This weekend has been one for the books and certainly a fitting set of events worthy of a hundredeth post. The week of work had been good and I'd gotten a few good comments about how well I was progressing that inspired me to reward myself with a weekend trip to kingston for homecomming and peterborough for a grading.
I arrived back in k-town a little later than expected and as such was unable to train that night. Because of this, I just watched and concluded that the night itself would be quiet. However, this couldn't be farther from the truth.
The session ran a little past the end time so that Anders could get a little bit of dark blue training in before his grading on the saturday. Since I wasn't training, I decided to leave early and head off to a kegger on aberdeen while it was quiet and could actually get beer and socialize. To my surprise, I actually accomplished this and got to talk to a few people before the house became packed.
I've never been one for the packed house especially when I don't know anyone so I decided to head off to a jitsu social. The night started off slowly as I was the second jitsuka there. I thought things would take a dive there, but Killer Jr picked things up with his over the top enthusiasm. The night would evolve into a pizza party complete with lots of cookies, fruit, scotch, beer, dancing and a bit of recreational smoking. Big ups to Killer Jr!
The next morning I awoke bright and early to head to peterborough to beat on Anders for his dark blue belt grading. And beat we did. The browns all landed some good shots including myself and there was also some extra fun stuff I can't mention without getting in trouble for. To his credit though, the CLB held his own and fought til the end on one wheel. Kudos to CLB2!
We headed to the Stone that night for the usual fun, food and drinking. It was nice to see a lot of the jitsu faces again, while swaping stories and reliving fun grading moments. After dinner, we headed back home for K-town as I wanted observe the aberdeen madness and hang out with a few friends.
Aberdeen was fucking nuts! The cops tried to maintain control as best they could but things realy got out of hand. I'd heard that someone broke their leg and when the ambulance came, people were jumping on the back and shaking the ambulance. As if that wasn't enough, they overturned someone's car and were standing on it randomly down the street. I was all for the street party and its good fun but this time there was just a little too much reckless mayhem for me.
With that I decided to take a break from all the crazyness and get some water at A and P as I was quite parched from the grading. I ended up running into J-Bun and her housemate randomly in my crusade for bottled water and they ended up comming back with me to Aberdeen.
When we got back we found that the cops had created lines blocking all entrances to aberdeen and william. We were initially going to abandone the idea of going in when we noticed people sneaking in through a backyard and so we followed. We hung out there for a little bit longer and after a bit more socializing, we headed back to the J-Bun palace.
The next morning J-Bun and I got breakfast at the Brew Pub and rented Bride and Prejudice which is pretty good. I believe one of the folk's who stopped into watch it with us said it was like a real life version of Aladdin. From there I got on a train back to the Wall and left behind me an awesome weekend.
Why so awesome? Well, for one I found out the monstrous ticket which had been the subject of contreversy the previous week had been dropped and that good actions from the past can sometimes come in handy when you need a little help for a monstrous ticket.
Secondly, J-Bun and I are going to give the relationship thing one more shot. My reasons for this are simple in that the last time things broke off was because I was attracted to someone else and didn't want to string her along needlessly. I also didn't want to get into a relationship with someone in the club. Now, I'm way beyond a senseless crush and no longer part of the club officially. The only thing working against us is the distance but things are being taken slow so major goofs aren't made. Only the future will tell how things evolve and work out.
Closing thoughts:
- I just believe people have good in them to do right. Sue me if you don't like it.
- Things seem to be passing through and evolution in my life and while shedding an old skin, something new is emerging. With stronger hopes, convictions and dedication than ever.
- I've lost weight!
- I got a top download speed of 675 kb/s which is super awesome! So far I've seen it twice. At least Cornwall is good for something.
- I'm planning on seeing Bon Jovi in Montreal which is sweet! December 17th baby!
- 49 weeks til Vancouver!
Current Song: Bon Jovi - Novacaine
Current Mood: "Just a home town boy on a rolling stone"
(T-Bone: With the new Bon Jovi album out, I've come back to my desire of wanting to be a cowboy.
Thumper: Oh really..... T-Bone the Kid...... 'Fastest O-Soto-Gari in the West')
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Sunday, September 18, 2005
99th Post!
Wowzers. Can't believe I'm at 99 already considering I've only had the blog for a year. For those keeping count at home that's almost one for every three days. That piece of info should provide useful for the few who like to bug me to post as they now know how long to wait.
Today is the 18th of september and two weeks of the program are done already. Suprinsingly enough, they've actually been quite fun. My clinical instructor is super nice and got a good sense of humour and the other two students I'm there with are cool as well. Makes for a fun and positive learning environment.
The social scene there is lacking so for the second week in a row I'm back in kingston hanging around, saying hi to new faces and just soaking up all goodness kingston has to offer.
