The next few days I spent unpacking and exploring the city which isn't that big so it didn't take that long. I had no internet and no phone for a weekend and spent those culture shock moments just reading. If cogeco wasn't retarded and had given me a specific time appointment, as oppose to a full day, I might have had internet that weekend. However, I did not want to sit at home all daywaiting especially with my parents visiting from brampton.
Speaking of my parents, having them here was definately a booster for my spirits as I was quite home sick. I consider myself pretty strong but something within seemed to long for something familiar in such a new place. Having them here gave that.
Here are some photos of my new place for anyone that's interested:

Tuesday to Friday was spent at the hospital getting oriented with the program and reviewing items from the previous year. My clinical co-ordinator is super nice and I think it's gonna make for a pretty fun year. We went out to four bars that night and saw a total of 12 people and four of those people were the band playing at a local club that night.
That being said, I jumped on the first train the next day to Kingston as I wasn't going to stick around this rut with everyone there having fun. When I arrived I was suprised to hear that a few unexpected familiar faces were there. It turns out that most of the Aberdeen posse was down and with that, we were back on the town again for a good ol fashion night complete with Mosie/Zout rants, Elixer and booze. Needless to to say I definately had a lot of fun but would pay for it the next day. I woke up feeling fine but it was all a deception as the day was spent playing Prince of Persia in hangover mode.
I would eventually recover and after visiting the Griswold's for dinner, I would be on my way back to the Wall. Monday was rough as I'd had little sleep over the weekend and realy gotten nothing done at home. However, I've since picked up the slack and gotten myself back up to speed.
Tommorrow is hospital orientation. Boring!
Current Song: Bon Jovi - Have a nice day
Current Mood: Ready for Rest
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