I no longer want to be a wedding crasher. Just a phase I suppose.
New additions to the list are now
6) Been able to say that 'I've seen a million faces and I have rocked them all' somewhere in life
7) Get engaged with a guitar on my back (concert and live crowd optional)
Added to the already existing set which were:
1) Move to Vancouver, get a job and start a new page in the Jitsu Canada chronology.
2) Dance to 'Shout' at my wedding
3) Be able to play guitar versitally (Like This)
4) Scour the Globe for My soul's recognition of its couterpoint and then Marry her in 10 secs
5) Have my parents say 'they're proud of me' and mean it
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Booyah Ka Sha!!!
Well, I must apologize to those who were looking forward to a blog post on monday (even though its like 3 of you). Monday after work, I went to the gym and then just crashed. After that, between the IV injection course and getting sick, I realy couldn't find a moment to spend time writing. But with the weekend, there comes time for rest and time for the eventual blog post.
So I'll go back to about two weeks ago when J-Bun told me that she wanted to end the relationship. I remember thinking to myself that the decision sucked but that's the way life goes and that I'd move past it. Initially I just drank a lot of red wine and played guitar and then on the weekend I went out and bought myself a capo for my guitar and a tuner. By the sunday I thought I was okay but by last wednesday (when I think I posted), I had spun myself into such an incredible low that I even debated cancelling on the Jitsu Road Trip to Montreal. I didn't though as I figured being lost in such a large city would be the best way expose myself to some other stimulus that would take my mind off things.
And that it did. The friday I met up with the gang at a restaurant here in Cornwall called Philos. We all ended up eating our fair share and then headed off to La Belle Ville de Montreal. That night we would just end up playing pool, video games and general hang outs. I had brought half a bottle of scotch and between Thumper and I, we ended up finishing most of it. He grabbed me towards the later hours of the night and we ended up talking about the events of the past couple of days in my life which was nice as I hadn't taken the time to talk about it being my usual stubborn self. By the end of it I felt like I'd actually made some emotional progress and was ready to enjoy the rest of the time in Montreal, rather than just sulk.
And boy did I ever. I awoke the next morning feeling the ill effects of too much scotch and gravitated to the closest glass of water that I could find. I ran into Snapdragon's father in the kitchen while doing so and helped him out in making breakfast since he was making food for the lot of us. Eventually I would sober up and with the fantasticness of breakfast, I was back in top shape in no time. From there we went up to the tobogan hill behind Snapdragon's house for some jitsu nonsense. There was breakfalling, throwing and some mock fighting. Definately got the blood flowing. I should also note here that two other feminine jitsuka who lived in the Montreal area had joined us at this point and its safe to say that one of them (we'll call her WildFlower) had caught my attention. But I'd kept my composure.
From there we departed the Snapdragon residence and headed downtown to the hotel. We checked into the Abri-Voyageur, had a quick snack of Mini Eggs and whatever people could grab and headed out to the BioDome. Nice little place with lots of cute little aminals. Everyone took there fair share of pictures during this venutre. Some of mine are included below. At this point, my awareness of WildFlower had risen. But I'd still kept my composure.
After the BioDome, we headed downtown for some food. We ended up going to Nickel's Cafe for said grub it proved to be a smart decision as everyone found something they enjoyed. I should add that at this point that I'd half jokingly told WildFlower to sit beside my, which she did, and we'd gotten an order of fajitas for two. Status of composure was slowly failing.
We returned to the hotel from there to get ready for a night on the town. We all loaded up with different forms of booze and proceeded to all get ready. After showering, I settled into my bottle of red wine (which I'd scoured three or four convience stores for) and proceeded into the debaucherous events of the night. As can be expected with booze, my composure went right out the window and I think I was now giving WildFlower all kinds of ridiculous attention. I remember a lot of play fighting, some tickeling and zerberts among other non sense. Oh well, I was in Montreal to act a little out of my nature.
From there we were ready for the bar, but not all of us would end up going. Thumper and Snapdragon would end up flaking out on the rest since they were tired. I remember wanting to call Bullshit at that very moment as I've never known Thumper to show weakness for fatigue EVER. I let it go though, partially because I didn't want to waste time on nonsense and partially because I had other things on my mind.
We ended up at Winston Churchill's which is a nice little place that we'd concedently gone to a couple years earlier at the former montreal trip. There was more drinking, dancing and general merryment all around. At one point one guy tried to pick a fight with me but it was quickly diffused as I just walked off the dance floor. I figured I'd give hothead 10 minutes to find another problem and forget about me. In these ten minutes though, members of the gang came by to ask if everything was good. To most I responded that I was just giving jerkhead time, but when WildFlower came by, the conversation went as such:
Wildflower: Are you okay?
