And souly because I'm a total Optimus Prime Mark...
Monday, July 24, 2006
On a different side of things
It occured to me today after reading RA's blog why it is that the majority of social events of my life have been nixed and nulified. That reason is simple in that I don't have any expendable money these days to put forth towards any type of social endeavour. I still don't have many friends here in Cornwall that arn't part of some type of relationship dynamic so there arn't many outings here where I'm not the third wheel. That being the case, I would usually head to Ottawa, Kingston or even home to get into a social/cultered set of surroundings but that always had a base cost for the price of gas and that base cost was high. And so to cut that base cost and save some cash, I've had to cut out the travelling and that subsequently killed the little social life I had. However, there is only one month to sit and wait in this social standstill; one month left in Cornhole. Until then, everyone is invited to visit!
I recently threw my name on the website in an attempt to meet people. Now its true that this is a dating site but the goal I had in mind for this was to meet some folks across canada so that in my half cross country trip, I'd be able to hook up with people in some canadian cities and get a taste of their culture through them. So far, I've met a grand total of no one but I havn't messaged anyone and no one has messaged me. I think I have to re-write my profile though because it was like a singles version initially which I thought it had to be. In reading other though I've learned otherwise.
This past weekend, I took care of some loose ends including bill cancelations and forwarding. I also put together a somewhat revised budget to get me through til I go back home. I also managed to reduce everything in the apartment to an absolute living minimum. Once I take this next load home this weekend and sell my major furniture (anyone need a bed, desk, deluxe computer chair or arm chair?), I'll have reduced everything in my apartment to one car load able to fit in the civic for the last ride home.
Speaking of the end, two tentative dates have been set for a possible end. If everything goes according to plan, then I should be done on the 18th. If not it will definately be the weekend after that on the 25th. We're planning on having a pretty huge celebration to end the year on the 18th so if anyone was ever thinking of comming up (insert rolling tumble weed) that would be a good day. It's gonna be a dinner, house gig and then a bar.
Closing thoughts:
- The ontario road trip (21st-28th) might get cancelled due to lack of fundalage. If it does happen, it will likely not include much boozing to economize everything.
- In the back of my mind, there have been a few instances where I think I'm gonna miss Cornwall. I think its just the familiarity of it all which your body grows accustomed to.
- This has been a rather long blog post about nothing at all. Suprised you've gotten this far.
- I found out today the reason I havn't heard back about a final deal in Vancouver yet is because one of my references hasn't sent back the reference form yet. Stupid busy co-ordinator of Diagnostic Imaging.
- They got Peter Cullen to do the voice of Optimus in the new Transformers movie. For anyone that dosn't know, he did the original voice of Optimus in the original series. Wicked.
- But is Topher Grace realy Eddie Brock? Realy?
Current Song: Living Things - Bombs Below
Current Mood: Tired
I recently threw my name on the website in an attempt to meet people. Now its true that this is a dating site but the goal I had in mind for this was to meet some folks across canada so that in my half cross country trip, I'd be able to hook up with people in some canadian cities and get a taste of their culture through them. So far, I've met a grand total of no one but I havn't messaged anyone and no one has messaged me. I think I have to re-write my profile though because it was like a singles version initially which I thought it had to be. In reading other though I've learned otherwise.
This past weekend, I took care of some loose ends including bill cancelations and forwarding. I also put together a somewhat revised budget to get me through til I go back home. I also managed to reduce everything in the apartment to an absolute living minimum. Once I take this next load home this weekend and sell my major furniture (anyone need a bed, desk, deluxe computer chair or arm chair?), I'll have reduced everything in my apartment to one car load able to fit in the civic for the last ride home.
Speaking of the end, two tentative dates have been set for a possible end. If everything goes according to plan, then I should be done on the 18th. If not it will definately be the weekend after that on the 25th. We're planning on having a pretty huge celebration to end the year on the 18th so if anyone was ever thinking of comming up (insert rolling tumble weed) that would be a good day. It's gonna be a dinner, house gig and then a bar.
