration for Canada Day.
We arrived in Napean to see all the Boyz from the good ol K-town days. I hadn't seen a lot of them in a couple months and it was nice to say hi. We socialized for about an hour but decided to leave after that as they have a habit of just doing nothing but just idling for a while. We almost got sucked into it but needed to be off to visit Frenchy.
Eventually, we finally made it to see Frenchy and his palace of an apartment. We sat and chilled for a while trying to outlast the thunder storm which was forcasted before heading downtown and to the football game. We sucessfully did this and then headed downtown to catch the shuttle for the game. Little did we know that there was a second storm waiting and being the smarty pantses that we are we sat on top of the double decker bus and got soaked. Thankfully, women look fantastic soaking wet and there was a good side to this.
We sat down for the game, had a few munchies and took it all in. This was my first live football game and wasn't that bad. In the end I learned a little about CFL and thus have grown from it.
From there, we walked downtown to watch the fireworks and attempt to find all other parties in Ottawa. The latter failed miserably but the fireworks were excellent.
We finished the day back at Frenchy's place with a game called 'seen it' and some texas hold'em. I passed out for the Texas Hold'em.
Saturday, we went to see 'War of the Worlds' which is a well filmed movie and has some excellent visuals. The story itself is fairly straight forward and you'll understand that better once you've seen it. After that we said buy to Frenchy, we made a few house calls to say hello to friends, bought some cheap Blue in Hull and drove back home. I was out of it when I got back, likely from the McDonalds we ate on the ride home. I did manage to get some delicious food into me at which point I passed out for 12H solid.
Sunday, McM and I finally got around to returning the tower of bottles from our family room. We need the RidgeLine's trunk space to hold everything. When we got to the Beer Store, it took us four trolley rides to get everything inside for the return. We even managed to back up the return line because we had so many bottles. When it was all said and done, we'd netted ourselves over $65 in bottles. (Almost 1200 bottles).
Following this we proceeded to celebrate McM's b-day at his parents place in typical Griswold fashion. It was suppose to be a surprise party but the jig was up after a few slip ups. In the end though, it was good times with a LOT of food and appetizers, some swimming (throwing people into the pool), some cake eating and a bit of Texas Hold'em. I might add that I had some all star hands with a good hand for every other deal which allowed me to win the game. The final hand saw me with pocket queens and McM challenging me to go all in with a pair on the table and one in my hand. Two pairs turned into a full house and I took it all home on the last hand.
Today will likely see the drinking portion of McM's b-day and hooting at girls. I will likely be acting like a grizzled prospector and 'bantering' incessantly.
Closing thoughts:
- I saw many friends in the past few days and I'm once again reminded of how fortunate I am
- I'll be home for three weeks from the 11th of July onwards and making road trips into the k-town during then hopefully.
- My five year stint in K-town is almost at an end and I'm starting to feel nostalgic
- Raw is Brownzmania tonight featuring the Hulkster!
- One night king of Texas Holdem!
- Happy B-day Matty McMattosaur!
Current Song: Coldplay - Swallowed in the Sea
Current Mood: Somber
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
'Adventure, Excitement, A Jedi craves not these things.
Which Star Wars Jedi/Sith are you? Obi-Wan Kenobi You’ve managed to train both a great evil and a greater good, not to mention whipping the ass of the coolest looking Sith in the series. However, you do have a few weaknesses, like Count Dooku and a douche bag of a Padawan. Other than that, you are the epitome of class. The accent, the outfit, and your care for those around you is highly admirable. Arguably, you are the best Jedi that ever lived, having owned Maul, Anakin and Grievous, a total of seven lightsabres among the three. |
Click Here to Take This Quiz |
Monday, June 27, 2005
Back to the Blog
To celebrate, the class decided to head to the lonestar. I wasn't too high on the idea for my own reasons but decided to head to the restaurant anyhoo realizing that the likelyhood of the running into a certain individual would be small. Naturally, the odds were against me, and she happend to be working that day. Thankfully, they only seat groups on the inside and since she was working the patio, there was no awkward encounters.
