8) Play the song Satellite (by Collective Soul) for one of my kids as I sing them to sleep
Added to the already existing set which were:
1) Move to Vancouver, get a job and start a new page in the Jitsu Canada chronology.
2) Dance to 'Shout' at my wedding
3) Be able to play guitar versitally (Like This)
4) Scour the Globe for My soul's recognition of its couterpoint and then Marry her in 10 secs
5) Have my parents say 'they're proud of me' and mean it
6) Been able to say that 'I've seen a million faces and I have rocked them all' somewhere in life
7) Get engaged with a guitar on my back (concert and live crowd optional)
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Benchmark set
Well, with 30 mins left in the dry cycle for my load of laundry, I figured it would be the perfect time to get in another blog post. Now this past b-day weekend was long and awesome but I'm gonna try to be a poignant as possible.
I was given my b-day off and would add a day off my personals to make it a four day long weekend. And I must say in retrospect that everyday off was unique and fanstastic in some way.
Friday I slept in quite a bit and awoke to make myself eggs, toast and a fruit for breakfast. I would later go on to get some odd chores done around the house that I was meaning to get done for a long time. Later on came some leisure reading, guitar playing and other items of general relaxation.
That night I head to Kingston for the real celebration. The nights session was pretty intense, encompassing a night of all throws, most of which were right out of the brown syllabus. Then came the birthday bouncing which was pretty intense. I was so that no one did a makikomi on me though. Oh well.
Following the session came the b-day bash. Thumper and I got decked out to the nine and were so saturated with sexyness that we were afraid of critical overload and women turning into puddles at the sight of us. Thankfully that didn't happen and I'm glad it didn't because that would have made for one large sausage party.
The party itselft was just awesome. There were car bombs all around, tonnes of cakes, car bombs, cigars, other merry smokable items and dancing in the kitchen floor. There were even some rigged up stages with chairs. 'Ain't no party like a 541 Party, cause a 541 party don't stop.'
The night tapered off around 3ish when everyone's tank was on empty.
Everyone slowly awoke the next morning and we gradually eased into a breakfast at Smitty's. The stomach was quakin a little bit over breakfast, but in the end I would manage to get all of it down. From there I took off on my way home to celebrate the b-day with the family in what I'd thought was going to be dinner.
As such, I didn't shave or any kind of real grooming but instead just brushed my hair and put on a polo shirt. Needless to say I was suprised when it turned out to be a small surprise party with a lot of 'old school' family that I had not spent a b-day with for a long time. It was a pretty fun time seeing everyone and overall the night had a very nostalgic feel to it. Thankfully, my family don't party like my friends and the night ended about 11. This worked out quite well since my brain and body went on strike and closed down at 10.
I would like to note here though that my sister is awesome. Not only for organizing a suprise party amongst a west indian family (who have no idea what surprise means), but also for going to such length as to contact people she didn't even know (my friends) to get J-Buns contact to invite her. Finding this out I think meant the most to me because of the sheer effort required.
Sunday was pretty mundane compared to the other few days. I slept in, cleaned my car, bought J-Bun a b-day present and printed photos on my Dad's photo printer. Pretty straight forward.
I headed out that night back to Kingston to spend time with the Bun for her b-day (much to my parents protest). This too was fairly low-key in that we listened to music, made breakfast the next day and went shopping. I ended up buying quite a bit but it was with b-day money, so it was all good.
I would return to Cornwall around mid-afternoon in a sad depressed state that all the b-day fun had ended I would be returning to the grind. All well that end's well though.
Closing thoughts:
- Still fortunate that I have the people in my life that I do
- Yes there was lady drama this weekend but I purposely left it out. It will be saved for the uncut extended editions later on.
- I downloaded the David Gilmour Album 'On an Island'. I'm not sure why its so popular.
- Gradings are comming up! They're so much more enjoyable when they're not your own.
- I need to take a day off to recover from my days off.
- I'm excited at some of my grocery purchases which include pitas, cream cheese and 1% choclate milk.
- I also bought two new top of the line non stick pans. I was sick of my crappy one being overly crappy.
Current Mood: Very Tired
Current Song: James Blunt - So Long Jimmy
I was given my b-day off and would add a day off my personals to make it a four day long weekend. And I must say in retrospect that everyday off was unique and fanstastic in some way.
Friday I slept in quite a bit and awoke to make myself eggs, toast and a fruit for breakfast. I would later go on to get some odd chores done around the house that I was meaning to get done for a long time. Later on came some leisure reading, guitar playing and other items of general relaxation.
