I've been studying for exams lately which is why the posts have been kept to a minimum. Needless to say I've still done a few noteworthy items which might be of a reader's interest.
During the long weekend, I mainly studied as I'd set out to do. However, to keep from completely going insane from pure studies, I went to the highland games on the friday night as I had half planned to do. Now because, I was with one of my co-student friends and his fiancé, I didn't get too rowdy but I still had good time as I ran into some familiar faces who I hadn't seen in a long time and got to throw a few half filled beer cups around. But after all the fun was done, it was back to studying.
Truthfully, it sucked to have given up a beautiful long weekend for the books. But, as the fates would have it, the trade off I made in favour of going to Muskoka this past weekend was well worth it. The twelve hours on the road, was all worth it. In the end there was nothing super special and out of the ordinary that occured. It was just the company amongst old friends that I've grown up with that made it all worth it. That and some Ouzo. ;O)

The exam ended up going well and all the studying paid off. The other great part is that this was the last major thing that needed to be done and now I just coast til the end.
Tommorrow is the student celebration which includes dinner and a little house jam. There is a possibility that we may even frequent a bar and visit the locals. Then from there, there is just one week left before my tenure in Cornwall is over. The end has come at last.
Closing thoughts:
- Instead of any actual thoughts, I'm just gonna use some song lyrics to fill space that I thought would make good titles to posts
- "You ask me if I've known love and what it's like to sing songs in the rain"
- "I wanna have the same last dream again"
- "But if I don't come back then I won't look behind me"
- "It is truth and love and it is always there"
Current Song: Hinder - Lips of an Angel
Current Mood: Satisfied
And of course, a video...
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