Friday was the first big Jitsu social and though I'm not actually part of the club anymore (and in turn more of a vagabond) I wanted to attend and let all the new folks know how the jitsu crowd hangs and bangs. I had not brought alcohol that night and in turn wasn't planning on drinking. However, when a 2-4 of heiniken was brought to the part along with two bottles of Glenmorrangie, things quickly changed. Next think I know it was four am and four of us had finished more than one and a half bottles of the scotch. Thumper wanted to finish the second bottle completely but I vetoed that idea in favour of preserving my stomach lining.
The next morning wasn't as horrible as I would have imagined as I'd managed to get a couple glasses of water into me before passing out. I was able to get a few things done during the day before settling into the nights events which was good. The night's events themselves were quite interesting and spanned from the good to the ugly. My first stop last night was a gathering of the current run of x-ray students from last years class as well as the new class. It was nice to see everyone again and swap stories about everyone's placement. I got to meet next year's cornwall students which was good as it was one of my goals to create a better liason to the cornwall movement since mine was lacking. One of the two girls was smoking hot too which was an added bonus and will make interacting with her all the easier.
After a couple hours of chatting and getting a beer at the AleHouse, I decided to duck out in favour of attending final beirut. I arrived to the end trails of the actual playing but got to chatting quite a bit. There was this cool teacher there who I spoke to for a couple minutes about the nature of being a good teacher and the mutual benefits of instruction. However, the party ended there as the cops pulled up on the lawn about a noise complaint they had recieved. What ended up resulting is that the officer issued them at $235 ticket for the noise violation. Everyone was a gasp at this point at the size of this ticket since there had never been a warning. In an attempt to see what could be done, I thought I'd go over to one of the cops, who I knew pretty well and see what the details were surrounding the complaint. However I was soon stopped in my tracks by ignorance since I was at the bottom step of the porch with a beer in my hand.
From there I was belittled about being stupid and adding another violation. (Strike one for trying to help). However, I let that slide and still managed to get a hold of the one cop. I didn't gather very much other than the obvious homecomming crackdown on noise but I think the other cop, who had issued the ticket, saw that I was politely exchanging with his friend and when I approached him to talk to him, his tone of voice changed from the angered cop (since McM was yelling at him) to something more somber. After some discussion, what I had gathered is that in retrospect, he did regret laying such a heavy fine on the group but couldn't do anything to change it since it had been put through the system. So from there, we'd have to go to court and appeal it in his presence.
That was the end of the discussion since he had other work to be done and he was on his way. After leaving, McM decided to start cursing his name and when I piped up to just say he was doing his job I was called ignorant (strike two for trying to help). Since I knew a few cops, I still tried to convince McM that the officer was just doing his job at which point the two cop friends were blasted since they were 'part of the jitsu group'. (Strike three for trying to help). Needless to say I was out since it was either leave or get into a verbal altercation.
So I went from meeting lots of new faces to spending a good half hour talking to the popo. That's definately a worthy 99th post. Hopefully 100 will be just as monumental.
Current Song: Maroon Five - Sunday Morning
Current Mood: Lethargic
Today is the 18th of september and two weeks of the program are done already. Suprinsingly enough, they've actually been quite fun. My clinical instructor is super nice and got a good sense of humour and the other two students I'm there with are cool as well. Makes for a fun and positive learning environment.
The social scene there is lacking so for the second week in a row I'm back in kingston hanging around, saying hi to new faces and just soaking up all goodness kingston has to offer.
Friday was the first big Jitsu social and though I'm not actually part of the club anymore (and in turn more of a vagabond) I wanted to attend and let all the new folks know how the jitsu crowd hangs and bangs. I had not brought alcohol that night and in turn wasn't planning on drinking. However, when a 2-4 of heiniken was brought to the part along with two bottles of Glenmorrangie, things quickly changed. Next think I know it was four am and four of us had finished more than one and a half bottles of the scotch. Thumper wanted to finish the second bottle completely but I vetoed that idea in favour of preserving my stomach lining.
The next morning wasn't as horrible as I would have imagined as I'd managed to get a couple glasses of water into me before passing out. I was able to get a few things done during the day before settling into the nights events which was good. The night's events themselves were quite interesting and spanned from the good to the ugly. My first stop last night was a gathering of the current run of x-ray students from last years class as well as the new class. It was nice to see everyone again and swap stories about everyone's placement. I got to meet next year's cornwall students which was good as it was one of my goals to create a better liason to the cornwall movement since mine was lacking. One of the two girls was smoking hot too which was an added bonus and will make interacting with her all the easier.
After a couple hours of chatting and getting a beer at the AleHouse, I decided to duck out in favour of attending final beirut. I arrived to the end trails of the actual playing but got to chatting quite a bit. There was this cool teacher there who I spoke to for a couple minutes about the nature of being a good teacher and the mutual benefits of instruction. However, the party ended there as the cops pulled up on the lawn about a noise complaint they had recieved. What ended up resulting is that the officer issued them at $235 ticket for the noise violation. Everyone was a gasp at this point at the size of this ticket since there had never been a warning. In an attempt to see what could be done, I thought I'd go over to one of the cops, who I knew pretty well and see what the details were surrounding the complaint. However I was soon stopped in my tracks by ignorance since I was at the bottom step of the porch with a beer in my hand.