Zout: No.
Wildflower: What's the matter?
Zout: I think I'm falling for you.
Alright I know its lame but it happend. The effect of too much Dawson's Creek perhaps. Her response was muffled by the huge bass in the background but she stuck around, so I asked her back the dance floor. The rest of the night was spent dirty dancing so to say. No smooching though as even in my drunken state, I knew it would be crossing the line and disrespectful for former significant other.
Back at the hotel, I took some time to talk to SpencerJ as he seemed to be in a rough spot in his life. After about an hour or so, I went to go talk to Wildflower and let her know the other important things about my life she'd need to know if things were to go farther, but she'd passed out.
The next day, she was a lot more foreign to me than the previous day. My guess is that she realized I lived 200 clicks away or that I was significantly older or even of my breakup and thought against the idea of us hanging out. Initially I was upset about this decision but it occured to me later that things were better to end there. I would later be even moreso glad about her take on this as, on a personal level, it gave me a sign that I could and would move on without having to acutally get into a relationship.
We got breakfast the next morning, headed back to Snapdragon's, had a pizza, watched Wedding Crashers and then headed our seperate ways. I'm sure all in all, this will need to an awkward next meeting, but so goes life. Until then, here are some pictures:

Closing Thoughts:
- No shortage or Dawson's Creek type fodder
- Being Sick is poop
- Addicted to James Blunt and Neverending White Lights
- Provincials Next Weekend!
- Almost Halfway done this year
- Gotta call from a BC recruiter. The opening is now there.
- The return to average of Zout is 90% complete.
Closing Song: Neverending White Lights - Ending of a Story
Current Mood: Chill
Oh yes. the three people to thank for their direct an indirect actions:
1) Thumper - For taking the time out to listen to my random musings when I needed. He loses a lot of this credit though for flaking.
2) Wildflower - Just being herself. She reminded me that there were other women out there and that my heart would move on.
3) Snapdragon - For inviting us into her home without judgement. The Snapdragon family as well.
So I'll go back to about two weeks ago when J-Bun told me that she wanted to end the relationship. I remember thinking to myself that the decision sucked but that's the way life goes and that I'd move past it. Initially I just drank a lot of red wine and played guitar and then on the weekend I went out and bought myself a capo for my guitar and a tuner. By the sunday I thought I was okay but by last wednesday (when I think I posted), I had spun myself into such an incredible low that I even debated cancelling on the Jitsu Road Trip to Montreal. I didn't though as I figured being lost in such a large city would be the best way expose myself to some other stimulus that would take my mind off things.
And that it did. The friday I met up with the gang at a restaurant here in Cornwall called Philos. We all ended up eating our fair share and then headed off to La Belle Ville de Montreal. That night we would just end up playing pool, video games and general hang outs. I had brought half a bottle of scotch and between Thumper and I, we ended up finishing most of it. He grabbed me towards the later hours of the night and we ended up talking about the events of the past couple of days in my life which was nice as I hadn't taken the time to talk about it being my usual stubborn self. By the end of it I felt like I'd actually made some emotional progress and was ready to enjoy the rest of the time in Montreal, rather than just sulk.
And boy did I ever. I awoke the next morning feeling the ill effects of too much scotch and gravitated to the closest glass of water that I could find. I ran into Snapdragon's father in the kitchen while doing so and helped him out in making breakfast since he was making food for the lot of us. Eventually I would sober up and with the fantasticness of breakfast, I was back in top shape in no time. From there we went up to the tobogan hill behind Snapdragon's house for some jitsu nonsense. There was breakfalling, throwing and some mock fighting. Definately got the blood flowing. I should also note here that two other feminine jitsuka who lived in the Montreal area had joined us at this point and its safe to say that one of them (we'll call her WildFlower) had caught my attention. But I'd kept my composure.
From there we departed the Snapdragon residence and headed downtown to the hotel. We checked into the Abri-Voyageur, had a quick snack of Mini Eggs and whatever people could grab and headed out to the BioDome. Nice little place with lots of cute little aminals. Everyone took there fair share of pictures during this venutre. Some of mine are included below. At this point, my awareness of WildFlower had risen. But I'd still kept my composure.
After the BioDome, we headed downtown for some food. We ended up going to Nickel's Cafe for said grub it proved to be a smart decision as everyone found something they enjoyed. I should add that at this point that I'd half jokingly told WildFlower to sit beside my, which she did, and we'd gotten an order of fajitas for two. Status of composure was slowly failing.