Lunch itself was quite good and said goodbye to a few individuals who I might not see again for a while. Afterwards, I came home and kind of went blitzwing on the living room giving it a large tidying up since I've started to see some insect life hanging around. When that was done, I went for a run, cleaned up and then headed to Windmill's for dessert with the x-ray folk.
(As an aside, two songs that get me pumped when I run are 'Emery - Holding Out for Hero' and 'So they Say - Forever Young'. They get me so Amped!)
Windmill's has a very delicious white choclate rasberry cheesecake. Every bite was fantastic and I recommend it to anyone who hasn't had the pleasure.
After Windmill's, we came back to Casa Bone for some drinks and chatting. Overall it was very casual until A) One of the third party invites (friend of a friend) got drunk and started playing air guitar on a folder chair and humping the table and B) McM came home and had lost all control over the tone of his voice, unknowingly shouting at everyone. But in the end, every party needs something like that so you have a story the next day.
Spent the weekend following doing Jitsu and hanging out in Mississauga with Skimpy. The course was a nice tribute to Shihan Graham and overall was very fun. To save a lot of writing, here are a few photos:
After making a few calls and dropping off some donation money for High Chief, we headed off to Mississauga. I made FlippyDan stop off for some food as I'd decided the 1/4 bag of dorritos that I'd had wouldn't quit cut it. Thus we stopped at A and W for the $5 teen burger and root beer float combo! At some point during lunch I looked at the salt and pepper shakers and asked whether pepper was the opposite of salt. FlippyDan didn't quite know what to say since he too was perplexed. We decided then to make it our mission to find out if anyone actually knew 'What the opposite of Salt was".
We left for Mississauga, got there, ran a red light, waited at the meeting point restaurant for 30 mins due to being in different locations (patio and inside) and then finally met up. Went shopping for a billion hours with Skimpy covering the entire mall approximately twice. I did manage to get myself a new Wolverine shirt though which I think is pretty sweet.
Following that, we went and saw Batman Begins on the IMAX. The movie itself was wicked sweet and overall a very solid flick. I'm sure this was partially due to the all star cast which includes one Chritian Bale! Makes me want to become a superhero like Batman. I could be 'BoneMan'! Or not since this also sounds like a porno title.
"It's not who I am underneath, but what I do, that defines me."
With the movie, ending it was time to head home and it was due time since FlippyDan and I were both tired. When I arrived home last night I passed out and slept more soundly than a baby after a bottle of milk.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Quick Update
- Studying blows and causes me to fall into worse shape (is that how that's said?)
- I've applied for two jobs. I should apply for more.
- Graham Shihan Tribute Course this weekend in Peterborough and I'm there
- Got to see Baby Bear before she left and she was hot as ever. For the record, since she's gone, I do and have always had the hots for her. It's not hard to see why though.
- J-Bun is one off the wall chica. She should learn to be more responsible and spend less time with people who are of questionable stature
- Two out of three exams have gone well. Hoping to make it four.
- Had a pretty wonderful flashback when I heard the song 'Because you loved me' by Celine Dion. Made me smile for a whole day whenever I thought about it
- This line from 'Incomplete' keeps playing back in my head:
"I don't mean to drag it on
But I can't seem to let you go
I don't wanna make you face
this world alone"
It's either because I'm a romantic at heart or just unwilling to accept things as they are panning out. Guess this means I follow the path of the Jedi and believe there is still good in dark places in the world. 'Master Zout' has a nice ring to it. 'Master Bone' sounds like it belongs in a porno.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
"There were moments of gold, and there were flashes of light..."
I've had the privilege of meeting him only on a handful of occassions but every moment of it was a treat. He had a definate presence to him which everyone understood but no one ever dared question. He was always compared to Yoda as he would mutter random musings about things no one could understand just to get a laugh but when he was serious, no one dared stand in his way afraid that he'd use the purest forms of jitsu to annihilate anyone within sight.