That night I head to Kingston for the real celebration. The nights session was pretty intense, encompassing a night of all throws, most of which were right out of the brown syllabus. Then came the birthday bouncing which was pretty intense. I was so that no one did a makikomi on me though. Oh well.
Following the session came the b-day bash. Thumper and I got decked out to the nine and were so saturated with sexyness that we were afraid of critical overload and women turning into puddles at the sight of us. Thankfully that didn't happen and I'm glad it didn't because that would have made for one large sausage party.
The party itselft was just awesome. There were car bombs all around, tonnes of cakes, car bombs, cigars, other merry smokable items and dancing in the kitchen floor. There were even some rigged up stages with chairs. 'Ain't no party like a 541 Party, cause a 541 party don't stop.'
The night tapered off around 3ish when everyone's tank was on empty.
Everyone slowly awoke the next morning and we gradually eased into a breakfast at Smitty's. The stomach was quakin a little bit over breakfast, but in the end I would manage to get all of it down. From there I took off on my way home to celebrate the b-day with the family in what I'd thought was going to be dinner.
As such, I didn't shave or any kind of real grooming but instead just brushed my hair and put on a polo shirt. Needless to say I was suprised when it turned out to be a small surprise party with a lot of 'old school' family that I had not spent a b-day with for a long time. It was a pretty fun time seeing everyone and overall the night had a very nostalgic feel to it. Thankfully, my family don't party like my friends and the night ended about 11. This worked out quite well since my brain and body went on strike and closed down at 10.
I would like to note here though that my sister is awesome. Not only for organizing a suprise party amongst a west indian family (who have no idea what surprise means), but also for going to such length as to contact people she didn't even know (my friends) to get J-Buns contact to invite her. Finding this out I think meant the most to me because of the sheer effort required.
Sunday was pretty mundane compared to the other few days. I slept in, cleaned my car, bought J-Bun a b-day present and printed photos on my Dad's photo printer. Pretty straight forward.
I headed out that night back to Kingston to spend time with the Bun for her b-day (much to my parents protest). This too was fairly low-key in that we listened to music, made breakfast the next day and went shopping. I ended up buying quite a bit but it was with b-day money, so it was all good.
I would return to Cornwall around mid-afternoon in a sad depressed state that all the b-day fun had ended I would be returning to the grind. All well that end's well though.
Closing thoughts:
- Still fortunate that I have the people in my life that I do
- Yes there was lady drama this weekend but I purposely left it out. It will be saved for the uncut extended editions later on.
- I downloaded the David Gilmour Album 'On an Island'. I'm not sure why its so popular.
- Gradings are comming up! They're so much more enjoyable when they're not your own.
- I need to take a day off to recover from my days off.
- I'm excited at some of my grocery purchases which include pitas, cream cheese and 1% choclate milk.
- I also bought two new top of the line non stick pans. I was sick of my crappy one being overly crappy.
Current Mood: Very Tired
Current Song: James Blunt - So Long Jimmy
Thursday, March 16, 2006
...I was bound to get around to another post. It has been a warranted delay though in that I don't think I've stopped moving since my last post. Just my life these days though.
On thursday, it was one of the first normal day I'd had since the four days of jitsu madness. I actually felt alert and aware of what I was doing. This lated until about 2:30 when my body craped out and the rest of the work day was just fuzz. I still went to the gym that day because I'm silly and like to push my body further than it should go.
Friday was another typical day at the hospital, gathering lots of logbook cases and busting my ass for zero dollars. (One day I'll make money though.) I got home a little late if I remember correctly, after doing a case that ran overtime, which left me only an hour to get a snack, pack and be on my way.
Naturally this didn't happen and I ended up being late for the Queen's Sponsored throw and rushing in. This was never more apparent than the moment I was told that I was wearing my gi top on backwards. Thankfully I was teaching at the time and was able to give myself some time to readjust things accordingly.
The sponsored throw event proper was awesome. My body was still run down and I could definately feel it half way through but I still persevered until the end. I accredit my second burst of energy to the bandana which I dawned, drawing on the powers of Old School T-Bone.
That night, we hit the Brew Pub and discussed the importance of mojo, a ladder theory of the man/woman dynamic and other items like blackforest cake. As per usual, we closed the bar and then headed home to rest out bodies.