We returned to the hotel from there to get ready for a night on the town. We all loaded up with different forms of booze and proceeded to all get ready. After showering, I settled into my bottle of red wine (which I'd scoured three or four convience stores for) and proceeded into the debaucherous events of the night. As can be expected with booze, my composure went right out the window and I think I was now giving WildFlower all kinds of ridiculous attention. I remember a lot of play fighting, some tickeling and zerberts among other non sense. Oh well, I was in Montreal to act a little out of my nature.
From there we were ready for the bar, but not all of us would end up going. Thumper and Snapdragon would end up flaking out on the rest since they were tired. I remember wanting to call Bullshit at that very moment as I've never known Thumper to show weakness for fatigue EVER. I let it go though, partially because I didn't want to waste time on nonsense and partially because I had other things on my mind.
We ended up at Winston Churchill's which is a nice little place that we'd concedently gone to a couple years earlier at the former montreal trip. There was more drinking, dancing and general merryment all around. At one point one guy tried to pick a fight with me but it was quickly diffused as I just walked off the dance floor. I figured I'd give hothead 10 minutes to find another problem and forget about me. In these ten minutes though, members of the gang came by to ask if everything was good. To most I responded that I was just giving jerkhead time, but when WildFlower came by, the conversation went as such:
Wildflower: Are you okay?
Zout: No.
Wildflower: What's the matter?
Zout: I think I'm falling for you.
Alright I know its lame but it happend. The effect of too much Dawson's Creek perhaps. Her response was muffled by the huge bass in the background but she stuck around, so I asked her back the dance floor. The rest of the night was spent dirty dancing so to say. No smooching though as even in my drunken state, I knew it would be crossing the line and disrespectful for former significant other.
Back at the hotel, I took some time to talk to SpencerJ as he seemed to be in a rough spot in his life. After about an hour or so, I went to go talk to Wildflower and let her know the other important things about my life she'd need to know if things were to go farther, but she'd passed out.
The next day, she was a lot more foreign to me than the previous day. My guess is that she realized I lived 200 clicks away or that I was significantly older or even of my breakup and thought against the idea of us hanging out. Initially I was upset about this decision but it occured to me later that things were better to end there. I would later be even moreso glad about her take on this as, on a personal level, it gave me a sign that I could and would move on without having to acutally get into a relationship.
We got breakfast the next morning, headed back to Snapdragon's, had a pizza, watched Wedding Crashers and then headed our seperate ways. I'm sure all in all, this will need to an awkward next meeting, but so goes life. Until then, here are some pictures:

Closing Thoughts:
- No shortage or Dawson's Creek type fodder
- Being Sick is poop
- Addicted to James Blunt and Neverending White Lights
- Provincials Next Weekend!
- Almost Halfway done this year
- Gotta call from a BC recruiter. The opening is now there.
- The return to average of Zout is 90% complete.
Closing Song: Neverending White Lights - Ending of a Story
Current Mood: Chill
Oh yes. the three people to thank for their direct an indirect actions:
1) Thumper - For taking the time out to listen to my random musings when I needed. He loses a lot of this credit though for flaking.
2) Wildflower - Just being herself. She reminded me that there were other women out there and that my heart would move on.
3) Snapdragon - For inviting us into her home without judgement. The Snapdragon family as well.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Montreal was awesome!
Just got back from a wicked sweet weekend in Montreal. I'm a little too tired to go into the details right now but overall I'd say it did a helluva a lot in the mending of my spirit and soul. Thanks go out to 3 specific people who helped in this endevour.
More for you all on these matters tommorrow.
More for you all on these matters tommorrow.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Well if Anders is doing it...
Well he's got one and naturally it got me thinking about my own aspirations, whether it be large or small. And so I think I'll start a list which will likely only go to ten or so because after that I got tired or reading his.
1) Move to Vancouver, get a job and start a new page in the Jitsu Canada chronology.
2) Dance to 'Shout' at my wedding
3) Be able to play guitar versitally (Like This)
4) Scour the Globe for My soul's recognition of its couterpoint and then Marry her in 10 secs
5) Try and actually have my parents say 'they're proud of me' and mean it
6) Learn all Rules of the Wedding Crashers Handbook.
That's about all I got for now. Likely time to go to bed.
1) Move to Vancouver, get a job and start a new page in the Jitsu Canada chronology.
2) Dance to 'Shout' at my wedding
3) Be able to play guitar versitally (Like This)
4) Scour the Globe for My soul's recognition of its couterpoint and then Marry her in 10 secs
5) Try and actually have my parents say 'they're proud of me' and mean it
6) Learn all Rules of the Wedding Crashers Handbook.
