Friday, August 25, 2006

Right F'n pissed

Aight, so I was told almost two months ago than in all likelyhood we would be allowed to go a week early than the scheduled end of semester. Thus I arrange all my plans around moving home this sunday; End all the bills, contact the landlord, sell all the requred items, find the necessary moving help and purchase just enough food to last me to the end on sunday. Then today while be let go early, we're told to have a nice weekend and that she'll see us on monday.

And from that moment and continuing til the writing on this post I have been pissed off. There is absolutely nothing to be gained as a student from going in next week as we've finished all of the necessary items that need to be completed as students in our clinical year and therein lies my biggest quam. (Edited due to over excessiveness) . Most times I've let it go because I'm an easy going individual but, when I have to replan all of the items mentioned on account of her making ridiculous decisions, I start to get a little angry about it.

Needless to say, I'm pretty certain that all words exchanged with her next week will be short and brief. (Also edited).

Closing comments:
- WTF is this sh*t. Jebus.
- My kingston trip this weekend is being cancelled since everyone is out of town. Think I'll be rescheduling for tuesday night provided I get off that day.
- Some things surprise you more than others. Some events surprise you more than others and some people have some unexpected surprises.
- I might put off my move to Vancouver by a little bit in favour of staying for thanksgiving. So depending on what happens in the next few weeks, my departure date might be the 9th and my start date date would be the 16th.
- The apartment seems so lifeless without all my trinkets and posters. I guess its all relative to how each person lives in the end as some people might enjoy seeing their walls without posters plastered all over them.
- You can put posters in the kitchen right? I remember having this discussion a while back but have always gotten mixed answer on that.

Current Song: Bob Dylan - Blowing in the Wind
Current Mood: Frustrated

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If it's hanging in the kitchen, it has to be framed.