He was truly a fountain of knowledge to gain from and will sorrily be missed by all of us. Certainly though, if we were to use the adage that the measure of a man's life is in the people that he is able to give to, then Brian Graham has left us the legacy of a man far beyond what anyone could fathom.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
I plead guilty
The hints of abdomen shown with smaller tank tops; accentuation of hips in the smaller shorts and my favourite; the beads of sweat glistening off of that spot on the neck where the collar bone ends. All so fantastic.
And thus, as it hits me in the face almost every minute (especially since I live on one of the main streets in Kingston) I can't help but caught up in staring at the magnificence which the lord puts before me again and again (and again).
Does this make me a bad person? Probably, but a happy bad person. Ultimately though its not my fault that you women look so good. It's your fault and should accept responsability for your fantastically gorgeous figures.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
The dream has just about faded away...
I never reconed myself as someone who would hold legitimate hate for anyone because I'd like to think I walk on the brighter side of the tracks. So when it eventually found me I was at a loss of what to do with it. But just like anything in life, it just needed to be sourced out for the root of what had stemmed it to rid myself of it.
And eventually, after some prying into dark corners of the soul I didn't know existed, I found the answer which I've needed for a while. It wasn't an easy thing to grasp but in essence it boiled down to the fact that two differing value systems were clashing and in a time where I would have laid down and died for another, they in turn were never willing to return that type of trust and/or faith.
I don't ask much of my friends other than that they are willing to show the same faith and conviction in me that I give to them and when that didn't happen, my system short circuited. So, now it's time to just remove the weak line and move on. They're are too many other important people out there who have given me their time for me to just ignore them while waiting for the link to fix itself.
And so now the dream dies and I move on looking out for a guy who's more important and needs a little mending. It's funny because I feel exactly like Obi-Wan Kenobi fighting Anakin acknowledging his failures and leaving with:
"You were my brother Anakin, I loved you."
Except, change brother to sister and that's where I am. But people change and it's time that I recognized that.
[Aside: My goal here is not to slander certain people in this blog entry. I only mean to acknowledge to those that care, why I've been at a lose for a little while instead of pretending nothing bothers me.]
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek
This is what someone on had to say about it. Agree or disagree?
"Sometimes you wake up and you've been feeling something for a week...maybe longer, maybe shorter. You watch the movies that make you feel, you listen to the songs that do the same and still nothing. Then something strikes your soul, something so profound that you take notice and you say...that's it. That's what I'm feeling, that's how I'm feeling it. That's it."
Thursday, June 02, 2005
That's right ladies and gentleman...
I'm the diet coke of evil, just one calorie!
In other news, school is preventing me from doing anything fun these days. I'm missing jitsu and the guest instructors that are only here for a little while! Poop.
I got to try contrast media today which is the stuff the techs give to patients so that certain structures that arn't normally seen on radiographs, can be visualized. It tasted decent but it gave me a headache for a little bit.
Lately it seems that some of my good friends are running into rough patches in their lives and I'd like to let those people know I'm currently working on mustering some extra Zout brand magic and will be there if you call my name or 'Stick out your thumb'.
Nobody’s laughing now
God’s grace lost and the devil is proud
But I’ve been walking for a thousand miles
One last time I could see you smile
-Dave Matthews Band - American Baby
Monday, May 30, 2005
The events of the past few days
Thursday, was Skimpy's convocation and after getting a butt load of work done, her FlippyDan and I all went out to dinner at Curry Original. The meal itself was fantastic. I have not had good indian food in a while and it was a nice treat to have something so delicious. Overall it was definately A.
After dinner, we caught up with Jumpy at the Nog and had quite a few pints. We also did some kareoke which was quite a bit of fun. FlippyDan sang Jeremy and then the three of us sang a remixed version of American Pie. I don't know how everyone's eardrums didn't burst as it must have been terrible to listen to. Skimpy and I finished off with like a prayer which saw my voice crack almost a dozen times trying to do Madonna. Twice, during the course of the night, creepy guys jumped up on the stage to sing with us because they were hot for Skimpy. That wasn't cool by any means as it cramped on the fun. C'est la vie.