The next day I slept in til about noon and spend the rest of the day getting ready for my venture to Oakville to hang out with the man for his birthday. Things went pretty straight forward like and I would end up getting there at the designated time of 7:30, despite the crazy toronto traffic. Toronto drives me nuts and I think I will always detest going into the city based on traffic alone.
The party in Oakville was awesome and it was good to hang around all the K-town crew one more time. I took pride in the fact that I had come the furthest to celebrate MK turning 25 and I think he was glad to see that people cared enough to come from that far.
We would end up paryting until about 3am (if I remember correctly) with lots of booze flowing and grooves a plenty. Overall, another classic night. The drive home sucked but you gotta do what you gotta do for the people who make life special.
Monday to Yesterday (wednesday) was spent recovering (again) and studying for a test which I did pretty well on. I crashed when I got home though and napped for four hours. It was uber-stasis-lock.
This weekend will see me celebrating the ol quarter century in Kingston friday night and I'm sure the night promises some memorable moments. Especially knowing the way things happen in my life. After that, I need home for a rest.
Closing Thoughts:
- March continues along at a wickedly vicous pace. I should pace myself but won't because there's no fun in that
- It seems as though more people are aware of my blog than I knew of. Thus I'm refraining from making any more major social commenteries.
- Drinking on your b-day? Yes. Dancing on your b-day? Yes Please. Random Peglegs? Sure, why not?
- I can't take 24 anymore: First Edgar, then the Sean Astin character and then Tony. Tony!!!
Current Mood: Eager (for the b-day celeration)
Current Song: Cascada - Everytime we touch
On thursday, it was one of the first normal day I'd had since the four days of jitsu madness. I actually felt alert and aware of what I was doing. This lated until about 2:30 when my body craped out and the rest of the work day was just fuzz. I still went to the gym that day because I'm silly and like to push my body further than it should go.
Friday was another typical day at the hospital, gathering lots of logbook cases and busting my ass for zero dollars. (One day I'll make money though.) I got home a little late if I remember correctly, after doing a case that ran overtime, which left me only an hour to get a snack, pack and be on my way.
Naturally this didn't happen and I ended up being late for the Queen's Sponsored throw and rushing in. This was never more apparent than the moment I was told that I was wearing my gi top on backwards. Thankfully I was teaching at the time and was able to give myself some time to readjust things accordingly.
The sponsored throw event proper was awesome. My body was still run down and I could definately feel it half way through but I still persevered until the end. I accredit my second burst of energy to the bandana which I dawned, drawing on the powers of Old School T-Bone.
That night, we hit the Brew Pub and discussed the importance of mojo, a ladder theory of the man/woman dynamic and other items like blackforest cake. As per usual, we closed the bar and then headed home to rest out bodies.
The next day I slept in til about noon and spend the rest of the day getting ready for my venture to Oakville to hang out with the man for his birthday. Things went pretty straight forward like and I would end up getting there at the designated time of 7:30, despite the crazy toronto traffic. Toronto drives me nuts and I think I will always detest going into the city based on traffic alone.
The party in Oakville was awesome and it was good to hang around all the K-town crew one more time. I took pride in the fact that I had come the furthest to celebrate MK turning 25 and I think he was glad to see that people cared enough to come from that far.
We would end up paryting until about 3am (if I remember correctly) with lots of booze flowing and grooves a plenty. Overall, another classic night. The drive home sucked but you gotta do what you gotta do for the people who make life special.
Monday to Yesterday (wednesday) was spent recovering (again) and studying for a test which I did pretty well on. I crashed when I got home though and napped for four hours. It was uber-stasis-lock.
This weekend will see me celebrating the ol quarter century in Kingston friday night and I'm sure the night promises some memorable moments. Especially knowing the way things happen in my life. After that, I need home for a rest.
Closing Thoughts:
- March continues along at a wickedly vicous pace. I should pace myself but won't because there's no fun in that
- It seems as though more people are aware of my blog than I knew of. Thus I'm refraining from making any more major social commenteries.
- Drinking on your b-day? Yes. Dancing on your b-day? Yes Please. Random Peglegs? Sure, why not?
- I can't take 24 anymore: First Edgar, then the Sean Astin character and then Tony. Tony!!!
Current Mood: Eager (for the b-day celeration)
Current Song: Cascada - Everytime we touch
Monday, March 06, 2006
Walking in the proper shoes again
Driving back last night, I don't think I could have felt better about anything in my entire life. Surely, my body was broken from training, drinking and partying for four days straight but at the essence of all of it, I had once again felt like I was living the life I wanted to be living again.