Closing thoughts:
- The ontario road trip (21st-28th) might get cancelled due to lack of fundalage. If it does happen, it will likely not include much boozing to economize everything.
- In the back of my mind, there have been a few instances where I think I'm gonna miss Cornwall. I think its just the familiarity of it all which your body grows accustomed to.
- This has been a rather long blog post about nothing at all. Suprised you've gotten this far.
- I found out today the reason I havn't heard back about a final deal in Vancouver yet is because one of my references hasn't sent back the reference form yet. Stupid busy co-ordinator of Diagnostic Imaging.
- They got Peter Cullen to do the voice of Optimus in the new Transformers movie. For anyone that dosn't know, he did the original voice of Optimus in the original series. Wicked.
- But is Topher Grace realy Eddie Brock? Realy?
Current Song: Living Things - Bombs Below
Current Mood: Tired
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Not a whole lot
Well I'm stuck here on the 4-12 shift and its been pretty boring with little to nothing to do. I guess people are staying at home to conserve energy in the heat.
One thing that I forgot to mention about this past weekend is that I finally discovered the origin of the whole Leroy Jenkins thing. For those who havn't seen it, you can view it here:
There was also another clip on youtube that made me laugh which can be viewed here:
That's about all I got for now. Enjoy!
One thing that I forgot to mention about this past weekend is that I finally discovered the origin of the whole Leroy Jenkins thing. For those who havn't seen it, you can view it here:
There was also another clip on youtube that made me laugh which can be viewed here:
That's about all I got for now. Enjoy!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Yesterday it was hot
I sit here on a Tuesday eating breakfast, hoping that today it will not be nearly as hot as yesterday. Usually the heat dosn't bother me as I have a heavy melatonin enrichment but yesterday I could definately feel every ounce of the heat and it was terrible at every moment. Thus I cross my fingers...
I spent the majority of the weekend hanging out with Giles at the Giles residence. We did most of the normal routine when the two of us were hanging out which included pleasant conversation, scotch enjoyment, lots of delicious food, some poker, a night out on the bar scene (which saw me spending too much) and other events.
We saw Pirates 2 which was decent. It wasn't as good as the first based on the lack of storyline continuity but was still good with some awesome visuals and an extremely hot Keira Knightly. The fight scene was definately well done as well. It'll be interesting to see the third.
This week I'm on the 4-12 shift which is good in terms of getting experience but you fade out of the social scene completely as your working when everyone is home. So goes life though.
I recieved another job offer randomly based on my workopolis resume for a position in Calgary. If there wasn't already a club out in Calgary, I'd consider it but since there is one already, it will likely become a passing thought.
Closing thoughts:
- When AC still puts out warm air, you know that it must be hot outside
- Packing up is going well. Still have to sell some major items though.
- Five more weeks.
- I'm cutting down the total that I'm lifting as I've decided I'm bigger than I'd like to be. We'll see how that goes.
- ' I can feel it everywhere, blowing with the winds of change'. Frenchy is a mountie in Halifax, Giles is in Vancouver and his parents are moving. The year is almost over and I'll find myself somewhere else soon. Change is a strange thing.
Current song: Stars - What I'm trying to Say
Current mood: Optimistic (moreso that it won't be crazy hot)
I spent the majority of the weekend hanging out with Giles at the Giles residence. We did most of the normal routine when the two of us were hanging out which included pleasant conversation, scotch enjoyment, lots of delicious food, some poker, a night out on the bar scene (which saw me spending too much) and other events.
We saw Pirates 2 which was decent. It wasn't as good as the first based on the lack of storyline continuity but was still good with some awesome visuals and an extremely hot Keira Knightly. The fight scene was definately well done as well. It'll be interesting to see the third.
This week I'm on the 4-12 shift which is good in terms of getting experience but you fade out of the social scene completely as your working when everyone is home. So goes life though.