From there I was belittled about being stupid and adding another violation. (Strike one for trying to help). However, I let that slide and still managed to get a hold of the one cop. I didn't gather very much other than the obvious homecomming crackdown on noise but I think the other cop, who had issued the ticket, saw that I was politely exchanging with his friend and when I approached him to talk to him, his tone of voice changed from the angered cop (since McM was yelling at him) to something more somber. After some discussion, what I had gathered is that in retrospect, he did regret laying such a heavy fine on the group but couldn't do anything to change it since it had been put through the system. So from there, we'd have to go to court and appeal it in his presence.
That was the end of the discussion since he had other work to be done and he was on his way. After leaving, McM decided to start cursing his name and when I piped up to just say he was doing his job I was called ignorant (strike two for trying to help). Since I knew a few cops, I still tried to convince McM that the officer was just doing his job at which point the two cop friends were blasted since they were 'part of the jitsu group'. (Strike three for trying to help). Needless to say I was out since it was either leave or get into a verbal altercation.
So I went from meeting lots of new faces to spending a good half hour talking to the popo. That's definately a worthy 99th post. Hopefully 100 will be just as monumental.
Current Song: Maroon Five - Sunday Morning
Current Mood: Lethargic
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
"This is the start of something good..."
Well folks, I'm in Cornwall Ontario now. After wrapping my Kingston tenure up with a bit of jitsu, I boarded a train for my new home. I was kinda POed that morning based on another round of nonsense that had been thrown my way so it never realy hit me that I was leaving and I didn't get sad.
The next few days I spent unpacking and exploring the city which isn't that big so it didn't take that long. I had no internet and no phone for a weekend and spent those culture shock moments just reading. If cogeco wasn't retarded and had given me a specific time appointment, as oppose to a full day, I might have had internet that weekend. However, I did not want to sit at home all daywaiting especially with my parents visiting from brampton.
Speaking of my parents, having them here was definately a booster for my spirits as I was quite home sick. I consider myself pretty strong but something within seemed to long for something familiar in such a new place. Having them here gave that.
Here are some photos of my new place for anyone that's interested:

Tuesday to Friday was spent at the hospital getting oriented with the program and reviewing items from the previous year. My clinical co-ordinator is super nice and I think it's gonna make for a pretty fun year. We went out to four bars that night and saw a total of 12 people and four of those people were the band playing at a local club that night.
That being said, I jumped on the first train the next day to Kingston as I wasn't going to stick around this rut with everyone there having fun. When I arrived I was suprised to hear that a few unexpected familiar faces were there. It turns out that most of the Aberdeen posse was down and with that, we were back on the town again for a good ol fashion night complete with Mosie/Zout rants, Elixer and booze. Needless to to say I definately had a lot of fun but would pay for it the next day. I woke up feeling fine but it was all a deception as the day was spent playing Prince of Persia in hangover mode.
I would eventually recover and after visiting the Griswold's for dinner, I would be on my way back to the Wall. Monday was rough as I'd had little sleep over the weekend and realy gotten nothing done at home. However, I've since picked up the slack and gotten myself back up to speed.
Tommorrow is hospital orientation. Boring!
Current Song: Bon Jovi - Have a nice day
Current Mood: Ready for Rest
The next few days I spent unpacking and exploring the city which isn't that big so it didn't take that long. I had no internet and no phone for a weekend and spent those culture shock moments just reading. If cogeco wasn't retarded and had given me a specific time appointment, as oppose to a full day, I might have had internet that weekend. However, I did not want to sit at home all daywaiting especially with my parents visiting from brampton.
Speaking of my parents, having them here was definately a booster for my spirits as I was quite home sick. I consider myself pretty strong but something within seemed to long for something familiar in such a new place. Having them here gave that.
Here are some photos of my new place for anyone that's interested:

Tuesday to Friday was spent at the hospital getting oriented with the program and reviewing items from the previous year. My clinical co-ordinator is super nice and I think it's gonna make for a pretty fun year. We went out to four bars that night and saw a total of 12 people and four of those people were the band playing at a local club that night.
That being said, I jumped on the first train the next day to Kingston as I wasn't going to stick around this rut with everyone there having fun. When I arrived I was suprised to hear that a few unexpected familiar faces were there. It turns out that most of the Aberdeen posse was down and with that, we were back on the town again for a good ol fashion night complete with Mosie/Zout rants, Elixer and booze. Needless to to say I definately had a lot of fun but would pay for it the next day. I woke up feeling fine but it was all a deception as the day was spent playing Prince of Persia in hangover mode.
I would eventually recover and after visiting the Griswold's for dinner, I would be on my way back to the Wall. Monday was rough as I'd had little sleep over the weekend and realy gotten nothing done at home. However, I've since picked up the slack and gotten myself back up to speed.
Tommorrow is hospital orientation. Boring!
Current Song: Bon Jovi - Have a nice day
Current Mood: Ready for Rest
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