Vancouver so far has been great. Nothing too exciting has happend since I've got here since I've mainly just been working and getting my apartment in order as well as all the other things that go with that. Settling into a new hospital and new department has been a fun little adventure and looks like both could be promising. Everything at VGH seems to make so much more sense than it has in previous exposure (no pun intended) to diagnostic imaging field.
I've met a handful of people outside of the hospital in my wanderings but havn't had much social time since its taking time to get myself settled. I should be all done after this weekend though since my stuff finally arrived one of my last tasks just requires me to put it away.
I think I'll leave the rest of this post in summarized closing comments form.
Closing Comments:
- The city itself is beautiful and filled with culture at almost every corner
- People here seem to be way more health concious than in any other city I've lived in (especially compared to Cornwall). I think I've seen a total of maybe three fat people in the month that I've been here.
- My cell phone bill is going to be huge. Time will tell though just how big.
- I came at the beginning of rainy season and it certainly has been quite rainy. All part of the journey.
- It seems as though I'm not the only one in this town who has settled in for a little bit to take in the surroundings for a couple years. Of all the people I've met, only about half of them are from Vancouver.
- There hasn't been a day that has gone by where I havn't thought about how awesome it will be to get a club going here. Soon enough, soon enough.
- I baked a cake for the potluck last week which I self titled Zout's Choclate Volcano explosion. Everyone loved it. Here is a photo:

And here is a photo of the picturesque neighborhood that I live in:

Current Song: Goo Goo Dolls - Without you here
Current Mood: Pumped for the Gym
Wow--you drive on the right side of the road there? What direction does the water move when you flush the toilet?
Awesome dude.
Good to see you are working away at people's health habits with the introduction of crazy chocolate cake!
Holy crap, I want that cake. I really, really want that cake.
Glad to hear Vancouver's been great; good luck with the club and everything.
-Jennifer (Handstands)
She means "splinter"
She means you're going to get hit in your other eye as soon as possible.
Besides, that's the one nickname that just about everyone in Jitsu Canada knows me by.
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