Thursday at the hospital was an average day where I put a constant effort forward and yet got chopped to pieces at the end of the day for minor events I could have been left alone. Truth be told, I've come to the conclusion that I tremendously dislike my clinical instructor and am anxious to be done this year to get away from her.
With such crap being thrown my way, I decided to take Friday off and take Mr. Bus up on his invitation to come down and train at his club with a guest instructor. Thus I packed my bags, jumped into the Bone Buggy and drove to K-town. Upon arriving, I suited up and headed to the dojo ready to indulge myself in the world I love so much. What I was not expecting was to run into J-Bun that night. It was almost like being hit in the face with a pie and questioning whether it was actually happening. With Jitsu going at the pace it does though, we immediately jumped right into the session. The content of the session was excellent and it was thouroughly enjoyed. Interactions between J-bun and I were at a minimum though.
Things continued this way for a bit until I decided that carrying on in such a manner would be simply childish. And so in the parking lot, while making plans with Thumper for sleeping, I called her over and started talking to her. In a very quick and simple manner, I told her that I missed her and she in turn said that same. We both agreed that it was time to break the ice and end the silence.
That being said, I don't think breaking that ice is what we did as we completely melted it away. Between the bar and post-bar conversations, we both agreed that there was nothing wrong with being friends and that if we could co-exist at the moment the way we were (in a casual and trusting manner) that we could do that from now on.
In the end I believe we stayed up until 5am and while I know the idea of staying there would be mistaken as something else, I decided that I was lazy and slept over. I awoke the next morning at nine to my cell ringtone of 'Have a Nice Day' (which in itself was pleasing). It was Thumper calling to say he needed a ride to get his car fixed and I told him I would be glad to help. The thing that mattered to me most was that as I was telling J-Bun I had to go, the same feeling of things being okay was still there. Thus I hugged her and was on my way to the day's events.
Nothing much happend during the day that is of any point noting. I got my haircut and there was a flock of seagulls. That's all.
That night, I trained in a senior material oriented session with Thumper and Benjo (who was down from calgary) and learned how to do a proper cartwheel. Both were insanely tough and I was definately drained by the end. Now with the provincials comming the next day, one would think that I should have gotten some food, drank some water and head to bed. But what did I do? Didn't drink that much at all (water that is), had quite a few drinks (not water that is), did something silly called a Quatro challenge and stayed up WAY later than I should have. I think by the time I hit the bed, my watch read 4am.
So then comes day three of the training, drinking, partying circuit. I woke up suprisingly well the next morning and shockingly enough before everyone else. Being up, I figured I'd just get something to eat but upon thinking the thought through, I decided to make everyone something to eat. Thus I got some fruit, Turkey Bacon, Toast and Peppers to make a T-Boneh Breakfast Spectacular. And a spectacular is what turned out to be. It was awesome and as a bonus, pancakes and sausages were thrown in by Thumper.
Then came Provincials. As the theme of this somewhat LONG post goes, the frist day of provincials was awesome. There were a good load of hakama on the mats and all of them got to teach which was a treat. I'd say the only thing that was terrible was that after about 2/3 of the way through, my body crapped out and proceeded to produce the worst headache in existence to prevent me from doing any more damage to myself.
The pain of it all lasted a good while and I immediately napped upon getting to Thumper's and faded out of existence. I would awake to Thumper and Benjo, ready to go and I told them to go ahead without me. Being the fine upstanding gentlemen that they were, they told me that they'd wait for me to get ready.
As for the social... well... what didn't happen that night. To be honest, it deserves another post all to itself. In summary, awesome! Well... mostly awesome.
Then, up and back to the dojo once again for one final day of training. By now everything was sore and I realy wasn't sure what I could put forth for training but I gave it my all. Naturally, the Senior Instructors split the mats and I got put up into a group with Browns and Dans who love to maul each other. Man was it ever intense.
By the end of it all though, I don't think I've felt like I've ever lived like I had in the past four days. More importantly, I don't think I've ever felt more like I once did once upon a time before I moved to Cornwall.
It's nice. It's pleasant. It's refreshing.
Closing Notes:
- Sponsored throw this friday!
- Gonna hang with the 'K-Town Boyz' one mo time for MK's party on saturday!
- Less than Six months left in this terrible life trap of cornwall placement.
