Sunday, November 28, 2004

I still don't believe it

Well it's done and I realy can't believe it has past. I've been anticipating this for the last two months and been psyching myself up for it. Yet, its a fact and I've got the soreness and the belt to prove it. It's actually quite shocking how quickly eight hours of intense jitsu can just pass by in the blink of an eye. Yet there it was, one Queen's grading, One Brown Grading and one Ottawa Grading, I stood at the top of the line and heard Andy Dobie Sensei call my name and say "Kevin, 1st Kyu". It actually happend because I actually have the belt to prove it. Though in the end it just feels like a dream because it's the one thing all jitsuka dream about. That moment will stand in my memory for the rest of time.

I was proud of the Queen's guys and gals this year. Everyone showed a lot of heart and determination through what was definately a tough grading.

A different era of T-Boneism is about to commence but it could not have been without all of the keyplayers who have been with me, both on and off the mats, through my jitsu chronicals. Everyone knows who they are so I won't get into naming individuals. (Mainly because there's so many bloody people). This is definately a moment to savour and hope that I never wake up from this dream.

Thursday, November 25, 2004


You have got to be kidding me. Three days before the biggest day in my Jitsuka chronicals and I'm hit with a knee injury. Now, when it first happend it wasn't that bad. It hurt a little, I walked it off and was back on the mats within 15 minutes or so. This morning, it was absolutely screaming at me. Its definately a ligament pull as there is no major swelling. The bright side to that is that its can't be a major injury if there is no major swelling.

It's feeling better now but that could simply be because I took two Advil this morning. I might have to skip the Queen's grading though in favour of maximal healing time before saturday. We'll just have to see.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

3 Days away

Well ladies and gentleman, doomsday draws a few days closer. Times like this, I wish it was here now because at this juncture there is nothing left to do but to think about it and worry. I spend about half the day going into this zone where I think about the grading, getting beat up and how I would deal with it. The other half I just do tasks to occupy myself and keep my mind off it. In the end I'm still ready for it, but keeping yourself from your thoughts and worries is unavoidable. If anyone has any meditation tasks that they could recommend, it would greatly be appreciated right about now. If not, I guess its just a waiting game.
Today is the last session before the grading which is mind bending as, it's been almost two months since I began to train in preperation for the grading. Thus it means that training has ended and the time has come. Like I said, nothing worse than being in between.

I went grocery shopping yesterday and filled up on all the delicious items that are oh so good. I even purchased kiwis. Hopefully I'll be able to maintain good eating habits after the grading but somehow I doubt it. So many things will change after this saturday. It's gonna be strange.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Running with the doom song

Quick Entry. I've been panicking for two months. In the back of my mind, I've been singing the doom song. That all changed today though. I'm not sure why but instead of the doom song being the country rock song that no one wants to listen to, I've started to hummm to its beat. Instead, I'm ready for whatever Andie, Chris, Kenn, Jon, Amelia and Chris might have for me. It's time to see what I got in the tank, to reach down and find the will that I never knew I had.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

B-Day madness

After a night like last night, it would be impossible not to blog at this juncture. I believe when last we left off I was paying for procrastinating and finishing an assignment to late hours of the night. School then began and was the same cock and bull as it usually is. I was in severe laundry crisis on wednesday and because of this I spent about a good hour and fifteen minutes doing laundry at the laudrymat down the street. I had jitsu just shy of finishing the drying so I had to leave the laudry on my bed. Naturally this would lead to a bit of embarassment as Lori came over after Jitsu to get some research done. After having dinner I came up to see how things were going only to realize, that my boxers and other wonderful unmentionables were just laying on the bed. Thankfully, Lori's a cool cat and didn't care.
Thursday Stacey called much to my surprise as I figured she would have let me know when she was planning on calling so I could be at the phone. The irony of it all was that Matt had asked me to join him and Duncan at the Toucan and I had wanted to go (for delicious ChickenQuesidillas) but didn't because I felt something was keeping me here. Strange how fate works.
Last night (Friday) was unbelievable. It was the pre-grading and training ran for five hours. Holy shit it was a long time but, what followed was even better. We held a surprise party for Chris (my instructor) and it was off the hook. We were up to five in the morning and by the end of the night it looked like a bomb had gone off in the house. There were streamers, balloons, cake, beer and glass everywhere. It was frekin nuts. I could write a whole lot more but for brevities sake, I think I'll abstain. I'll let the wacky photos and videos tell the story. Today was mainly spent cleaning up all the garbage and debree left everywhere. I must have spent two or more hours defunking. It was nuts.
Good times all around. The line of the week goes to Matt who responded to "I would have kicked him in the balls" with "If ya did, he should kick ya right back in the box. Ya want Equal rights YA GOTTEM!".

Sunday, November 14, 2004

23 years and still procrastinating til the very last minute

Well, it's 11:55 am despite what the blog clock says. After ten days off of Jitsu and video games, I find myself scrambling to finish the one assignment I had to finish. I suppose if I havn't learned yet than I realy never will. Thankfully it's easy and dosn't require much thinking. It's still quite lengthy though.

It's been a pretty eventful weekend. Friday was night was Jitsu and Chris decided that he wanted to purples to remember that they were going for light blue. This caused the purples to panic and in turn injure me. Thankfully it was nothing bad as the bruises will all heal in time.

Saturday was interesting as I spent most of it having an allergic reaction to some imported choclate. The package said there were no nuts and I didn't have the symptoms of a nut reaction so I don't think it was nuts. My best guess right now is that it was a modified sugar that got into my system and produced the rash like symptoms.

Somehow though I managed to still function through a fashion show yesterday and a Halo 2 party. The fashion show was quite good. Good music, good dancing and overall great vibe. Makes me wish I was back in fashion shows like that again. I was going to do work after that but with the sickness, I caved to the Halo 2 party and found out that I'm awful at video games. I don't understand as I used to be stellar. Maybe, it fades away with time or you need to maintain it like a car.

Today's been all work with a Jitsu break. You don't notice it when you're training but there are some talented jitsuka within our fold. Some have untapped potential and the rest are slowly realising their potential and will blossom into the future of Jitsu Canada.

Enough of that banter though. Time for work again.

Friday, November 12, 2004

First Post

Well, I've decided that my MSN name can no longer contain all the random thoughts that fly through my head. Matt had a blog set up and thus I've decided to copy him and set up my own so that in a small way, I may be as cool as him (*gasp).

Speaking of Matt, he's gone insane with his new ccd camera and decides to tape everything in existence possibly because he's losing track of time and space and must record it so that he can remember it. It almost reminds me of momento. Perhaps he has been traumatized by some random event leading him to forget patches like Ashton Kutcher in Butterfly effect. It's unknown.

I have jitsu today and am lagging behind my body's recovery process by not giving myself sufficient time to rest. I had trouble walking to the Toucan yesterday and muscles in my leg were very sore. I do feel better today though which is good because I'm sure Chris (my Jiu Jitsu instructor) will be putting us through the ringer today. Sometimes I wish I had a montage through all this though taking me right to the brown grading. "Show a lot of things happening at once and every scene show a little improvement". That's what I need.