Thursday, July 14, 2005

The brampton schedule

I'm adding my future schedule to my blog partially to let everyone else know what I'm doing but moreso because I need to organize my own thoughts.

July 14 and 15 - Organizing all the crap I have here. Why did I buy so many action figures in high school anyways???

July 16 and 17 - Helping my sister to move the rest of her stuff out of the basement. She's got a lot of baking items

July 18th - 22nd - Helping my dad re-floor upstairs with laminate

July 23 and 24 - Nothing to do this weekend

July 24th - 27th - Finish Re-Flooring. Taking off 27th (Thurs) for Kingston.

July 28 - Taking a trip to Cornwall to take a look at the area and examine potential residences.

July 29th and 30th - Highland games!

July 31st - August 5th - Still undecided

August 5th - Return to Kingston?

Whew! Now it's in writing and I can shift things around as necessary.

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