Work - Work sucks. Most days were average but Monday was especially terrible. I was pulled from one of the nicer working areas with newer equipment to do x-rays of a decomposing corpse which was so decayed that it was green. On the plus side of things though, I was able to selfishly use the computers at work to do some of the paper work associated with the new club.
The new Club - Tuesday had to be one of the days I was the most excited and scared about. Naturally I was ecstatic about finally starting a club in BC but that residing fear of no one showing up and everything turning into a flop was also very prevalent. This was compounded by an e-mail on Monday stating that as of the writing time, there were only four individuals registered. Initially I was put off by this but figured that people would still show up for the 'trial sessions' I'd unofficially organized. And thankfully that's exactly what happened. My first sessions saw nine, enthusiastic energetic novices on the mats who were eating up everything that I was giving them. Thursday saw the same number and numbers have since gone up to 10 paid members as of Thumper's Tuesday sessions visit. Speaking of which...
Thumper's Visit - Without missing a beat, Thumper and I picked up where I'd left of when I left ON back in Oct of 06. There was our usual brand of bad comedy, a copious consumption of delicious foods from around the city and the usual fun of training on the mats. I could go on in boring detail but the following two pictures tell the story better than words could.

These past two weeks have been some of the most rewarding experiences of my life having seen many of my long term dreams come true. Long ago as a purple, I thought to myself that it would be an honour to stand beside Thumper as both his student and a Sensei to others and this week I had that honour. I've also found myself riding the cusp of my dream of moving to Vancouver and starting a Jitsu club. There are moments where I catch myself even wondering if this is actually happening and whether I'm about to wake up from the dream. That hasn't happened yet though and until I do, I'm going to savour every last moment of this new ride.
On a disappointing last note, whoever decided to be so classy and leaving the anonymous comment of " I think you are still a self centred waste of time thats going nowhere", grow up. Not only does it reek of immaturity that one hides behind the veil of the internet to fling feces like a monkey, but its also petty and lacks any form of dignity. If you really have a problem with me (not that anyone should as its been more than half a year since I've had any real significant battle with anyone), take it up with me in the real world live civilized individuals do.
1 comment:
Apparently you're not such a waste of time that some insecure dolt from your past can't avoid lurking anonymously on your blog.
Petty and Weak is all that is.
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