Monday I spent sleeping, recovering from my escapades in Peterborough and Mississauga and that pretty much continued on til mid afternoon when I was informed that McM's father needed a second individual for a dealer trader to BelleVegas. We quickly mounted into the McM mobile to instantly complete this task and were done within the afternoon.
That night saw Ty's last week in K-town celebrated with a traditional night of beirut antics. I didn't play much that night in favour of RAW and the final draft that night, but would later attend the outdoor event clad in my bandana and socialize a little. The night ended with us heading out to McDonalds for Big Macs. I wanted two but only had one as two makes me feel gross.
Tuesday was jitsu and it was nice to train for once while not being under the gun to be back at the desk for studying. BPIC sensei decided to get me sweating and had me training which was a nice change of pace.
Wednesday I went running in the sweltering heat which was a mistake as it's unbelievably tough to breath. The thickness of the air only allowed me to get to 80% or so of my maximum running capacity.
And thus what did I do to follow? Run again on thursday morning. Again, in the thick hazy heat. This was pretty much a repeat preformance of the previous night but with more pain in my knees for not giving them proper recuperation time. And then to top it all off, I did jitsu that night. I had no other choice though as we had guest jitsuka down from peterborough
We had a bbq following that with delicious Locke burgers, pasta salad and booze.
We stayed up pretty late watching Dave Chapelle show and just hanging out on the porch. People started to fade at about 4am while me, FlippyDan and one of his students, DaFin, came back in the house. Flippy decided that he wanted to watch Alladin and loaded it into the DVD player. After about five minutes Flippy and I watched as DaFin passed out and a minute later Flippy was out cold himself. Thus, I stopped the movie and went to bed as the sun started to come up.
Woke up the next morning with the intention of getting breakfast with the Jitsu gang but my processor was working very slowly. Thus, with all the idle movement, I had to skip breakfast in favour of getting ready to head off to Ottawa! Eventually, about two hours after McM and I said we'd leave, we set out on the road for the capital celebration for Canada Day.
We arrived in Napean to see all the Boyz from the good ol K-town days. I hadn't seen a lot of them in a couple months and it was nice to say hi. We socialized for about an hour but decided to leave after that as they have a habit of just doing nothing but just idling for a while. We almost got sucked into it but needed to be off to visit Frenchy.
Eventually, we finally made it to see Frenchy and his palace of an apartment. We sat and chilled for a while trying to outlast the thunder storm which was forcasted before heading downtown and to the football game. We sucessfully did this and then headed downtown to catch the shuttle for the game. Little did we know that there was a second storm waiting and being the smarty pantses that we are we sat on top of the double decker bus and got soaked. Thankfully, women look fantastic soaking wet and there was a good side to this.
We sat down for the game, had a few munchies and took it all in. This was my first live football game and wasn't that bad. In the end I learned a little about CFL and thus have grown from it.
From there, we walked downtown to watch the fireworks and attempt to find all other parties in Ottawa. The latter failed miserably but the fireworks were excellent.
We finished the day back at Frenchy's place with a game called 'seen it' and some texas hold'em. I passed out for the Texas Hold'em.
Saturday, we went to see 'War of the Worlds' which is a well filmed movie and has some excellent visuals. The story itself is fairly straight forward and you'll understand that better once you've seen it. After that we said buy to Frenchy, we made a few house calls to say hello to friends, bought some cheap Blue in Hull and drove back home. I was out of it when I got back, likely from the McDonalds we ate on the ride home. I did manage to get some delicious food into me at which point I passed out for 12H solid.
Sunday, McM and I finally got around to returning the tower of bottles from our family room. We need the RidgeLine's trunk space to hold everything. When we got to the Beer Store, it took us four trolley rides to get everything inside for the return. We even managed to back up the return line because we had so many bottles. When it was all said and done, we'd netted ourselves over $65 in bottles. (Almost 1200 bottles).
Following this we proceeded to celebrate McM's b-day at his parents place in typical Griswold fashion. It was suppose to be a surprise party but the jig was up after a few slip ups. In the end though, it was good times with a LOT of food and appetizers, some swimming (throwing people into the pool), some cake eating and a bit of Texas Hold'em. I might add that I had some all star hands with a good hand for every other deal which allowed me to win the game. The final hand saw me with pocket queens and McM challenging me to go all in with a pair on the table and one in my hand. Two pairs turned into a full house and I took it all home on the last hand.
Today will likely see the drinking portion of McM's b-day and hooting at girls. I will likely be acting like a grizzled prospector and 'bantering' incessantly.
Closing thoughts:
- I saw many friends in the past few days and I'm once again reminded of how fortunate I am
- I'll be home for three weeks from the 11th of July onwards and making road trips into the k-town during then hopefully.
- My five year stint in K-town is almost at an end and I'm starting to feel nostalgic
- Raw is Brownzmania tonight featuring the Hulkster!
- One night king of Texas Holdem!
- Happy B-day Matty McMattosaur!
Current Song: Coldplay - Swallowed in the Sea
Current Mood: Somber
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