I recieved another job offer randomly based on my workopolis resume for a position in Calgary. If there wasn't already a club out in Calgary, I'd consider it but since there is one already, it will likely become a passing thought.
Closing thoughts:
- When AC still puts out warm air, you know that it must be hot outside
- Packing up is going well. Still have to sell some major items though.
- Five more weeks.
- I'm cutting down the total that I'm lifting as I've decided I'm bigger than I'd like to be. We'll see how that goes.
- ' I can feel it everywhere, blowing with the winds of change'. Frenchy is a mountie in Halifax, Giles is in Vancouver and his parents are moving. The year is almost over and I'll find myself somewhere else soon. Change is a strange thing.
Current song: Stars - What I'm trying to Say
Current mood: Optimistic (moreso that it won't be crazy hot)
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Pure comedy genius
It's skit's like this that make me wish Dave Chappelle hadn't given up on the Chappelle show.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
The board is set, the pieces are moving...
Well, for the few who may not know, I was offered a full time job in Vancouver this past week which is what I've been dreaming of for the past two years. Gradually it all seems like all the efforts I've invested are slowly paying off as my dream materializes.
I went home this past weekend to take some belongings home and relax for a little bit. I got to hang out with my sister and some of her banking co-workers which was different as I've never been around the banker cliques before. Turned out to be a pretty chillax event though with lots of comedic spot. I was slightly out of it for some spots as I was pretty tired but still contributed to some of the laughs.
I'm getting kinda use to long drives which seemed like a sign to me in preperation for my cross canada trip in october. After going 450 Km each way, I still felt like driving more each time like I hadn't been driving at all. Just another piece it seems...
Closing comments:
- Six weeks left. Can't wait til five though cause then the weeks all fit on one hand!
- Stupid tests. Why can't they just not exist?
- Anyone want to come to Cornwall? Anyone?
- Anyone need stuff? I got stuff to sell.
Current Song: Blue October - Hate me
Current Mood: Tired. (The crux of writing before I go to bed)
Oh and apparently I'm a benevolent inventor.

Do the test here
I went home this past weekend to take some belongings home and relax for a little bit. I got to hang out with my sister and some of her banking co-workers which was different as I've never been around the banker cliques before. Turned out to be a pretty chillax event though with lots of comedic spot. I was slightly out of it for some spots as I was pretty tired but still contributed to some of the laughs.
I'm getting kinda use to long drives which seemed like a sign to me in preperation for my cross canada trip in october. After going 450 Km each way, I still felt like driving more each time like I hadn't been driving at all. Just another piece it seems...
Closing comments:
- Six weeks left. Can't wait til five though cause then the weeks all fit on one hand!
- Stupid tests. Why can't they just not exist?
- Anyone want to come to Cornwall? Anyone?
- Anyone need stuff? I got stuff to sell.
Current Song: Blue October - Hate me
Current Mood: Tired. (The crux of writing before I go to bed)
Oh and apparently I'm a benevolent inventor.

Do the test here
Monday, July 03, 2006
Well I havn't posted in a while
But there comes a time for everything to end and thus, another post. Life had been pretty mundance for the last week or so. I had another injection of tiresome drama recently but I nipped that before the situation was allowed to piss me off. Code of the Bone; Keeps the Bone in check.
I've been e-baying the last of all my accumulated stuff over the past couple weeks. Not getting much for it but at least its going somewhere. Right now I have some comic lots going and am crossing my fingers to maybe get something decent for them.
We were given a four day weekend over the past couple days and I made good use out of it. On friday I watched a couple movies, called a couple places in Vancouver, went for a run and just did a lot of the small things that you don't get the time for when you're rushing through life.
I spent Friday night, Saturday and Sunday in Ottawa just spending time amongst friends and enjoying all of the festivities that were thrown out on Parliment. The highlight was by far on Saturday where I got to spend time with a large quantity of folks I had not seen in a while and just watch them laugh and cheer (mostly watching soccer). Somewhere in the back of my mind, these things seem to mean more to me these days as the actuality of leaving gets closer and closer.