- 'The world's done shakin me down'
Current Song: Bon Jovi - You Give Love a Bad Name
Current Mood: Content
Thursday at the hospital was an average day where I put a constant effort forward and yet got chopped to pieces at the end of the day for minor events I could have been left alone. Truth be told, I've come to the conclusion that I tremendously dislike my clinical instructor and am anxious to be done this year to get away from her.
With such crap being thrown my way, I decided to take Friday off and take Mr. Bus up on his invitation to come down and train at his club with a guest instructor. Thus I packed my bags, jumped into the Bone Buggy and drove to K-town. Upon arriving, I suited up and headed to the dojo ready to indulge myself in the world I love so much. What I was not expecting was to run into J-Bun that night. It was almost like being hit in the face with a pie and questioning whether it was actually happening. With Jitsu going at the pace it does though, we immediately jumped right into the session. The content of the session was excellent and it was thouroughly enjoyed. Interactions between J-bun and I were at a minimum though.
Things continued this way for a bit until I decided that carrying on in such a manner would be simply childish. And so in the parking lot, while making plans with Thumper for sleeping, I called her over and started talking to her. In a very quick and simple manner, I told her that I missed her and she in turn said that same. We both agreed that it was time to break the ice and end the silence.
That being said, I don't think breaking that ice is what we did as we completely melted it away. Between the bar and post-bar conversations, we both agreed that there was nothing wrong with being friends and that if we could co-exist at the moment the way we were (in a casual and trusting manner) that we could do that from now on.
In the end I believe we stayed up until 5am and while I know the idea of staying there would be mistaken as something else, I decided that I was lazy and slept over. I awoke the next morning at nine to my cell ringtone of 'Have a Nice Day' (which in itself was pleasing). It was Thumper calling to say he needed a ride to get his car fixed and I told him I would be glad to help. The thing that mattered to me most was that as I was telling J-Bun I had to go, the same feeling of things being okay was still there. Thus I hugged her and was on my way to the day's events.
Nothing much happend during the day that is of any point noting. I got my haircut and there was a flock of seagulls. That's all.
That night, I trained in a senior material oriented session with Thumper and Benjo (who was down from calgary) and learned how to do a proper cartwheel. Both were insanely tough and I was definately drained by the end. Now with the provincials comming the next day, one would think that I should have gotten some food, drank some water and head to bed. But what did I do? Didn't drink that much at all (water that is), had quite a few drinks (not water that is), did something silly called a Quatro challenge and stayed up WAY later than I should have. I think by the time I hit the bed, my watch read 4am.
So then comes day three of the training, drinking, partying circuit. I woke up suprisingly well the next morning and shockingly enough before everyone else. Being up, I figured I'd just get something to eat but upon thinking the thought through, I decided to make everyone something to eat. Thus I got some fruit, Turkey Bacon, Toast and Peppers to make a T-Boneh Breakfast Spectacular. And a spectacular is what turned out to be. It was awesome and as a bonus, pancakes and sausages were thrown in by Thumper.
Then came Provincials. As the theme of this somewhat LONG post goes, the frist day of provincials was awesome. There were a good load of hakama on the mats and all of them got to teach which was a treat. I'd say the only thing that was terrible was that after about 2/3 of the way through, my body crapped out and proceeded to produce the worst headache in existence to prevent me from doing any more damage to myself.
The pain of it all lasted a good while and I immediately napped upon getting to Thumper's and faded out of existence. I would awake to Thumper and Benjo, ready to go and I told them to go ahead without me. Being the fine upstanding gentlemen that they were, they told me that they'd wait for me to get ready.
As for the social... well... what didn't happen that night. To be honest, it deserves another post all to itself. In summary, awesome! Well... mostly awesome.
Then, up and back to the dojo once again for one final day of training. By now everything was sore and I realy wasn't sure what I could put forth for training but I gave it my all. Naturally, the Senior Instructors split the mats and I got put up into a group with Browns and Dans who love to maul each other. Man was it ever intense.
By the end of it all though, I don't think I've felt like I've ever lived like I had in the past four days. More importantly, I don't think I've ever felt more like I once did once upon a time before I moved to Cornwall.
It's nice. It's pleasant. It's refreshing.
Closing Notes:
- Sponsored throw this friday!
- Gonna hang with the 'K-Town Boyz' one mo time for MK's party on saturday!
- Less than Six months left in this terrible life trap of cornwall placement.
- 'The world's done shakin me down'
Current Song: Bon Jovi - You Give Love a Bad Name
Current Mood: Content
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