That's about all I got for now. Likely time to go to bed.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Looking for something to say
There are about a million things running through my head my right now none of which are good and while I'd like to just put them out there, on this blog or by actually talking to people, I'm going to just sit on this one and let it resolve itself internally.
Next weekend is Montreal. Things should be good by then.
Next weekend is Montreal. Things should be good by then.
Friday, February 03, 2006
My day off
Something about having a day off that is not just a normal weekend day off that makes it more relaxing. Here's what I did today:
- Slept in til 9:30. I actually awoke at 8 by habit thinking I needed to get to the hospital but upon realizing I didn't, I went back to bed
- Upon awaking, I decided to rejoice in how refreshed I felt and how relaxing the day would be. I slowly began breakfast preperations and started tidying up my apartment
- I watched the second half of Return of the King EE while having breakfast after that.
- From there I decided to wash my Gi and some other light colours. While waiting I went and bought a spicy bbq chicken pizza with plain crust (as oppose to whole wheat). I would also treat myself to a french vanilla from Timmy's. They were both delicious and I ate pizza til I couldn't feel feelings anymore.
- I watched wedding crashers for a third time, seeing as its hilarious, later on
- From there I had a snack of cottage cheese and jam on toast and then proceeded to have a nap
- After the nap, I went for a run at the gym and did some grocery shopping prep for dinner after that.
- I am now completing dinner and will likely eat it while watching either King Kong (DVD screener) or last nights episode of the OC.
Today, has been serene. An absolute treat to say the least.
- Slept in til 9:30. I actually awoke at 8 by habit thinking I needed to get to the hospital but upon realizing I didn't, I went back to bed
- Upon awaking, I decided to rejoice in how refreshed I felt and how relaxing the day would be. I slowly began breakfast preperations and started tidying up my apartment
- I watched the second half of Return of the King EE while having breakfast after that.
- From there I decided to wash my Gi and some other light colours. While waiting I went and bought a spicy bbq chicken pizza with plain crust (as oppose to whole wheat). I would also treat myself to a french vanilla from Timmy's. They were both delicious and I ate pizza til I couldn't feel feelings anymore.
- I watched wedding crashers for a third time, seeing as its hilarious, later on
- From there I had a snack of cottage cheese and jam on toast and then proceeded to have a nap
- After the nap, I went for a run at the gym and did some grocery shopping prep for dinner after that.
- I am now completing dinner and will likely eat it while watching either King Kong (DVD screener) or last nights episode of the OC.
Today, has been serene. An absolute treat to say the least.
A bit more of an oddity than all other Zout's and T-Bone's
I got a bonus day off today which I am currently savouring and using to get maximum rest and relaxation. Now though I realize its partly of my own doing, I realy don't get a moments rest these days and think a good day or two of eating well will help recuperate the mind and body.
Over the last week I planned out my entire schedule until April. As per always, its tentative but still pretty thourough.
Sat Feb 4th: Green and Above in Ottawa
Sun Feb 5th: Superbowl party in Ottawa
Mon Feb 13th: Course at Carleton U ??
Wed Feb 15th: Test on Skull
Feb 17th-19th: Trip to Montreal
March 3rd-5th: In Kingston for Provincials
March 11th & 12th: Weekend Shift
March 15th: Test 8
March 17th - 20th: Trip Home
March 25th: Ottawa Grading
March 26th: AI/I Course
April 1st: Brown Grading and Queen's Grading
April 3rd-13th: CT
April 28th: End of second semester
Overall, its a good spread between time spent focussing on class room stuff and keeping myself grounded in the real world. Hopefully by the end of this semester, I'll actually have a job lined up in the real world too.
I think I'll stay away from closing thoughts today. Give my brain a rest. Perhaps get a pizza.
Over the last week I planned out my entire schedule until April. As per always, its tentative but still pretty thourough.
Sat Feb 4th: Green and Above in Ottawa
Sun Feb 5th: Superbowl party in Ottawa
Mon Feb 13th: Course at Carleton U ??
Wed Feb 15th: Test on Skull
Feb 17th-19th: Trip to Montreal
March 3rd-5th: In Kingston for Provincials
March 11th & 12th: Weekend Shift
March 15th: Test 8
March 17th - 20th: Trip Home
March 25th: Ottawa Grading
March 26th: AI/I Course
April 1st: Brown Grading and Queen's Grading
April 3rd-13th: CT
April 28th: End of second semester
Overall, its a good spread between time spent focussing on class room stuff and keeping myself grounded in the real world. Hopefully by the end of this semester, I'll actually have a job lined up in the real world too.
I think I'll stay away from closing thoughts today. Give my brain a rest. Perhaps get a pizza.
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