Closing Notes:
- I am jealous of not having a winning smile. I am the Zout of all Zouts though.
- Turns out that, after getting my wrist x-rayed on monday, I might have a suspected fractured scaphoid (a bone in the wrist) that would explain the pain I've had for the last month
- On a related note, looks like push-ups are back on the menu since my wrist has suitably recovered
- "Is that candy? No, I don't think it's candy, I think it's a COUGH DROP!"
- The training has been going quite well with some noticible gains. The only downfall though is that after somewhat of a cathartic event on monday, I find myself with no more of the anger that fueled me through that past month. Guess you win some and lose some.
Current Mood: Not wanting to work 4-12 again
Current Song: John Mayer - Why Georgia
And to quote Nine Days: "If this is goodbye to you and me, what a good friend you've been to me. And I owe it all to you, every good thing that I do is you"
You do have a winning smile, Tbone!!!
Scaphoid, eh?
That's two jitsu people I know, who've broken theirs. How'd you manage it?
Liz (british) got her's broken in Wristlock #1
Mine is just fractured which means the difference between a cast and no cast.
Happend at the Dark Blue grading when Intense Karate (for lack of a better name) decided to pivot on my wrist out of yoko-wakare instead of diving.
It's slowly getting better. Glad I didn't break it though. Heard that a broken scaphoid never full heals.
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