The other cool thing that happend on saturday besides all the laughs and 28 shots of Yager, was that I was within 10 feet of two people I would have loved to meet under normal circumstances to talk but did not because I didn't know who they were at the time. At one point, the lead singer of the STARS (!!!) came up and started talking to my buddy Dash. Originally I thought they were high school friends so didn't interupt but when I saw him on stage I couldn't believe it. The other was Chandra Crawford who recently won a gold medal (and had it with her) at the Winter Olympics. In the end I got to say hi and got an autographed card but there are a million other things I would have loved to say to someone in her position.
Today, I watched She's the Man which is another nice little boy meets girl movie and Inside Man. Both were good. I also did some more little things that get skipped over. Hopefully all is going well in all other parts of the world where people are reading this.
Closing thoughts:
- Man was Saturday silly. I think the pinnacle of ridiculousness came when Dash would wish people a happy Canada Day and I would throw out random tidbits of history afterwards such as saying "1867, John A. MacDonald and Confederation."
- If you need furniture, I'm selling quite a bit
- Only 7 weeks left which is super wicked
- I'm going home next weekend for some much needed R and R. I might also have to put together plans for a deck. I'm not sure if my sister actually realizes how incompetent I am.
- It's a funny thing to once again find that helpless dreamer in you again. Obviously it's good, but most feelings have done a complete 180. People who I'd stopped talking to are the ones I long to here from but in cases where there was a fools hope, I've let those things go so I've got a clean slate. It's just an unpredicatable thing.
Current Song: Sarah McLachlan - When Somebody Loved Me
Current Mood: Nostalgic
I've been e-baying the last of all my accumulated stuff over the past couple weeks. Not getting much for it but at least its going somewhere. Right now I have some comic lots going and am crossing my fingers to maybe get something decent for them.
We were given a four day weekend over the past couple days and I made good use out of it. On friday I watched a couple movies, called a couple places in Vancouver, went for a run and just did a lot of the small things that you don't get the time for when you're rushing through life.
I spent Friday night, Saturday and Sunday in Ottawa just spending time amongst friends and enjoying all of the festivities that were thrown out on Parliment. The highlight was by far on Saturday where I got to spend time with a large quantity of folks I had not seen in a while and just watch them laugh and cheer (mostly watching soccer). Somewhere in the back of my mind, these things seem to mean more to me these days as the actuality of leaving gets closer and closer.
The other cool thing that happend on saturday besides all the laughs and 28 shots of Yager, was that I was within 10 feet of two people I would have loved to meet under normal circumstances to talk but did not because I didn't know who they were at the time. At one point, the lead singer of the STARS (!!!) came up and started talking to my buddy Dash. Originally I thought they were high school friends so didn't interupt but when I saw him on stage I couldn't believe it. The other was Chandra Crawford who recently won a gold medal (and had it with her) at the Winter Olympics. In the end I got to say hi and got an autographed card but there are a million other things I would have loved to say to someone in her position.
Today, I watched She's the Man which is another nice little boy meets girl movie and Inside Man. Both were good. I also did some more little things that get skipped over. Hopefully all is going well in all other parts of the world where people are reading this.
Closing thoughts:
- Man was Saturday silly. I think the pinnacle of ridiculousness came when Dash would wish people a happy Canada Day and I would throw out random tidbits of history afterwards such as saying "1867, John A. MacDonald and Confederation."
- If you need furniture, I'm selling quite a bit
- Only 7 weeks left which is super wicked
- I'm going home next weekend for some much needed R and R. I might also have to put together plans for a deck. I'm not sure if my sister actually realizes how incompetent I am.
- It's a funny thing to once again find that helpless dreamer in you again. Obviously it's good, but most feelings have done a complete 180. People who I'd stopped talking to are the ones I long to here from but in cases where there was a fools hope, I've let those things go so I've got a clean slate. It's just an unpredicatable thing.
Current Song: Sarah McLachlan - When Somebody Loved Me
Current Mood: Nostalgic
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