Monday, April 02, 2007

Still Havn't got it

So while socializing with the X-Ray folk last friday, I came to the conclusion that my ability to make any type of conversation in a night club is still pretty terrible and abyssmal at best. In truth I've never realy understood why people even try to talk on the dance floor where there's loud bassy music but it still happens. As a small saving grace, I think I have gotten better at matching people's expressions so when they look for a sentiment, I can usually produce it.

Last week was a pretty big under the gun weekend as I had two final exams to write, a fundraiser to ambassador for and the student celebration to attend. As per always though I pulled them all of with a little brown grace and style.

My housemate just purchased a bbq and patio furniture and because of this, coupled to me leaving nights, we are having our first formalized social event at our place. In celebration of the BBQ, we have titled it after the infamous Simpsons episode where lisa goes vegatarian and the worm talks like a sheep, 'The 364 BBBQ'. Truthfully, I don't expect many people to attend since I'm now in the older work world where people work saturdays, but we'll see.

I'm still enjoying a lot of new Indie Rock Music these days. The Fray are often queued up on my playlist amongst some new groups like the Papercuts and Modest Mouse.

I watched 300 the other day and thought it was quite good. There was a lot of gore most certainly, but I found its appeal in the way they chose to use the different methods of filming and narrative to tell the story. I also liked the narrative because it was done by David Wenham who played Faramir in Lord of the Rings.

The build on some of the actors has motivated me to pick up my training again so that at some point in the summer, I might look half decent if I were to yell at someone "This is Sparta". I would need a Giant black hole though along with this, if such a thing were to be done.

Movies watched Recently:
300 - Great. Not Superb. (Tidbit: The guy who plays Xerxes is the actor who was in the most recent episode of lost.
Bridge to Tarabithea - Nice little children's tale. Worth a watch.
Happily Never After - Leaves something to be desired.

Anticipated Movies this summer:
SpiderMan 3
Shrek 3
Pirates 3
Transformers (though it sucks that optimus isn't a big red truck when transformerd)
Simpsons Movie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mum and I saw The Namesake. It didn't have a huge distribution, but it was enjoyable (although a little long). It's a Mira Nair film and Kal Penn is in it.