At some point that night, the Bop showed up randomly to see FlippyDan and bought us all a round of drinks which was totally awesome of him. But as quickly as he showed up, he left which was mysterious.
We headed to Stages at that point for a little bit of jammin in the name of the lord. It was wicked sweet to just jam with some dancers for the course of the night as I'm usually with the K-town boyz at Stages, most of whom don't dance very much. And so the pure sweet dance of it all was wicked. Oddly enough though, the same creepy guys that were hitting on Skimpy at the Nog found their way to Stages and managed their way over to us again. Weird. I think FlippyDan was ready to burst about it though. Thankfully he didn't.
Came back that night and had some cake and went to bed. The next morning we got up quite late and after a lot of slow movement, we headed out to the Epicure for breakfast. They need a larger breakfast selection on their menu as I was not sufficiently filled.
After bidding adieu to the two of them, I spent the rest of the day getting ready for boot camp!!! BPIC and Jumpy arrived here about 530 or so to get me and then we headed off to the beer store. In my mastery of art buying talent, we managed to get 42 beers into our possession for $54. After that, we loaded ourself up with delicious Wendy's and headed off for Kinmount.
We ended up getting lost about three of four times because we were following our own little mystery route but each time our natural senses lead us back to the right course without too much lost time.
BPIC's knee was hurting him and so I drove for about an hour or so. BPIC at that moment decided to waste no time and decided to light up with Jumpy. This sucked... a lot... to just have to sit there and watch them blaze up while I needed to be responsible. Poop.
We eventually arrived and after pitching shop, we headed out to the fire to drink and be merry. And merry we got, so much so that the next morning was terrible. All that aside, we ended up watching jitsu videos, eating cookies and drinking lots of beers. Good times all around. The night itself was freezing and I was glad to have a winter sleeping bag otherwise I would have transformed into a brown popsicle.
While in the rot of feeling terrible the next morning, I was christened T-Boneo (in an australian accent) and was given a background which consisted of me being found in the bush and being taught to speak and train. Even in my pain, I laughed at this as it was tres comical. Seven and a half minutes later, I chundered. The good, the bad and the ugly.
Thankfully, I felt much better after that and got some good training in. The bad weather stayed away and we were able to get a good amount of rough housing in there. When training finished up, another night began which eventually led to hanging around the fire. This night, I behaved a little bit more and just did a bit of story telling and comedy skit reinacting (sp?). The night concluded and once I again, I slept in the cold tent but was smarter this time and had a few more ways to stay warm lined up.
We finished the next morning with some weapons stuff then packed up shop and headed home. The ride home was pretty chill with a few open forum chats and farting. Blame the farting on chili the previous night, sausages for lunch and then taco bell for dinner. But it was all guys so we were cool with it. We rode into the sunset just like cowboys and in the end, it was good to know that the one of the last road trips with Jumpy was memorable.
While on the subject, I would like to take this time to acknowledge Jumpy since he'll be leaving the scene for a while. I'm going to address him without his alias to pay proper tribute.
I met Stu about three years ago when he promptly burst onto the jitsu scene as one of the proverbial keeners from the novice group. He was always one of the visible faces who was laughing and willing to spend his time making people laugh. One of my favourite memories of Mr. Dan was the day he learned Peg Legs and proceeded to do them that night into every snow bank he saw that night. He was crazy from day one and fit into our community perfectly.
Now, I'm not going to just rant on about all of the good times because there are too many and I'm sure Stu would like that too much. Instead, I'd just like to tell the world what I told BPIC after we dropped him off yesterday which is that in the face of events which would have seen many act selfishly with hate and anger, Stu choose a high road of sincerity and forgiveness.
It's no secret to most of the crazy love triangle that existed last year and most people in his situation would have likely just stopped talking to the guy who kept interferring with his relationship. But to his credit, he never let it overcome his actions and instead chose the higher road and treat me with the same courtesy which he gave everyone else.
I have said it many times that I am fortunate to have known some fantastic people in my life and Stu Cooke is certainly one of those people. At his very essence he was and is just, sincere and honest with everyone around him and I am glad to have been able to know him and wish him the best in the future.